View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report for January 29th, 2010

01-30-2010, 10:27 AM
We start off with a reminder that Degeneration X will be defending their tag titles against CM Punk and Luke Gallows.

We are live on tape from Cincinnati, Ohio and your announcers are Todd ‘Bailey over Jennifer’ Grisham and Matt ‘Les over Herb’ Striker.

Things start off with the men who can go from brand to brand but are making their first appearance on Smackdown as the Unified Tag Champions.

Match Number One: Degeneration X versus CM Punk and Luke Gallows for the Unified Tag Titles

Before Hunter can ask everyone if they are ready, Rey Mysterio’s music plays and he comes to the ring. Rey tells Shawn that he respects him but he does not think that Shawn respects him. He says that he has been watching Raw and hearing Shawn talking about winning the Royal Rumble match and facing the Undertaker. Rey says that Shawn thinks that Taker will win and retain his title on Sunday at the Royal Rumble.

Shawn says that is exactly what he thinks. He wants to know why Rey came out to get in his face. Hunter says that Rey is coming out looking for a fight, but Hornswoggle isn’t here tonight so he tells Rey to run along. Rey asks Hunter if he thinks that is funny. Rey tells Hunter that he is going to do something that neither Shawn nor Hunter could do at Wrestlemania. He says that he will do something that neither of them will ever get to do, and that is defeat the Undertaker. Shawn wants to know what happens if Rey doesn’t make it to the Royal Rumble. Rey wants to know what would happen if Shawn doesn’t make it to the Royal Rumble. Rey says that if there is a problem, they can take care of it in the ring.

CM Punk’s music plays and he comes out with Luke Gallows and Serena. They walk to the ring and Punk tells Rey Mysterio that he has to be high on some sort of illegal pharmaceutical substance. He comments on Rey’s statement that he watched Raw and heard what Shawn said, but he suggests that Rey watch Smackdown because the Straight Edge Society becomes the first ever Straight Edge Unified Tag Team Champions tonight. He says that he came out here tonight with a purpose. He is here to lead a crusade and he has his disciples with him.

Hunter tells Punk that he has been watching Smackdown and he is relieved to know that Punk is straight, but he doesn’t think that people give a crap about the ‘I don’t drink’ thing.

Punk tells Hunter that people do give a crap and he says that Hunter knows nothing about straight edge. Hunter says that he doesn’t know anything about it and he doesn’t get it. Hunter says that he doesn’t smoke, drink, or do drugs, but he doesn’t look like he has been on a week long drug binge with Amy Winehouse. Hunter tells Punk to have a little pride and clean himself up. Hunter tells Punk to take a shower because he doesn’t know which one of them it is, but someone stinks. Punk wants to know if the amateur comedy hour is over because he is here to take the tag titles.

Teddy Long comes out and he has something to say from the stage. He tells the playas that things aren’t going down like this because this is the WWE. When opportunity knocks, things have a tendency to change. Teddy tells Punk and Luke that they aren’t getting their title match tonight. Punk is outraged. Teddy says that they are going to do it even bigger. For the first time ever on Smackdown, Rey Mysterio will face Shawn Michaels. Rey and Shawn stare at each other. Teddy tells Punk that he will be in a match tonight and he will be facing Triple H.

We are back with the WWE Rewind: We take a look back at Serena’s entry into the Straight Edge Society.

Match Number One (We Really Mean it this time): CM Punk with Luke Gallows and Serena versus Triple H

They lock up and Hunter with a side head lock and take down. Punk gets to his feet and Hunter with a shoulder tackle. Hunter blocks a hip toss and Hunter hits a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Hunter with a side head lock and take down one more time. Punk gets to his feet and he backs Hunter into the turnbuckles and Punk with shoulders instead of a clean break. The referee warns Punk but Punk returns to Hunter and connects with knees in the corner. The referee warns Punk one more time. Punk kicks Hunter after sending Hunter into the turnbuckles. Hunter with punches but Punk responds with more punches. Hunter tries for the Pedigree but Punk escapes and goes to the floor. Hunter pulls Punk back into the ring and then Hunter stars at Gallows long enough to allow Punk to recover and he drops Hunter on the top rope. Punk hits the springboard clothesline and Hunter goes to the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Punk with a snap mare and a kick to the back allowing Punk to get a near fall. Punk with a figure four head scissors. We see footage from the commercial break when Punk hit a baseball slide that sent Hunter into the announce table. We return to the action in the ring and Punk maintains the head scissors. Punk adds elbows to the head and then he gets a near fall. Punk mocks the crotch chop and Hunter punches Punk but Punk with a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Punk with a hard Irish whip and then he kicks Hunter in the chest. Punk sets for a suplex but Hunter blocks it and Hunter hits a suplex of his own. Hunter gets to his feet first but Punk with a roundhouse kick for a near fall. Punk returns to the head scissors and Hunter tries to escape but he has to get to the ropes. Punk runs into a boot in the corner and then Hunter with a spinebuster and both men are down. Both men struggle to get back to their feet but Hunter is able to connect with a series of punches. Hunter with a facebuster and then he punches Punk. The referee warns Hunter and then Hunter with a crotch chop followed by a punch for a near fall. Hunter with the Harley Race high knee for a near fall. Hunter sets for the Pedigree but Punk with a back body drop to counter. Punk with a running knee into the corner and Punk tries for the bulldog but Hunter stops Punk and hits an atomic drop onto the knee. Hunter puts Punk in a figure four leg lock and Punk tries to do everything to avoid tapping out. Hunter uses the ropes for extra leverage. Serena gets into the ring to distract the referee and that allows Luke to rake the eyes to get Hunter to release the hold. Punk with a spinning back kick and then he gets Hunter up for the Go To Sleep but Hunter escapes the hold and then he kicks Punk and tries for the Pedigree but Serena runs in and she chokes Hunter after climbing on his back. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Triple H by disqualification

After the match, Hunter arm drags Serena off his back and then he punches Punk. Serena climbs on Hunter’s back again and Luke punches Hunter. Luke continues the attack on Hunter while Serena chokes him. Luke pulls Hunter into the center of the ring and he punches Hunter. Punk with elbows to Hunter’s head while Luke gets the Straight Edge Clippers. Luke punches Hunter while Punk holds the clippers over his head and that gives Shawn Michaels enough time come out and he punches Luke. Hunter and Shawn clothesline Luke over the top rope to the floor. Punk turns around and he sees Shawn and Hunter standing across the ring. Punk puts Serena in front of him to protect him. Punk leaves the ring. Shawn starts to move with Sweet Chin Music but Serena leaves the ring before Shawn can complete the move.

We go to commercial with Chris Jericho walking in the back.

We are back and wee see footage from last week’s tag match when R Truth pinned Chris Jericho due to some quick thinking by John Morrison to push Drew McIntyre into the ring to distract the referee.

Match Number Two: Chris Jericho versus R Truth

Jericho with a kick and forearm and then he sends Truth into the turnbuckles and punches him before applying a side head lock. Jericho with a shoulder tackle but Truth with a hip toss and drop kick followed by a clothesline that sends Jericho over the top rope to the floor. Truth tries for a pescado but Jericho moves out of the way and Truth hits the floor hard as we go to commercial.

We are back and Jericho with a kick to the midsection. Jericho with a kick to the upper chest and then to the midsection. Jericho with a few more knees to the midsection. Truth with punches to Jericho but Jericho picks up Truth and drops him on the top rope and gets a near fall. Truth struggles to get back to his feet and Jericho hits a gut buster as he continues to work on Truth’s midsection. Jericho with an abdominal stretch and he punches Truth in the ribs to add extra pressure. Truth with a hip toss to escape the hold. Jericho with a kick but Truth with a flying clothesline and then he punches Jericho. Truth continues the offense with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors and leg lariat for a near fall. Truth misses a kick and then Jericho tries for the Walls of Jericho and he locks it up but Truth counters with a rollup for a near fall. Jericho with another kick and then he tries for the Codebreaker but Truth holds on to the ropes. Truth gets the three count with a jackknife cover.
Winner: R Truth

It is time to discuss the match between the Undertaker and Rey Mysterio at the Royal Rumble. We see the confrontation last week and Batista’s attack on Rey Mysterio followed by Batista’s hasty retreat through the crowd.

We go to the locker room where Batista is with Josh Mathews. Josh asks Batista about the Rumble match. He says that last week he put the spotlight where it belongs and that is on him. Batista says that he is the rightful World Champion and he was cheated out of the number one contender spot. He made a simple statement. Batista says that he is going to win the Royal Rumble and get his World Title Match at Wrestlemania. He says that if anyone gets in his way, and that means Triple H, Shawn Michaels, or John Cena, they are going to get hurt.

John Morrison walks in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and WWE.com gets a lot of page hits.

John Morrison has something to say before his match. He says that unlike Drew McIntyre, he wasn’t hand picked by the brass in the back and pedigreed into their corporate champion. He reminds Drew that he saw him drop the title to celebrate with Sheamus. He says that Drew doesn’t know what the title means. He says that Drew is talented, but he does not appreciate what he has because he has taken shortcuts. John points out that there are no rules tonight so anything goes. He says that Drew cannot cheat or run.

Match Number Three: John Morrison versus Drew McIntyre for the Intercontinental Title in a No Disqualification Match

Morrison with a kick and forearms to McIntyre. Morrison punches McIntyre even though the champion is in the ropes. McIntyre charges into a leg lariat for a near fall. Morrison clotheslines McIntyre over the top rope to the floor. Morrison goes after McIntyre but McIntyre gets a kendo stick from under the ring and he hits Morrison with it. McIntyre rolls Morrison into the ring and then he gets a near fall. McIntyre backs Morrison into the turnbuckles and then he hits a few short clotheslines. McIntyre with a short arm clothesline and gets a near fall. McIntyre with an arm bar and cross face on Morrison. Morrison with forearms and then he tries a float over in the turnbuckles but McIntyre with a kick to the chest and he gets a near fall. Morrison punches McIntyre and then he kicks him in the leg. Morrison with a forearm and McIntyre goes to the floor. Morrison with a kick off the apron to McIntyre. They return to the ring and McIntyre tries to use the title belt but Morrison gets out of the way. Morrison punches McIntyre but McIntyre with a kick to Morrison and then he punches Morrison on the mat. McIntyre poses with the title belt and then stands over Morrison as we go to commercial.

We are back and McIntyre with an arm bar. Morrison with a punch but McIntyre with a kick. Morrison with an Irish whip and then he tries for the springboard spin kick but McIntyre is able to send Morrison over the top rope to the floor. McIntyre goes out to the floor and he grabs the ring steps and he picks them over his head and he throws them at Morrison but John moves and they hit the ring post. McIntyre clotheslines Morrison over the ringside barrier into the crowd. McIntyre punches Morrison as they fight further back into the crowd. Morrison sends McIntyre into the hockey boards. Morrison punches McIntyre and then he sends McIntyre back into the ringside area. Morrison with a flying clothesline to McIntyre. Morrison punches McIntyre and then he gets the kendo stick and hits McIntyre in the midsection and back with it. McIntyre with a forearm to the head and then to the back. McIntyre picks up the kendo stick again and he charges at Morrison but Morrison with a hip toss onto the steps. Morrison rolls Drew into the ring and gets a near fall. Morrison pulls McIntyre into the corner for the split legged corkscrew moonsault and he lands on Drew’s knees. Drew hits the double underhook DDT onto the title belt for the three count.
Winner: Drew McIntyre

After the match, McIntyre stands over Morrison and holds the title belt.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Michelle McCool comes to the ring. We are reminded that Michelle defends the title against Mickie James on Sunday night.

Michelle thanks everyone for the warm response. She says that she has given all of her fans a huge favor last week. She sent Piggy James to the barnyard forever. Michelle says that she is not coming back. Michelle says that if they are anything like her, she can’t stop smiling. We see footage from last week. Michelle is still laughing about it a week later. Michelle apologizes for angering Mickie’s fans. She says that she is sorry that she won’t be able to defend the title on Sunday. Michelle says that she is a fighting champion and if anyone in the locker room thinks that they can take the title from her, let’s do it right now.

Mickie’s music plays and she comes out . . . but it isn’t the real Mickie James, it is Layla in a fat suit. She says that she couldn’t stop crying last week because she didn’t get enough cake. Michelle says that she made two cakes for Mickie. Not Mickie says that she is not going to give up her title match. Michelle asks Not Mickie if she wants something to eat. Michelle takes a donut from Not Mickie because she really cares.

Match Number Four (Kind of): Michelle McCool versus Mickie James played tonight by Layla in a fat suit

Michelle has Not Mickie chase her around the ring and Not Mickie is unable to get in without help from Michelle. Not Mickie misses a charge into the corner and Not Mickie falls over Michelle for the three count.
Winner: Michelle McCool

After the match, Not Mickie falls on top of Michelle when Michelle tries to help her up.

We go to commercial.

We are back and did you know that more than half of the Royal Rumble winners have won the title at Wrestlemania.

It is time for the Royal Rumble by the Numbers video package.

It is time to run through the rest of the card for the Royal Rumble.

We see Shawn Michaels walking through the back before his match with Rey Mysterio and he walks past where Batista is standing. Batista says hello to Shawn and he tells Shawn that he doesn’t care about Shawn’s obsession with the Undertaker so he wanted to tell Shawn to his face to stay out of his way at the Royal Rumble. Shawn tells Dave that he always thought he was overrated. Dave takes off his hat and says that maybe he should . . . Hunter makes his way into the picture and asks Batista what it is that he should be doing.

Shawn goes to the ring and Hunter asks Dave if he has something to say to him. Dave puts his hat back on and he leaves. We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Rey Mysterio versus Shawn Michaels

They lock up and Shawn with a side head lock and take down. Michaels with a shoulder tackle followed by a chop that sends Rey to the mat. Michaels with another chop in the corner followed by an Irish whip. Rey floats over but Michaels with another chop. Rey with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner and Shawn throws Rey out of the ring. Shawn goes to the floor but Rey returns to the ring. Rey with a tilt a whirl head scissors and that sends Shawn into the position but Shawn is able to get to the floor before Rey can hit the 619. Shawn returns to the ring and Rey gestures that he almost got him. Shawn with a knee to the midsection and a kick to the back. Shawn with a chop in the corner but he misses a second one and Rey with kicks and forearms. Shawn with a chop to respond and Rey goes to the floor. Shawn goes to the floor and he continues to redden Rey’s chest with more chops. They return to the ring and Shawn with a snap mare and a boot to the head. Rey with a drop toe hold and Shawn falls into the ropes. Shawn gets back to his feet and he tries for Sweet Chin Music but Rey runs under it. Rey with a kick and then he sends Shawn over the top rope to the floor with a rana and Rey hits the floor as well. We go to commercial.

We are back and Rey kicks Shawn in the leg and he connects with a forearm and punches in the corner. Rey kicks Michaels in the corner and then he works on the leg to affect Shawn’s ability to hit Sweet Chin Music. Rey with a snap mare and a step over toe hold. Rey with a kick and head butt to the leg. Shawn with a chop but Rey with forearms. Shawn with a swinging neck breaker and both men are down. Shawn chops Rey again and then he Irish whips Rey into the corner but Rey with a drop toe hold to Shawn that sends him into the turnbuckles. Rey goes up top but Shawn trips him and Rey is in the Tree of Woe but the referee pulls Rey off. Shawn tries for a slam but Rey tries for a drop kick. Shawn blocks it and he puts Rey in a figure four leg lock. Rey reaches for the ropes. Rey gets to the ropes and then he hits an enzuigiri and both men are down again. Shawn with a chop but Rey with a forearm. Shawn with a punch but Rey with a kick to the injured leg. Rey with a forearm and Shawn with more chops. Shawn with the flying forearm and then he kips up and Shawn with a reverse atomic drop attempt that is countered with a rana. Shawn charges into a boot from Rey. Rey goes to the apron and hits a springboard seated splash for a near fall. Rey tries for a springboard cross body and Shawn with a reverse atomic drop for a near fall. Shawn tries for a slam but Rey with an inverted DDT counter. Rey goes to the apron for a springboard dive but he lands on Shawn’s knees. Shawn goes up top for the elbow drop and he hits it. Shawn sets for Sweet Chin Music but Rey with a spinning heel kick and Shawn falls into the ropes and Rey hits the 619. Rey goes to the apron and he tries for the springboard move but Shawn hits Sweet Chin Music.

From out of nowhere, Batista comes to the ring and he hits a spear on Shawn and then he hits a spinebuster on Rey.

No Contest

Triple H comes to the ring and he punches Batista but Batista punches back. Hunter with a spinebuster on Batista and then he hits a Mick Foley clothesline that sends both of them to the floor.

Shawn and Rey get to their feet and the lights go out.

The lights go back on and Taker is standing in front of both men. Taker grabs Shawn by the throat and then he grabs Rey and hits a double choke slam.

We go to credits.