View Full Version : Ted DiBiase Recalls Bringing His Dad's Million Dollar Title To School

12-31-2009, 10:39 AM
WWE Raw superstar Ted DiBiase spoke to Eric Cohen of About.com this week to promote the release of his new WWE Studios DVD, The Marine 2. To read a full interview with DiBiase, visit About.com.

During the interview, DiBiase told a story from his childhood when he brought his father's Million Dollar title info school one day for show and tell.

"One time in fourth grade we had show and tell," DiBiase recalled. "I stole my dad's briefcase and I took it to show and tell. Everybody else is walking in with their backpacks and sack lunches pulling out these dolls and stuff. I've got this briefcase and everybody was like what is that.

"I was just saying it was a briefcase. When it came my turn, I put the briefcase up on the table, punched in the code, opened the briefcase, and there it is in all of its glory, the Million Dollar Belt. So I stole the Million Dollar Belt and took it to show and tell. So yeah, I was the most popular kid in class for a time after that."

12-31-2009, 10:40 AM
I wonder if Dibiase SR. whipped his ass for that?

12-31-2009, 05:01 PM
you just know some asshole kid probably said it was fake

01-01-2010, 04:08 AM
That belt was such greatness. Loved that damn thing when I was a kid.

01-01-2010, 07:29 AM
lol thanks for the post John