View Full Version : The Official TNA Monday night iMPACT Discussion thread

Shane McMahon's Ass
01-05-2010, 03:06 AM
What are your thoughts and opinions on the show so far?

Post anything you have to say on the topic here!

01-05-2010, 05:15 AM
piece of shit, lets showcase all these old wrestlers and not use them. Just bring them around for effect. The only kick i got for TNA was seeing VAL Venis and the Aj Styles Angle Match which was retarded to showcase TNA's best two superstars match of the year on cable instead of paperview. Good Job Bischoff and Hogan, I refer to TNA now as the Decline of WCW the second coming

Flair Country
01-05-2010, 05:18 AM
piece of shit, lets showcase all these old wrestlers and not use them. Just bring them around for effect. The only kick i got for TNA was seeing VAL Venis and the Aj Styles Angle Match which was retarded to showcase TNA's best two superstars match of the year on cable instead of paperview. Good Job Bischoff and Hogan, I refer to TNA now as the Decline of WCW the second coming

So you are actually complaining that TNA showed a quality match for free on cable versus you having to pay money to watch it on PPV?

Yeah that makes sense...

01-05-2010, 05:28 AM
The only good thing was styles angle the rest was shit

01-05-2010, 05:32 AM
hogan was a dumbass

up to the point when he arrived they're were promoting the fact that he was in a motorcade and he gets on the mic and says that he's been in back all day

its like wtf hogan

im tellin ya hogan and bischoff back together = downfall of a company

true it may get good but they dont have the money they had back in wcw with big daddy turner owning the place and his infinite amounts of money

so we may see it get good for a while and then its going to fall down the drain just like wcw did

Your Olympic Hero
01-05-2010, 05:52 AM
Say hello............................................. ..............To the "Bad Guy" Scott Hall cracks me up. Glad to see he's off the drugs. Hopefully he can hang around for a while. It would make a decent story line with him & Nash. Why the heck did they bring back X-Fag?

01-05-2010, 07:17 AM
why did scott hall become a fat piece of shit oh wait he already was he just got fat

01-05-2010, 03:14 PM
all this TNA hate...lol. i think it could have been better, but TNA put on a pretty entertaining show i thought. If anything, they at least got me excited about the possibility of them competing with WWE in the near future. I wouldnt say they are ready NOW, but they are on the right track. Getting Jeff Hardy to appear was pretty big, and surprising.

01-05-2010, 06:09 PM
What the fuck is wrong with wrestlingfans today?

TNA gives away almost a 5-star match in Styles Vs Angle, and the fans are complaining? I don't get it!

These comments usually comes from big WWE fans, who are scared of TNA.

TNA gave away a much bettetr product than WWE yesterday, and has done so in the last months.

01-05-2010, 09:14 PM
tna in the past months has had dumbass gimmick matches just like ecw did and thats why they went to shit till mcmahon bought the rights and made it a show

01-05-2010, 10:02 PM
^^ WTF are you talking about??? :confused:

01-05-2010, 10:04 PM
Why all the bashing, you are mad because a great match was free and not "PAPERVIEW" it is called pay-per-view to be honest. Second of as long as WWE is using Hornswoggle as a vicious mascot (stupid idea) and gosh, Kofi Vs. Orton for the umpteenth million time was another classic (lol). Hall was good, the Val Venis skit was funny and the start of a few new fueds on TNA was good to see. Give it a chance...it was only the first night

01-05-2010, 10:10 PM
tna in the past months has had dumbass gimmick matches just like ecw did and thats why they went to shit till mcmahon bought the rights and made it a show dellboy are you kidding vince destoyed the Ecw legacy by buying the rights. Personally I hate Hogan and nwo from long ago beinging in Tna but there product is better than Wwe

01-05-2010, 11:12 PM
TNA has had dumbass gimmick matches??

Please explain that comment!!

01-06-2010, 01:07 AM
gee hey lets have a 8 man cage match thaT ENDS in dq, hey lets have a barbed wire massacre match. hey lets have the redneck bros fuck their cousins. TNA is a shitty program with fucking losers whose hay days ended back in the 90s and drug addicts like jeff hardy. enjoy ur shitty fucking company. btw im not bitching the fact they showed the angle/ styles match last night im laughing because they have shit now for their pay per view in two weeks which is bad for business.

01-06-2010, 03:47 PM
^^ I guess you are 13 years old, since your name are dellboy13, so I don't take what you say seriously.

Don't you understand that they have to build storyline? And unlike WWE, they actually have some extreme matches in TNA. Their product are not based upon people at your age, and thank God for that. Pg-Rating destroyed wrestling!

So Jeff is a drug addict because he smoke pot? I guess you would call me a druc addict as well then?

So guys like Styles, Daniels, Dinero, Wolfe, Joe etc had their days? LOL! Most of the "superstars" in WWE are twice their age.

And their Main event at Genesis will still be Angle Vs Styles, and the fact that they almost had a 5-star match at a free-cable show on monday does not ruin the fact that they are gonna meet again. Not at all!

I would watch Angle Vs Styles every week, instead of watching Mark Henry, Cena, Sheamus and those other people who can't even wrestle.

01-07-2010, 12:47 AM
^^ I guess you are 13 years old, since your name are dellboy13, so I don't take what you say seriously.

This children, would be the definition of the word 'Irony'.

01-07-2010, 07:37 AM
^^ I guess you are 13 years old, since your name are dellboy13, so I don't take what you say seriously.

Don't you understand that they have to build storyline? And unlike WWE, they actually have some extreme matches in TNA. Their product are not based upon people at your age, and thank God for that. Pg-Rating destroyed wrestling!

So Jeff is a drug addict because he smoke pot? I guess you would call me a druc addict as well then?

So guys like Styles, Daniels, Dinero, Wolfe, Joe etc had their days? LOL! Most of the "superstars" in WWE are twice their age.

And their Main event at Genesis will still be Angle Vs Styles, and the fact that they almost had a 5-star match at a free-cable show on monday does not ruin the fact that they are gonna meet again. Not at all!

I would watch Angle Vs Styles every week, instead of watching Mark Henry, Cena, Sheamus and those other people who can't even wrestle.

Joes a fat fucking slob, Wolfe is over hyped and styles doesn't have the finesse he used to have. Yeah what storylines did they build on impact, hey lets have sting walk above a ring all fucking night, lets have ric flair not say one word and show up during a match. great fucking storyline building. i'm not an expert but shouldn't you at least have words spoken at some point during the show? Yeah extreme matches gee I guess I wouldn't know anything about good ol fashioned Ladder matches, The hardcore battle between edge and foley, the street brawl between michaels and vince, ur right i know nothing and i will agree with u WWE has declined because vince moved to the pg rating but bet ur ass in a couple years those yougn fans that hes reaching out to will grow up and will move back to the Teen rating, its not like this happened in the 90s and then made the switch in 96. oh wait it did.

If you wanna see the same old shit every week thats ur business but like i said i will be here in two years when TNA is bankrupt from these high salaries from these fucking losers that TNA hires. Also hardy has been fired for more than POT try coke and simple roid tests. Also you talk about how WWE's wrestlers are all older than styles how about you look at the rosters of ECW and Smackdown besides a few the rest are all a bunch of new guys waiting to get a push

01-07-2010, 09:10 AM
Dude you have got to flush the sand out of your mangina. X-division beats anything the WWE can do except maybe...MAYBE a Rey vs Bourne match. Can't compare Knockouts and Divas. Knockouts at least have some ring talent (except Lacey). They put a PPV MAIN EVENT on free TV. And I don't know if you saw the best of '09 show last week but NOTHING WWE did can compare to Angle/Wolfe. While TNA is doing too many gimmicks WWE is getting stale and even worse predictable.

P.S. ECW - the REAL ECW kicked ass.

01-07-2010, 04:32 PM
Lets start with this comment-hey lets have the redneck bros fuck their cousins-WOW, really, remember the CHUCK AND BILLY storyline...great storyline there. And how can the WWE not push some of the great stars they had, Dinero for one is a true gamer and TNA will use him, good on the mic as well as the ring. If You want to be a true historian look back at some great matches and Starcade comes up more times than not. True WWE used to be the best and maybe they can be again, but right now TNA is doing a better job on the wrestling aspect of the biz. Until WWE gets back to the attitude era, we'll have to wait and see. But Tyler Reks, Evan Bourne and the rest of the new 'medicre'stars-because they are far from super-will not carry them to the future. Just my opinion

01-07-2010, 04:44 PM
Joes a fat fucking slob, Wolfe is over hyped and styles doesn't have the finesse he used to have. Yeah what storylines did they build on impact, hey lets have sting walk above a ring all fucking night, lets have ric flair not say one word and show up during a match. great fucking storyline building. i'm not an expert but shouldn't you at least have words spoken at some point during the show? Yeah extreme matches gee I guess I wouldn't know anything about good ol fashioned Ladder matches, The hardcore battle between edge and foley, the street brawl between michaels and vince, ur right i know nothing and i will agree with u WWE has declined because vince moved to the pg rating but bet ur ass in a couple years those yougn fans that hes reaching out to will grow up and will move back to the Teen rating, its not like this happened in the 90s and then made the switch in 96. oh wait it did.

If you wanna see the same old shit every week thats ur business but like i said i will be here in two years when TNA is bankrupt from these high salaries from these fucking losers that TNA hires. Also hardy has been fired for more than POT try coke and simple roid tests. Also you talk about how WWE's wrestlers are all older than styles how about you look at the rosters of ECW and Smackdown besides a few the rest are all a bunch of new guys waiting to get a push

So TNA serves the same every week? Do you even watch WWE? How many times have wee seen Cena Vs Orton? Trips Vs Orton? To mention a couple of feuds. They seems to never be able to end it.

So it's negative that TNA has gimmick matches? At least TNA has them and they do them good, with some violence and blood.
Did you even watch the last TLC match and Ladder match in WWE? It was a disgrace!

I've watched wrestling since I was a kid, and violence and blood has always been a big thing in wrestling. Take that away and all you got is a childrens Tv-Show!
It's like making horrormovies for children, it's a fucking joke!

WWE may have some young stars, but they never get the chance. Just look at Burke when he was in WWE, he didn't get any push. But now in TNA, he is one of the hottest wrestlers in TNA!

And you think it has to be words to build a storyline? LOL!
Pictures are worth more than a thousand words!

01-08-2010, 03:58 PM
So TNA serves the same every week? Do you even watch WWE? How many times have wee seen Cena Vs Orton? Trips Vs Orton? To mention a couple of feuds. They seems to never be able to end it.

So it's negative that TNA has gimmick matches? At least TNA has them and they do them good, with some violence and blood.
Did you even watch the last TLC match and Ladder match in WWE? It was a disgrace!

I've watched wrestling since I was a kid, and violence and blood has always been a big thing in wrestling. Take that away and all you got is a childrens Tv-Show!
It's like making horrormovies for children, it's a fucking joke!

WWE may have some young stars, but they never get the chance. Just look at Burke when he was in WWE, he didn't get any push. But now in TNA, he is one of the hottest wrestlers in TNA!

And you think it has to be words to build a storyline? LOL!
Pictures are worth more than a thousand words!

hate to stick my nose in this entertaining, borderline schoolyard, argument...but both of you have valid points. WWE needs to go back to the mid 00's...where they had the violence and the blood and the entertaining storylines....the show is so stale right now its ridiculous. the guest host arent helping much, the same fueds replay themselves, even some of the "younger" guys (orton, kofi, miz) are getting boring. bring in some new faces or at least mix up the fueds a little bit to freshen it up.

And this: as fun as they USED to be, they need to split up DX asap. They just arent funny anymore, adding a midget didnt really help. HHH needs to go back to being The Game and HBK the Showstopper...It will probably happen before WM but it needs to happen now. WWE needs them to fued with some of the younger guys (HBK doing this after his big match with Taker of course) and give those potential stars some limelight...and some credibility.

As far as TNA goes, they have some great talent that they need to promote, and they need to eliminate some of the silly gimmicks, which i feel they will very soon anyways. The "old guys" are there, and yes there can be a place for them too if for nothing else a little bit of "big name" power...but showcase guys like Daniels, Beer Money, Motor City Machineguns...put them in fueds with the so called "stars" from WCW/WWE and mix it up! Id love to see MCMG vs Beer Money vs The Outsiders in some kinda crazy TNA tag match. A good mix of the old and new.

TNA has all the talent in the world to make themselves relevant as far as competing on a national scale with WWE goes, they just gotta figure out how to utilize it. I love wrestling, i have for years, and WWE has been great for a long time. But its time for some big changes on both thier flagships shows...and TNA is this close to making a big move, they just gotta find the right angle to go about it.

01-08-2010, 04:45 PM
^^ I think you are very right in much you say.

I guess I like the idea of getting good wrestlingmatches more than the storylines, because I am a big ROH fan and I prefer good wrestling matches instead of storylines really.
And TNA have the opportunity to book some great matches in the future. Just think about it if all the rumoured guys will sign, we could get matches like these:

AJ Styles Vs Rob Van Dam
AJ Styles Vs Jeff Hardy
Jeff Hardy Vs D'angelo Dinero
Kurt Angle Vs Rob Van Dam
Paul London Vs AJ Styles
Paul London Vs Jeff Hardy
Christopher Daniels Vs Rob Van Dam

To mention some.

I don't agree with your statement about DX, cause I think they are the greatest tag team ever in pro wrestling, and I loved HBK's comeback. The promo that was made for DX Vs Legacy for Summerslam is one of the best promos I've ever seen, alltough the match wasn't that good.