View Full Version : Wwe Raw Pbp - 25.07.06

Ethan Hunt
07-25-2006, 02:10 AM
The following preview is from WWE's website:

The legend of all legends Hulk Hogan will be coming to Monday Night RAW. Last week, at Saturday Night's Main Event, Hogan accepted a friendly challenge for SummerSlam against Randy Orton. However, later that night the Legend Killer showed his true colors when he hit the Hulkster with an unsuspecting RKO on the truck of his own car. Will Hogan be able to wait until SummerSlam to settle the score?

Mr. McMahon tried to divide and conquer DX on RAW when he put Shawn Michaels in a match with his son Shane. But after the Spirit Squad teamed with Shane for a six-on-one beating on HBK, The Game came into the ring and cleaned house with his sledgehammer. With yet another plot to destroy DX foiled, does the Chairman have anymore tricks up his sleeve?

Mr. McMahon's not the only one out for revenge. After nearly losing his WWE Championship to John Cena at Saturday Night's Main Event, Edge showed up at RAW to sabotage Cena's match with Umaga. Will Cena retaliate when RAW comes to Cleveland, Ohio?

Amy Zidian was the first to get eliminated from the 2006 $250,000 Diva Search Contest. After Friday Night SmackDown's Diva Dance-Off, which one of the seven remaining finalists will be the next to go? Find out on a live edition of Monday night RAW.

WWE RAW Opener:

The fireworks went off in the arena for the start of the show as Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcome us to RAW!

In the arena:

The music of D-Generation X hit as Shawn Michaels made his way down to the ring. Ross wondered where Triple H was. Shawn grabbed the mic and said as many of us may know, a few weeks ago, Triple H and himself pulled a bit of a prank on the McMahon's. They told the McMahon's that one Stephanie McMahon had gone into labour, and that was a lie. As it would seem however, life often imitates art, because at this very moment, Stephanie McMahon is in the hospital in Connecticut giving birth to her first child, and of course, faithfully by her side are her father, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, and her brother, Shane McMahon. Unbeknownst to them, his partner in crime, Triple H, at this very moment, is in that same hospital. Somehow, he's got a bit of an inside scoop into this whole pregnancy thing. Shawn says he thinks Triple H knows who the father is. That not withstanding, though we only have half of DX here tonight, he promises to deliver twice the fun. The new music of the Coach hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring as the Executive Assistant. Coach is on the phone, and he's on with McMahon. Coach says he hates to burst Shawn's bubble, but just because the McMahon's aren't here tonight, doesn't mean Shawn will run amuck. Coach said that McMahon has put him in charge of RAW tonight. Coach said he is the only person in the world who has McMahon on speed dial. Michaels took the phone from Coach and said it's been a couple of years since he was in the delivery room, but he doesn't think he should be using that kind of language in there. Michaels got the crowd to say "Suck It" to McMahon. Michaels said the crowd said hi. Michaels gave Coach the phone back and said he was pretty mad. Coach spoke to McMahon and Michaels asked if he asked about him. Coach said that McMahon mentioned him. Coach said that Shawn Michaels will have a match tonight on RAW. Michaels asked who against, and then guessed. Michaels vs. The Spirit Squad, five on one, right? Coach said no. It's going to be Shawn Michaels one on one with the Coach. Michaels looked to the crowd and then looked at Coach. Coach looked apprehensive. Michaels then started laughing his ass off. Michaels then stopped, and paused, then laughed again, rolling around the floor. Coach just stood there.

World Tag Team Championship Match

Referee: Jack Doan

The Highlanders vs. The Spirit Squad (c)

The music of the Spirit Squad hit in the arena as they made their way to the ring as the World Tag Team Champions, and Kenny and Mikey will be defending against the Highlanders. Lilian Garcia is back ring announcing after being Samoan dropped by Viscera two weeks ago.

The start:

Rory and Kenny started things off and Kenny grabbed a side headlock and then nailed a shoulder block. Kenny nailed a shot to the gut and then sent Rory to the corner, but then Rory came back sending Kenny head first to the buckle. Kenny tagged out to Mikey. Mikey hit a kick to the face, but Rory came back with a slam and then tagged in Robbie. Rory slammed Robbie onto Mikey for a two count. Things breaks down with the Highlanders nailing stereo corner punches on the Squad. Kenny whipped Robbie into a clothesline from Mikey for two.

The Finish:

Kenny tagged in and hit a standing dropkick for two. Kenny clubbed away at Robbie and then tagged in Mikey. Mikey hit a knee to the head but Robbie came back with a neckbreaker. Kenny tagged in and Robbie got the tag to Rory. Rory nailed back elbows on both member of the Squad. Rory with a back drop on Kenny and then a modified backbreaker on Mikey. The Highlanders went for the Scot Drop but the Squad distracted the referee allowing the rest of the Squad to break it up. Kenny then nailed his finisher and pinned Robbie for the win.

Winners and still World Tag Team Champions, The Spirit Squad

WWE Studios:

Mick Foley asks what has become of Ric Flair. He's in a state of disbelief. He finds it hard to believe that Flair resorted to calling him fat boy. Foley said the name hurt when his brother used it on him thirty years ago. It hurt him more than anything that one of the great performers of our business had the creativity of the average fourth grader. Foley said he sees a weak and feeble man operating behind a curtain feeding out clich鳮 Foley said Flair makes him sick. Foley said he's reduced himself to a second rate side show, falling on thumbtacks, trying to get Foley back into the ring. Foley said he won't fight him here, there or anywhere. Foley said not only is Flair a freak show, but he has resorted to attacking women. Foley said he will be coming to New Jersey and will air his differences on a very public stage. Foley called Flair a washed up piece of crap and that he will see him next Monday on RAW.

This Week In Wrestling History:

We take a look back to July 23, 1989 when Ric Flair defended the NWA Heavyweight Title against Terry Funk. Funk brought Gary Hart with him. Flair chose to brawl with Funk instead of wrestle him. Flair locked in the figure four but Funk used a branding iron to break the hold. Flair was busted open as Funk attempted to injure Flair with the piledriver. Flair reversed an inside cradle to get the win. Moments after, Funk and Hart looked to exact revenge with the Great Muta but Sting hit the ring and made the save.

In the arena:

The music of Ric Flair hit in the arena as he made his way down to the ring in a suit. Flair asked if Foley just saw what happened to his hero Terry Funk. Flair said that was 1989, and today is today. It's not about his age, or how fat Foley is. It's about being a man. He said he wants Foley in an arena, in a match, anywhere and anytime. Flair said he wants Foley to be half the man that he is every day of his life. The music of Edge hits in the arena as he makes his way to the stage with Lita as the WWE Champion. Edge said that Foley is right, Flair isn't the man anymore, and you're looking at the man right here. Edge said this man is called the Rated R Superstar, the WWE Champion, so enough already; he doesn't want to hear it anymore. Edge said he is the MVP of this show and he will tell Flair what's going on. Johnny Nitro attacked Flair from behind but Flair fought him off and then Edge hit the ring. Nitro and Edge beat up on Flair but then Cena hit the ring for the save. Edge and Nitro bailed. Melina came out to check on Nitro. Cena helped Flair up.


Carlito is backstage with Trish Stratus. Carlito said that Trish looks good. Carlito whispers something in Spanish to Trish. Trish said she doesn't know how to speak Spanish. She wishes him luck in his match. Carlito said how about the two of them hang out after the match, and Trish said she would like that.
Coach is backstage on the phone with McMahon. Coach is saying that the match tonight isn't a good idea. Edge and Lita storm in complaining about Cena. Coach is talking to McMahon still, but Edge thinks Coach is talking to him. McMahon tells Coach to tell Edge something. Coach says that McMahon has a solution that will see Edge team up with Johnny Nitro (Edge: Johnny Metro? Who?) to take on Ric Flair and John Cena. Edge and Lita were pissed.

In the arena:

Todd Grisham comes out to the arena and says that Stephanie McMahon has just given birth to a baby girl. Her name is Aurora Rose. Congratulations to Stephanie and the McMahon family.

Number One Contenders Match
Referee: Chad Patton
Shelton Benjamin vs. Carlito

Shelton Benjamin makes his way to the ring for this number one contender match with Carlito, and the winner will get a shot at the Intercontinental Title. Ross says that Benjamin begged Coach for a rematch here tonight, and he got it.

The start:

Benjamin tells the referee to keep an eye on Carlito's cheating. Carlito with a pair of roll ups for two and then a running knee lift and a clothesline. Carlito choked Benjamin over the middle rope and then charged at him with a dropkick for two. Carlito went for a back drop but Benjamin kicked him in the face and then went for a suplex but Carlito blocked and nailed a suplex on his own sending Benjamin to the apron, but Benjamin then dropped to the floor hanging up the arm of Carlito. Back inside and Benjamin threw Carlito shoulder first into the ring post.

Mid-match notes:

Carlito fought back with some shots to the mid section but then Benjamin nailed an arm bar takedown for a two count. Benjamin locked in an arm bar as the fans got behind Carlito. Benjamin raked the eyes and then mauled Carlito in the corner. Carlito came back with a huricanrana out of nowhere. Carlito nailed some right hands and then a facebuster for two. Carlito hit a springboard back elbow for two. Carlito with a standing dropkick and then went up to the top rope. Benjamin leaped up and nailed right hands but Carlito tossed him down and came off with a cross body but Benjamin countered into a Fujiwara arm bar. Carlito screamed in pain but made the ropes. Benjamin went for a powerbomb but Carlito reversed into sunset flip for two. Carlito went for the backcracker but Benjamin backed him into the ropes.

The Finish:

Carlito then poked the eyes and hit the backcracker but Carlito took a while to get to the cover and Benjamin got his foot on the ropes at two. Benjamin took off the turnbuckle pad while Carlito argued with the referee. Carlito hit a back drop on Benjamin and then takes the pad fully off. The referee sees it and puts the pad back on. Benjamin went for the dragon whip but Carlito reversed. Benjamin went for the catapult into the referee but Carlito stopped himself. Carlito then did the back flip off the top but Benjamin caught him with a low blow and then covered for the win!

Winner & The #1 Contender - Shelton Benjamin

In the arena:

Hulk Hogan made his way to the ring to a standing ovation from the crowd. Hogan got a mega reaction from the crowd, they went nuts for the Hulkster. Hogan went to speak but the crowd roared again. Hogan said that there is a bunch of crazy Hulkamaniacs right here in Cleveland, and you could say that Randy Orton is in a hell of a lot of trouble. He came out here and interrupted himself and his daughter at Saturday Night's Main Event. He said Orton lectured him about respect. Hogan said Orton knows nothing about respect. He has no respect for the Hulkamanaics, and no respect for the tradition of this business. Hogan said back in the day, he got it on with Orton's father, and when the blood dried, there was respect on both sides of the fence. Hogan said that Orton changed the rules of the game when he called him out in front of his daughter. Hogan said at SummerSlam, when Orton gets in the ring and feels the power of the largest arms in the world, he's going to make sure that Orton learns what the word respect means. The music of Randy Orton then hit as he made his way out to the stage. Orton said Hogan will have to wait till SummerSlam to beat some respect into him. Orton said he came out to talk about Hogan's daughter. Orton said he met her at SNME and he said there was a large amount of chemistry there. Orton said you have to be blind not to see it, and at Hogan's age, it's understandable. Orton said he and Brooke talked for 5 or 10 minutes before Hogan showed up. The crowd chanted for Hogan. Orton said that Brooke had so much to say. She told him how handsome she thought he was. She told him about his magnificent physique. She told him that she loved the color of his eyes. Orton said his only regret is that his daughter will have to see the Legend Killer destroy the legend of Hulkamania. Hogan wants to do this right now. Orton puts down the mic and slowly makes his way to the ring. Orton stops before he gets in and then backs off. The crowd boos. Orton circles the ring and goes to get in again but again backs off. Orton pushed Lawler at ringside. Lawler gets up and tosses Orton into the ring. Hogan corners Orton and nails him with some right hands. Hogan went for the big boot but Orton bailed. Hogan signalled that Orton can kiss his ass before posing in the ring.

Non Title Match
Referee: Unknown
Candice Michelle vs. Mickie James (c)

The music of Candice Michelle hit in the arena as she made her way to the ring. Mickie James then made her way to the ring as the Women's Champion and we are set to go.

The start:

James tackled Candice down and hammered away at her. Mickie nailed a dropkick and then stood on Candice while pulling her back by the hair and then covered for one. Mickie hit a snapmare and then locked in a rear chin lock. Candice fought out with elbows but then Mickie rammed her back first to the corner.

The Finish:

Mickie perched Candice on the top rope but Candice nailed Mickie and then locked her in a headscissors, and dropped backwards over the top rope. Candice danced and then went to the top rope and came off with a cross body but Mickie rolled through and grabbed the tights for the win.

Winner - Mickie James

The Aftermath:

Mickie celebrated her win and Candice didn't look too pleased as we head to commercial.

Referee: Chad Patton
Shawn Michaels vs. Jonathan Coachman

The music of DX hit in the arena as Shawn Michaels made his way to the ring to go one on one with Jonathan Coachman. Michaels got on the mic and said he was doing ok but they are messing with his pyro. Michaels said that playing the part of Triple H, playing the part of Michael Buffer, will be Shawn Michaels. Michaels went to do the "let's get ready to suck it" bit but Coach's music interrupted him.

The start:

Michaels rolled to the outside and went under the time keepers table and pulled out a skull cap and put it on. No idea. They locked up and Coach went for a right hand in the corner but Michaels ducked and hit a series of jabs and then a big knockdown. Michaels pulled down Coach's pants and then knocked him down again. Michaels tossed the skull cap into the crowd and Coach came back with a thumb to the eye. Michaels came back with a flying forearm and then hit the atomic drop.

The Finish:

Michaels then hit a slam and headed up top and came off with the flying elbow. Michaels started to tune the band but the Spirit Squad hit the ring. Michaels cleaned house of the Spirit Squad, and then hit Mikey with Chin Music. Michaels then nailed Chin Music on the Coach but then Umaga came from behind Michaels. Umaga hit a huge Samoan drop on Michaels.

Winner by disqualification, Shawn Michaels

The Aftermath:

Armando hit the ring and snapped his cigar in half. The Squad went after Michaels but Umaga chased them off. Umaga nailed the Samoan Spike on Michaels.


Maria is backstage with John Cena. Maria gets confused about the match tonight. Cena cuts her off and says they have known each other for a while. Sometimes he looks at her and thinks she's so beautiful. He asks if she ate paint chips as a kid. Cena said tonight is a big night. Cena said it's a steamy night here in Cleveland. Secondly, Stephanie had a kid and Vince and Shane aren't here tonight. Cena said who the father is, is anyone's guess. He said Coach had a match with Shawn Michaels, and Foley and Flair called each other out. He said that Edge is rated PG13, but Lita is rated NC17. No cold sores in 17 days. He said Johnny Nitro is named after a natural gas, and when you see Melina get in the ring you get a bit of the rungs. Spank the pants. Then you have the Legend and the Legend Killer but Hogan Knows Best. We have a Samoan Bulldozer and Eschoochamay. He mocks Armando and tells him to shut his pie hole. Cena starts to flip out and lose it, and amidst all the chaos there is a focus that even Maria can understand. Tonight, his partner is Ric Flair and he gets to kick Edge's ass!


Footage was shown of Jerry Lawler throwing out the first pitch at the Cleveland Indians.

In the arena:

The Miz makes his way to the stage and it's time for the Diva Search. The crowd is booing already. Out come the contestants. The fans have spoken and the Diva with the fewest amount of votes is Maryse. She makes her way to the back. No one cares. This week on Smackdown it will be Diva Musical Chairs. Great.

Next Week:

Shawn Michaels will go one on one with Umaga, and Triple H will be back with us next week.

Referee: Michael Chioda
Edge and Johnny Nitro vs. John Cena and Ric Flair

The music of Johnny Nitro hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring with Melina as the Intercontinental Champion. Edge then made his way out with Lita as the WWE Champion and they will be facing John Cena and Ric Flair.

The start:

Flair and Nitro start out with a lock up and Nitro backed Flair to the corner and went for a cheap shot but Flair ducked and nailed some chops. Edge tagged in and walked into a chop. Flair nailed Nitro off the apron but Edge attacked him from behind. Cena is in and throws Edge over the top to the floor. Flair and Cena stand tall in the ring as we go to the final commercial break of the evening.

Mid-match notes:

Back on RAW and Cena is being beat down by Edge and Nitro. Edge hammers away at Cena in the corner and then tagged Nitro back in. Nitro stomped away at Cena and then whipped him to the corner but missed a charge. Flair tags in and chops at Nitro and then nails some right hands. Flair with a back elbow and more chops and then a back body drop. Flair nailed a chop block and then went for the figure four and he has it locked in but Edge breaks it up. Cena came in but Edge side stepped him and Cena flew to the outside.

Edge nailed the spear on Flair and covered but Cena made the save. Nitro nailed a neckbreaker on Flair and then kicked him to the outside. Melina and Lita took turns on Flair as Nitro distracted the referee. Back in the ring and Flair came back with a chop on Nitro. Flair missed a clothesline but Nitro nailed one of his own. Edge tagged in and they hit a double back elbow on Flair. Nitro hammered away at Flair on the outside as Edge distracted the referee. Back in the ring and Flair comes back with another chop. Edge took over with right hands and then whipped him to the corner but Flair reversed and then charged in but ate boot.

The Finish:

Edge to the middle rope and dived off but Flair nailed him with a chop and Edge is down. Flair makes the tag and he goes nuts on Nitro. Cena sends Edge to the outside and then hits a flying shoulder on Nitro. Cena with the spinning powerbomb on Nitro and then called for the five knuckle shuffle. Lita got on the apron and so did Melina and with the referee distracted, Edge nailed Cena in the back with a chair. Nitro covered but Cena kicked up. Nitro went for the snapshot but Cena reversed into the STFU. Edge went to make the save but Flair held him back and Nitro tapped.

Winners - John Cena and Ric Flair

The Aftermath:

Edge is mega pissed as Cena and Flair embrace. Edge and Nitro backed up the aisle with their women as Cena signalled that he wanted his belt back as RAW goes off the air.

Credit, Courtesy and Thanks to Wrestlezone!

07-25-2006, 03:14 AM
Great job man

07-25-2006, 04:27 AM
I enjoyed reading this throughout the night, Great job Ethan.

07-25-2006, 04:58 AM
Thankyou for the Play by Play Ethan :)

07-25-2006, 05:44 AM