View Full Version : TNA vs WWE: Score one for TNA

02-08-2010, 06:51 PM
My dad is a casual fan of wrestling, just because I watch it so much. When something's crap he will say so but if something is great he will call it magic. Like me he thought Scott Hall was an unbelieble performer and to this day when he sees Hall and Nash he says "Damn.... Vince Mcmhaon should have never let those two go." At the Royal Rumble I passed him in the hall and I said with excitement "Rey Mysterio is going to fight the Undertaker" and he he went "pffffffft" lol

It's cool though because I am so in love with pro wrestling that at times I'm not as critcial as other people. If my dad likes it, there's a lot of casual fans liking this and if he doesn't chances are the wrestling fanatics will only tune in.

I was watching Smackdown the other day and he saw Mike Knox and he went "Who the hell is that?"
He told me that all his buddies at work, who are casual fans too, are talking about Hogan and Bischoff coming back. They don't give a damn about Smackdown or ECW.

So way to go Hogan and Bishoff. Score one in the corner for TNA.