View Full Version : *Spoilers* ECW on SyFy Tapings for February 16th, 2010

02-17-2010, 03:19 AM
Dark Match:

* Jimmy Wang defeats Tyler Reks with a moonsault in a good match. Reks cut a heel promo before the match.

ECW on SyFy:

* A video for the ECW history is shown. Tonight they will reveal the stars of NXT.

* Big Show & The Miz defeat Goldust & Yoshi Tatsu to retain the tag titles in a good match. Miz gets the pin on Goldust.

* It's announced that Chris Jericho will be paired with Wade Barrett and Matt Hardy paired with Justin Gabriel, not a typo, on NXT

* Tiffany comes out but is interrupted by Zack Ryder and Rosa. Ryder is upset he didn't get the last ECW Title shot at Christian.

* It's announced MVP will be paired with Skipp Sheffield on NXT.

* Abraham Washington is the guest on his own show. Shelton Benjamin and Vance Archer interrupt, having words with each other. Trent Baretta and Caylen Croft come out. Vladimir Kozlov comes out and takes everyone out except Benjamin. They shake hands and that's it.

* It's announced Carlito will be paired with Michael Tarver and The Miz will be paired with Daniel Bryan (Danielson) on WWE NXT.

* It's announced Christian & Heath Slater will be paired up on NXT. The ECW Title match is up next.

* Christian comes out and cuts a promo on ECW, talking about Tommy Dreamer and being proud to be the longest reigning ECW Champ in WWE history. He says tonight he's fighting for the ECW Originals. Christian says he's proud to be the last ECW Champion.

* It's announced CM Punk will be with Darren Young on NXT.

* Ezekiel Jackson comes out with William Regal for the ECW Title match under Extreme Rules.

* They brawl almost the whole match. Zack Ryder runs in but Christian stops him. Rosa slaps him until Tiffany comes down and fights with Rosa. They use steps, trash can lids, shopping carts and other stuff. William Regal runs in at the end but Christian hits the Killswitch on him. Zeke puts Christian through a table for the win and the ECW Title.

* It's announced R-Truth will be paired with David Otunga on NXT.