View Full Version : Detailed plans for vince vs. Bret

02-06-2010, 07:53 PM
According to a source within WWE, there is still concern over whether or not Bret Hart will be able to compete in a singles match against Vince McMahon at WrestleMania 26.

As of right now, WWE's "contingency plan" for WrestleMania, in the event that Bret is incapable of working a singles match, is to have Bret Hart and John Cena vs Vince and Batista in a tag team bout. The build up here is to Bret applying The Sharpshooter on Vince, but if Bret is not up to the singles match, WWE will be combining the two matches. At this point, Vince's preference is the singles match, but as I said Bret's health is of concern. If Bret decides he can work a singles match, then WWE will most likely book Cena vs Batista in a separate singles match.

Damn, why can't they just do Taker and Bret vs. HBK and Vince? Wouldn't that make more sense? And they could put stipulations on each side, if taker and bret lose obviously the streak dies, and they can have a thing that bret can never work for WWE or step in a wwe ring/arena for good or something like that. Or for HBK and Vince, if they lose HBK has to retire and some kind of crazy stipulation for vince lol. Just think this would be better then having Cena vs. Batista involved in this.

02-06-2010, 10:39 PM
I think if Bret can't go in a singles match, give him a different partner. Cena vs Batista is going to be enough on its own, it doesn't need McMahon/Hart involved.

02-06-2010, 10:56 PM
I think it's stupid if Vince goes a match against Bret. Not only because the match would suck bigtime, but also because Vince announced that he retired from ring action when Roddy Piper challenged him to a match some months ago.

02-07-2010, 12:29 AM
I think if Bret can't go in a singles match, give him a different partner. Cena vs Batista is going to be enough on its own, it doesn't need McMahon/Hart involved.

That I agree with too.

02-07-2010, 06:41 AM
thats pathetic thanks for the update