View Full Version : MSNBC Reporter Bickers With Linda McMahon Over Steroid Use

A Blissful Ass
02-13-2010, 06:18 AM
MSNBC reporter Lawrence O'Donnell called out Linda McMahon on World Wrestling Entertainment's lingering steroid issue during an appearance on Morning Joe last week, claiming she "made money off the blood of people who destroyed themselves for a living for you."

The former WWE Superstar responded by saying O'Donnell was "behind the times." She cited the company's drug testing policy, cardio testing, and even noted padding around the ring. After McMahon finished responding, O'Donnell thanked her for giving him a situation where he can ask a politician about WWE.

However, he went back on attack mode moments later by saying WWE gets away with drug problems because "everyone thinks your business is a joke."

You can see the video here (http://www.uowforums.com/threads/179889-Linda-McMahon-vs-MSNBC-Reporter?p=791538)


02-13-2010, 07:16 AM
wow thanks for the post Mat

02-13-2010, 10:41 AM
She must have known that steroids would have been a huge deal during her campaign. Also, it was up to the wrestlers who took the steroids, sure Vince probably encouraged it but I am sure they took them before they got into WWE.

Big Evil
02-13-2010, 04:23 PM
Yeah Vince does love the muscular types but it is up to the individuals in the end to take steroids. But besides the point, this reporter is a joke! He wants to go on a mud-flinging rampage? Fine, but don't make comments that make u look like a comical jackass. People think the WWE is a joke? Sure maybe some idiots but I guarantee they aren't making billions a year, now are they?

02-13-2010, 10:24 PM
Steroids is ALWAYS the big thing to bring up when you're looking to "bash" Pro Wrestling.

Gets annoying after awhile. I'm not denying that Steroids were a big part of the business in the 80s-90s but its reduced A LOT. Again not denying that there isn't some wrestlers who still use them but these days you will get caught by the drug testing. Also, I don't believe that McMahon encourages steroid use. I think its more of a personal thought and its no secret that McMahon does like bigger guys so with that being said I'm sure a lot of wrestlers are also aware of McMahon liking bigger guys so....What seems like the logical thing to do if you're not a "bigger guy"....Steroids.