View Full Version : JR: Edge Health Update,

01-07-2010, 09:15 PM
Good day to all and thanks for dropping by our site. Thanks to you and perhaps many of your telling friends about our website, the traffic totals are growing on a consistent basis. More importantly, our sales numbers are still doing well.

The Hot BBQ Sauce and the Chipotle Ketchup sales have been really growing and we are getting rave reviews for both products. We ship within hours of receiving your order via Federal Express ground and are still offering FREE SHIPPING and some FREE premiums with many orders/packages.

We can always use more business and certainly thank all of you that have become regular customers.

I have updated the Q&A section of the site with a variety of topics being addressed. Every thing from Hitman/Michaels, WWE vs. TNA, A.J. Styles, Nick Saban, Arkansas Football, the NFL Draft, and wrestlers using others finishing maneuvers.

On Friday I will be flying to Lakewood, Colorado with former OU and Dallas Cowboys head coach Barry Switzer on a private jet to attend the funeral services of Steve "Dr. Death" Williams. A handful of former OU coaches who worked for Coach Switzer and who coached Doc are also making the trip.

I am under the impression that John Laurinaitis and Leon "Big Van Vader" White will also be attending and showing their respect for our late friend and a man that both Vader and "Johnny Ace" spent many hours with in Japan.

I now have an official Twitter account and I am beginning to use it occasionally.

Received a nice text from Edge during the holidays from his mountain retreat in the Carolinas and it is my understanding that Edge is still questionable as it relates to him being physically ready to compete at WM26. I do understand that Edge is healing well from Achilles tendon surgery but it has always been a photo finish as to whether or not Edge will be able to wrestle at the end of March. I hope so and would hope that it would be Edge vs. Jericho. I'm certainly not counting Edge out of WM26 but Mother Nature has more to say about this matter than any one else. Edge returning prematurely and not being 100% would make no sense.

I can't wait to see Ernie Ladd and Wahoo McDaniel as a part of the NFL Network's presentation of the AFL and "Full Color Football" that debuts this Friday night. John Madden hosts and I assume will do some voice over work on the presentation. I love the classic football material just like I do WWE 24/7 On Demand.

Voice over work interests me and might be something I explore some where down the road. Same goes for sports talk radio which I enjoy. No, I just did not foreshadow leaving wrestling but a man can't be a one trick pony in today's world.

We are working with our old friend Dennis Brent to add a couple of new offers to our website that I think you will enjoy. They'll be in the form of some, classic photos that I will sign. Dennis' selection of wrestling memorabilia is awesome and it includes an amazing array of photos. I could easily see a great, wrestling photo book in the future from Dennis.

Spoke with Jerry Lawler Tuesday night and he and I are brainstorming about King doing a cartoon/caricature of he and I and then us producing a limited number of lithographs and each of us signing them. This could be another unique and very affordable item that we would be adding to the on line store in a few months. It was cool that Bret singled out Jerry Monday night regarding the 1993 King of the Ring held in Dayton where yours handled the play by play. I wouldn't mind seeing a reprise of Hitman vs. the King some day but I won't hold my breathe on that match ever being made. I do think that Jerry Lawler should be in a match at Wrestlemania 26 for the first time in his career.

I read a media blurb on the new "Celebrity Apprentice" starring Donald Trump and, as usual, the pro wrestling inclusion was conveniently omitted. Neither Maria or Bill Goldberg were mentioned as being on the cast. That's too bad and not smart marketing or promoting. Why not attempt to touch and appeal to every audience with which every contestant is connected?

BTW... Donald Trump is a very cool guy and is highly observant and aware of what's going on around him. Donald like many successful people has the ability to process a great deal of information quickly and tell one what time it is without having to describe how one makes a watch.

Regarding the emails that I addressed on the latest round of Q&A's...some fans thought Bret Hart was overexposed on Monday night while others were just as adamant that Hitman was underexposed. If forced to make a call, I would much rather underexpose a talent than shove them down one's throat. Over exposure on a wrestling show is the kiss of death in my humble opinion. Some fans wanted to know why I did not acknowledge TNA's A.J. Styles more...not sure what is expected of me but I have said many times that A.J. is a great talent and his greatness will be defined at the end of the day in how special his company makes him via marketing and promotion. I still feel that most TV wrestling shows have too much content and don't do an adequate job of leading me to "next week." Others continue to hound me when Dwayne Johnson is returning to Raw and I simply do not know. I thought he was once tentatively scheduled for January but travel and other commitments eliminated that opportunity.

Same goes for Steve Austin who one would merely "assume" will hit Raw to promote his DVD "Damage" which comes out in March exclusively on DVD. Note that I underscore the term that I "assume."

Give our J.R.'s Beef Jerky a try as our new cooking process that we do just up the road from our home here in Norman has made the product SO much better. The Jerky is a great snack and is 97% FAT FREE which means it has become my standby snack and is a sound choice if one is one a low carb diet. Order some today and give us your thoughts on it.

Alabama and Texas compete for the BCS national Championship this Thursday night on Fox. Not sure the method behind the madness for Fox Sports presentation of college football is but I'm seeing too many shots of the cheerleaders, the band and the fans not that I dislike any of those entities. But I want football so show me the players and the coaches and even a occasional shot of an official. If I wanted incessant shots of cheerleaders I would dig out an old XFL DVD.

Nonetheless I think Alabama wins the game over Texas. 'Bama won the SEC which was much tougher than was the Big 12 this year plus I think that the Crimson Tide has more balance on both sides of the ball than does the Horns. Texas trigger man is QB Colt McCoy and as Colt goes so does the Steers. I admire McCoy's character and integrity and if he can be protected and kept horizontal then UT has a viable chance. Oklahoma did a nice job of defending Texas' ace wide receiver Jordan Shipley and how well McCoy's roommate is defended by Bama is another key. Texas has great athletes, some of the best in America from the fertile Texas high school gridiron, and will be well coached but I see Alabama winning another National Title.

If Texas coach Mack Brown can get in the heads of his team and make them "David" versus Alabama's Goliath then any thing can happen. Nonetheless I'm sticking with Bama to win Thursday night.

Thanks for stopping by and please tell a friend about our site and our on line store. Keep those emails coming on any thing that's on your mind. Be well and always count your blessings.

Boomer Sooner!


01-08-2010, 07:18 AM
thanks for the update John