View Full Version : The latest news on WWE NXT

02-08-2010, 08:09 PM
WWE NXT debuts on February 23rd and the company is promoting the new show as innovative and even revolutionary. There has been talk that WWE NXT will feature young superstars from WWE's developmental system such as Bryan Danielson and Kaval (formerly Low Ki) in a show that's a hybrid of pro wrestling and reality TV.

Florida Championship Wrestling (FCW) sent out a press release today discussing its involvement in NXT show, writing:

"With speculation rife regarding the imminent debut of WWE’s new television show ‘WWE-NXT,’ all FCW Superstars are sure to be at their best as they attempt to impress top brass in WWE and secure spots on the new show’s roster. And with Edge watching over the evening’s proceedings, the stakes have never been higher."

WWE superstar Edge will be appearing at Friday night's FCW show in Melbourne, Florida and was quoted in the press release talking about Florida Championship Wrestling and WWE NXT:

"In a couple of years, the majority of the Superstars you see on the show this Friday will have been drafted up to Raw or Smackdown
, so I suppose it is also a great opportunity for me to get the scoop on who I’m going to be facing down the line."


Cobra King
02-09-2010, 03:46 AM
im inerterested to see how this show turns out i hope it will be good

Y0UR Messiah
02-09-2010, 05:16 AM
You fail to understand something.

WWE + Launch of a New Show = Crap

The only new show that they came out with that was good was Smackdown.

Other than that...ECW, Sunday Night Heat, Superstars, Shotgun Saturday Nights, the list goes on and on...and all crap.

02-09-2010, 07:26 AM
thanks for the post Konan