View Full Version : JR Speaks on Lesnar/UFC, Wrestling Pet Peeves + More

Shane McMahon's Ass
01-22-2010, 11:49 PM
Jim Ross has updated his blog over at JRsBarBQ.com. Below are some highlights:

"Wrestling pet peeve of the week: wrestlers who wear jewelry while competing such as earrings and necklaces. Why not wear their Rolex watches as well? Yes, I freely admit that I'm a dinosaur, old schooler but it sort of takes me out of the moment of physicality when I see athletes in wrestling tights displaying their bling and their bling isn't used against them."

"Read on line today where MMA journalists feel that Brock Lesnar will be 'focused' and ready to rock when he returns to the Octagon. Duh. Not only did I write this yesterday but anyone who has followed Lesnar's athletic career knows that he despises being 2nd best at any thing and that he loves confrontation and competition. I am thankful that Brock is healthy and would not wish for him or any one to endure what I had to deal with regarding stomach and colon issues. Brock will be a monster for his next fight especially if he can't eat as much red meat as he used to. If Brock tells himself that he can have a big steak if he wins, then watch out!"

"I have become hooked on the Clint Eastwood film 'Gran Torino.' Are there others who are as obsessed with this film as am I? Is it because Eastwood's character is named 'Walter Kowalski' as in Killer Kowalski or is it because Walt Kowalski reminds me of my Dad or even myself at times during the film? Yep, I've got a cranky side but a kind heart...at least that's my story. This movie told a great story whereby one can make the emotional attachment to the characters of which there was only one name star that being Eastwood who also directed and produced the film. If you haven't seen 'Gran Torino' I highly recommend it but watch out for the adult oriented language if you have kids in the family."


01-22-2010, 11:50 PM