View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report for January 22nd, 2010

01-23-2010, 05:14 AM
We start off tonight’s show with a look back at the battle between Rey Mysterio and Batista to see who would be the man to face the Undertaker at the end of the month at the Royal Rumble for the World Title. After a few weeks of indecision and controversy, we finally saw Rey Mysterio get the match after winning a steel cage match last week against Batista. Tonight Rey Mysterio will call out the Undertaker.

We are live on tape from Greenville, South Carolina and your announcers are Matt ‘A Picture is worth a 1000 words’ Striker and Todd ‘Remember to donate to the Earthquake Relief’ Grisham.

We are told that John Morrison will have to face Chris Jericho and Drew McIntyre in an Epsenhart Special before he can face McIntyre next week for the Intercontinental Title.

Match Number One: Batista versus Finlay

They lock up after staring at each other for a bit. Batista pushes Finlay in the corner and then Finlay punches and kicks Batista. Batista with a knee and Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Finlay goes to the turnbuckles and hits a missile drop kick for a near fall. Finlay with a fireman’s carry slam and another near fall. Finlay with a seated splash onto Batista’s chest followed by a kick that sends Batista to the floor. Finlay goes to the floor but Batista rakes the eyes and the referee pulls Batista off and then he disqualifies Batista.
Winner: Finlay by disqualification

After the match, Batista throws Finlay over the announce table. Batista with a spear to Finlay on the floor and then Batista attacks the announce table. Batista sends Finlay into the ringside barrier. Batista picks up Finlay and runs Finlay’s back into the ring post. Batista runs Finlay’s back into the ring post again. Batista decides to avoid the ring steps from feeling lonely and he sends Finlay into the ring steps. Batista rolls Finlay inot the ring again and we see highlights of what Finlay did.

We return to the action in the ring and Batista hits a spinebuster. Batista gets on the mic and he says to imagine that times twenty-nine because that is what is going to happen at the Rumble. Batista says that this is Shawn Michaels, Triple H, and John Cena as he kicks Finlay. Batista says that he is getting his title back one way or another. He will win the Royal Rumble and main event Wrestlemania. Batista says that his title reign will begin when Undertaker’s streak ends.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look back at the 2006 Royal Rumble when Rey Mysterio broke the record of some guy who is not mentioned in the record books any more for longevity in the Rumble match. Rey went on to point at the sign later that night and then won the title at Wrestlemania.

CM Punk comes to the ring with Luke Gallows and it is time for a new member of the Straight Edge Society to be determined. We see footage from last week when CM Punk and Luke Gallows became the number one contenders for the Unified Tag Titles.

Punk and Gallows are on the stage by the entrance and he says that there is a reason why they are the number one contenders for the Unified Tag Titles. He says that there is a reason why they will bring honor and respect to restore the dignity of the Unified Tag Titles when they defeat the morally corrupt Unified Champions Degeneration X next week on Smackdown. Punk says that they are straight edge and that will propel him past 29 other Superstars in the Royal Rumble to become the first straight edge Royal Rumble match winner. He says that when you are straight edge, you are a winner, unlike the losers in the WWE Universe. Punk says that he sees everyone for what they are. He calls them cowards. He says that they hide behind bottles of pills, bottles of beer, and cartons of cigarettes. Punk says that he sees a sea of depravity. He sees parents drinking and smoking in front of their children, guaranteeing another generation of people who will be addicted. Punk says that he sees a majority begging and pleading for a savior to take them by the hand and bring them to the promised land. He says that it used to make him sick, but now it makes him smile because he knows that he is better than everyone. He says that he knows that he can wash away all of their problems and only he can save everyone if they pledge allegiance to the Straight Edge Society. Punk wants to know who will be the brave and fortunate one who will be saved tonight.

There is a woman in the crowd who runs into the ringside area and she gets a bit too close to Punk and he wants security to take her away. Punk thinks about it as she screams that she needs him. Punk decides that this woman needs Punk and he will take all responsibility for what happens. Luke brings her to the ring and to Punk.

Punk says that he can look into her eyes and he can see a lifetime of pain and suffering and he knows that he can help her. Punk asks her what her name is and she tells him that her name is Serena. Punk asks Serena an important question. He wants to know if she is an addict. She says that she is an addict. She says that she really wants to change. Punk tells her to stay calm and he knows that Serena is just like everyone else waiting like a zombie at the pharmacy waiting for the next pill. He says that he knows that she counts down the time at work until she can get that first sip of alcohol at the end of the day. Serena says that she needs her pills. Punk says that he is here to let her know that it is okay. He tells Serena that she is among friends. She was around enablers who did not care about her. Punk says that he cares about her despite being around enablers who don’t care about her or themselves. Punk says that they have no self respect and no pride. Punk says that he can see that Serena has taken steps towards sobriety but for every step she takes, she is pushed back three more. He says that it takes more to adopt the straight edge way. He asks Serena if she is ready to pledge allegiance to Punk and the Straight Edge Society. Serena says that she is ready.

Punk has Serena sit in the Straight Edge Chair to take the straight edge pledge. He wants her to reach for the sky before taking the pledge to accept straight edge into her life. She accepts CM Punk as her savior. Punk tells Serena that she will never know how much she means to him. He tells Serena that she will never have to wonder who her friends are. Punk asks Serena if she is willing to show her devotion through actions. It is time for the Straight Edge Clippers and we go to commercial.

We are back and Punk is about to drop some hair onto the canvas as he shaves Serena’s head until she is bald. Punk embraces his newest follower and then he says that he wants the sheep to know that it can happen to them just like it happened to Serena. Punk says that there is one more person who is better than the entire WWE Universe and it is the newest member of the Straight Edge Society, Serena.

We go to commercial.

We are back and the Royal Rumble is coming in nine days (still no fruit basket for anyone from the site) and we can start pointing to the Wrestlemania sign.

It is time for the Smack of the Night: Drew McIntyre defeating John Morrison to win the Intercontinental Title at TLC.

We see a graphic for next week when the Intercontinental Title Match will be a No Disqualification Match between John Morrison and Drew McIntyre.

Match Number Two: Drew McIntyre and Chris Jericho versus John Morrison in a Epsenhart Special

They all have some words and before the match can start Teddy Long comes out and he tells all of the playas in the ring to wait a minute because there is going to be a little change to this match. He says that while Vickie Guerrero is his consultant, she did not consult with him before making this match. Teddy says that this is going to be a tag match. John Morrison’s partner will be R Truth.

Match Number Two Part Deux: R Truth and John Morrison versus Chris Jericho and Drew McIntyre

Jericho and Morrison start things off and they lock up with Jericho putting Morrison in a side head lock. Jericho with a shoulder tackle and then he stands around before he goes off the ropes and Morrison with a hip toss and drop kick. Morrison with a forearm and then he tags in Truth. They hit a double hip toss followed by a double kip up. Then they knock McIntyre off the apron. Jericho is back body dropped onto McIntyre and then Truth and Morrison pose instead of working on their opponents. Truth goes after Jericho and brings him into the ring. Truth works on the arm and tags Morrison back in and he hits a double sledge from the turnbuckles. Jericho with a kick and clothesline and then he knocks Truth off the apron. Morrison with a leg lariat to Jericho and he gets a near fall. McIntyre pulls Morrison by the hair and that distraction allows Jericho to hit a drop kick and knock Morrison out of the ring. Jericho waits for Morrison to come back into the ring but McIntyre kicks Morrison in the head before he returns to the ring. Jericho with a belly-to-back suplex on Morrison and then he tags McIntyre back in. McIntyre with a kick to the midsection and sends Morrison into the corner and kicks him. The referee warns McIntyre but McIntyre with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. We see Jericho go to the announce table and he tells Striker and Grisham to let everyone know that McIntyre is a champion. McIntyre with an arm bar as he works on Morrison’s arm. McIntyre with kicks to the head and midsection. Morrison with a kick and punches as he tries to get to the corner but McIntyre with a clothesline to stop Morrison. Jericho tags back in and he kicks Morrison. Jericho with a key lock on Morrison and then he turns it into a chin lock with the arm isolated. Morrison punches Jericho and then he hits a back breaker followed by a side Russian leg sweep and both men are down.

Morrison rolls to the corner and he tries to make the tag but McIntyre is tagged in and he knocks Truth off the apron to prevent the tag from being made. McIntyre pulls Morrison towards his corner and we go to commercial.

We are back and McIntyre with an arm bar on Morrison. Morrison returns to his feet and he connects with forearms. Morrison with a boot to a charging McIntyre. McIntyre with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. McIntyre punches Morrison and then he tags Jericho back in. Jericho slams Morrison’s head into the mat and then Jericho has some words for Truth. Jericho with a suplex to Morrison and he acts like he has things under control. Jericho puts Morrison in the ropes and while he talks to the referee, McIntyre kicks Morrison in the head. Jericho kicks Morrison in the head and midsection. Jericho puts Morrison on the turnbuckles for a superplex but Morrison blocks it and he punches Jericho off the turnbuckles. Morrison with a cross body for a near fall. Morrison is inches away from the tag but Jericho pulls Morrison away from the corner. Morrison valiantly tries but Jericho holds on and takes Morrison back to the mat. Morrison kicks Jericho away when Jericho tries for the Walls of Jericho. McIntyre is tagged back in and McIntyre keeps Morrison from making the tag with a sliding elbow drop. McIntyre with forearms across the chest. McIntyre with a snap suplex for a near fall. Morrison punches McIntyre but McIntyre punches back. Jericho tags back in and he slaps Morrison with an elbow pad. Jericho walks across Morrison’s back before tagging McIntyre back in. Morrison with a satellite DDT to counter a back body drop and both men are down. Jericho is tagged in and so is Truth. Truth with a flying clothesline and punches. Truth floats over on a charge and does the split followed by a bicycle kick for a near fall. All four men are in the ring and Morrison sends McIntyre to the apron and then he hits a Shining Wizard that sends McIntyre to the floor. Jericho sends Morrison to the floor but he forgets that Truth is the legal man for his opponents and Truth with a rollup for a two count. Jericho with an enzuigiri and he covers Truth but Morrison rolls McIntyre back in and the referee deals with McIntyre instead of making the count for Jericho. Morrison with a round kick and Truth hits the scissors kick for the three count.
Winners: R Truth and John Morrison

We see footage of Rey Mysterio winning the title at Wrestlemania to become the champion by defeating Randy Orton and Kurt Angle.

We go to commercial.

We are back and the hosts of the WWE version of Celebrity Fit Club, Michelle McCool and Layla are in the ring. It looks like there is going to be a party in the ring because there are food and beverages behind them. Michelle says that she has some good news and bad news. The bad news is that she was supposed to have a title match against Mickie James at the Royal Rumble, but it isn’t happening. There is some good news is that Mickie James will be leaving Smackdown effective tonight. Layla does her best Porky Pig impression. Michelle says that the fans shouldn’t be sad because they have a party for her.

The festivities are interrupted by one of Mickie’s friends, Maria and she comes to the ring as her music plays. Maria says that Michelle and Layla are annoying and she wants to know if anyone else thinks that she is annoying. Maria says that the only thing that Michelle and Layla are good at is torturing Mickie. Maria says that the only people who should be leaving Smackdown are Michelle and Maria. Maria says that she does not care how they leave, just that they leave.

Michelle comments on Maria’s role on a reality show. Michelle wonders if Maria should be getting Donald Trump something since she is on Celebrity Apprentice. Layla says that Maria should be happy that she is going to be away from Smackdown and that Mickie will be gone since that will mean that Maria can finally eat.

Maria says that she is excited that she won’t have to see Michelle and Layla.

Mickie’s music plays while Maria argues with Michelle and Layla. Mickie says that she is getting sick and tired of their petty and childish ‘mean girl’ crap. Mickie says that she has dealt with girls like her before. She says that they try to make it seem like they are better than everyone when they are really nothing. Mickie says that she pities them. Mickie says that she is what a real woman looks like. She says that the women in the crowd are real women. She says that they are short, tall, fat, skinny, curvy, and gorgeous. She says that they are sexy. Mickie wants to know when Michelle and Layla are going to get it through their skulls that she is Mickie James and she is proud of the way she looks. Mickie says the teasing and torturing will not affect her one bit. She says that what Michelle and Layla have done will not chase her away. The only people who will tell Mickie that she needs to leave is the WWE Universe and they are happy with Mickie.

Layla and Michelle continue with the jokes about Mickie’s weight, but Mickie asks Michelle if she is smarter than a fifth grader. Mickie says that she will be at the Royal Rumble and she tells Michelle and Layla that it will soon be time to embarrass them. Mickie hits Layla with a forearm and then we see Maria and Layla fight while Michelle and Mickie square off.

Beth Phoenix comes to the ring and she goes after Maria and sends Maria into the ring post. Beth goes after Mickie and Layla helps her out. Beth punches and kicks Mickie while Layla holds her. Beth holds Mickie while Michelle says that it is feeding time. Beth chokes Mickie and punches her. Layla and Beth hold Mickie while Michelle holds part of the cake and throws it in Mickie’s face. Michelle says that Mickie needs something to wash it down and decides to pour the entire punch bowl over Mickie’s head. We go to commercial.

We are back and did you know that the Hall of Fame ceremony sold out?

Match Number Three: Cryme Tyme versus Mike Knox and Charlie Haas

JTG and Knox start things off and Knox with a forearm followed by an Irish whip but Knox misses the charge into the corner. JTG with an X Factor and then Haas is tagged in while JTG poses in the ring. JTG with a punch and clothesline. Haas with a knee and then Kane’s pyro goes off and he comes to the ring.

JTG stands in the center of the ring and then he charges at Kane and Kane sends JTG over the top rope. Haas is the next person to charge at Kane but Kane sends Haas over the top rope to the floor. Kane grabs Shad and Knox and sends them over the top rope to the floor. Kane stands in the middle of the ring and he forces red flame out of the ring posts.

We look at last week’s Smackdown when Rey defeated Batista inside a steel cage to get his match against the Undertaker at the Royal Rumble.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to talk about the card fro the Royal Rumble.

Match Number Four: Matt Hardy and Great Khali with Runjin Singh versus Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith with Natalya

Kidd and Hardy start things off and they lock up with Hardy going after the arm but Hardy with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Kidd backs Hardy into the turnbuckles and Smith is tagged in. Smith is kicked away by Hardy but Kidd with a leg drop to Hardy. Smith pulls Hardy out of the ring to the floor. Smith runs Hardy into the ring apron a few times. Smith with a delayed vertical suplex to Hardy for a near fall. Smith with an arm bar and chin lock on Hardy. Hardy punches Smith but Smith with a knee. Smith tries for a power slam but Hardy gets out of the hold and Hardy with a Side Effect on Smith and both men are down. Kidd has Natalya distract Khali with her feminine talents so Hardy cannot make the tag. Kidd punches Hardy from the apron and Smith and Kidd try for the springboard Hart Attack but Hardy sends Smith into Kidd and Hardy gets the three count with an inside cradle.
Winners: Matt Hardy and Great Khali

Rey Mysterio is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for Rey Mysterio to call out the Undertaker about his match at the Royal Rumble.

Rey unbuttons his mask before he talks and he says that he has been in the back all night listening to what people have been saying about Rey calling out the Undertaker and wondering if he is crazy. Rey reminds us that four years ago he won the World Title. He says that it was a dream come true. The only thing between him realizing his dream again is the walking nightmare known as the Undertaker. Rey wants to call out the Undertaker and look him in the eye and tell the Undertaker that he is not afraid. Rey tells the Undertaker to come out.

The Undertaker comes out and he has a mic with him. Taker asks Rey if he is having second thoughts now. Rey says that he would be lying if he wasn’t but he will stand his ground with the Undertaker. Rey says that he had Taker on the ropes the last time they wrestled for the title and he had no fear in his eyes. Rey says that there will be no Batista or Shawn Michaels. He says that he knows that Shawn said that he would win the Royal Rumble to face Taker at Wrestlemania. Shawn may win the Rumble match, but Taker will not be the champion. Rey says that he had dreams and he had nightmares. He conquered his nightmares because of his dreams. Rey says that he will relive his dream of becoming the World Champion. Rey tells Taker that he will defeat him at the Royal Rumble.

Taker repeats what Rey said in a much deeper voice. Taker says that those are awful bold words for the little man, but he says that Rey has made a career out of doing the impossible. He says that Rey has conquered everything during his life. He tells Rey that no one triumphs over the grave. Although he admires Rey’s gallantry in seeking out the World Title, he is digging his own grave. At the Royal Rumble, Rey will suffer the same fate that everyone else has suffered when they have tried to make a name for themselves at his expense. At the Royal Rumble, Rey will rest . . . in . . . peace.

Taker leaves the ring and Rey still has something to say. Taker finally stops and turns around ever so slightly. Rey says that he is not like the rest.

From out of nowhere, Batista attacks Rey from behind and hits a spinebuster. Batista looks at Taker and then he hits a Batista Bomb as we go to credits with Taker approaching the ring and Batista leaving the ring. PWI