View Full Version : Teens killed in Mexico 'drug' shooting

01-08-2010, 01:24 PM
According to witnesses the teens were shot dead by an unknown gunman as they drove away from their high school on Wednesday.

Dozens of students who were registering for the upcoming school term witnessed the violent crime and relatives of the victims who arrived at the scene collapsed, crying inconsolably.

According to local media, at least one of the victims was allegedly connected to a group of drug traffickers.

In 2006, Mexican President Felipe Calderon launched a floundering army-led drug war.

About 49,000 soldiers have been deployed around the country but the army assault has also stoked turf wars between rival cartels, worrying foreign investors and Washington as killings soared above 7,000 people last year, taking the death toll over three years to above 16,000.

01-08-2010, 06:15 PM
Jesus the world gets shittier everyday. And what's this sudden trend with killing children? Parents kill their kids, somebody opens fire on a playground or daycare. WTF!! These fuckin bad guys are cowards who can't pick a fight with someone their own size. Not to mention in my opinion if you use a gun on an unarmed person that ALSO proves you are a punk.

01-10-2010, 06:44 PM
wow just a shame thanks for the post john