View Full Version : WWE Superstars TV Report for Feburary 18th, 2010

02-19-2010, 07:36 AM
It is time for the show that brings all three two brands together. Now that we are in the awkward transition between ECW and NXT, we will get matches from the Raw and Smackdown brand tonight.

We begin with a match from the Raw brand and your announcers are the fathers of Kelly Kelly’s child, Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole.

Match Number One: Evan Bourne and Primo versus Carlito and Chavo Guerrero

Bourne and Carlito start things off and they lock up with Carlito pushing Bourne into the corner but Bourne with kicks to take Carlito down and he gets a near fall. Carlito with an Irish whip but Bourne with an arm drag off the turnbuckles followed by a clothesline for a near fall. Carlito with a kick and then he tags in Chavo. Chavo kicks Bourne and punches him. Chavo with more punches and then he distracts the referee to allow Carlito to work over Bourne. Chavo with a snap mare and near fall. Bourne with a bridge while Chavo tries to get a near fall. Bourne with a head scissors and a kick to Chavo’s leg. Bourne with a drop kick and then he gets a near fall. Chavo with a knee as Bourne tries to make the tag and then Chavo hits a Saito suplex for a near fall. Bourne with kicks to the leg followed by a spinning back heel kick and Primo tags in and he punches Chavo. Primo with a drop kick for a near fall. Chavo with a knee and side head lock but Primo charges at him and he is sent to the apron. Primo with a kick to Carlito on the apron but Carlito pushes Primo when he tries for a springboard move and Chavo gets a near fall. Carlito tags back in and he kicks Primo. Carlito with a punch to Primo. The brothers exchange punches and Primo avoids a moonsault but Primo does not miss a cross body. Primo with a back elbow but Carlito throws Primo over the top rope to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Chavo with a chin lock and arm bar on Primo. Primo with a knee and punch but Chavo with a drop toe hold and a flip senton splash for a near fall. Chavo with punches to Primo but Primo avoids another punch and hits a side Russian leg sweep and both men are down. Chavo keeps Primo from making the tag by knocking Bourne off the apron. Chavo hits the Gory Bomb but Bourne makes the save. Chavo sends Primo into the turnbuckles and Carlito is tagged back in and he gets a near fall. Carlito with a rear chin lock on his brother. Primo with elbows and kicks followed by a leg sweep but Primo misses a leg drop when Carlito moves out the way. Chavo and Bourne tag in and Bourne with a sunset flip and running head scissors take down and then he follows that with a double knee splash. Bourne knocks Carlito off the apron and then he hits a springboard round kick on Chavo but Carlito makes the save. Primo with a lungblower to Carlito. Bourne counters a Gory Bomb with a sunset flip but he can only get a two count. Bourne with a knee to Chavo and then he hits the Shooting Star Press for the three count.
Winners: Evan Bourne and Primo

We go to the video package for Antonio Inoki as the newest member of the 2010 Hall of Fame Inductees.

Gail Kim is in the back getting ready for her match as we go to commercial.

We are back with an update on Bret Hart’s condition after Monday’s accident, but we will have more on Smackdown.

Match Number Two: Gail Kim versus Katie Lea Burchill

They lock up and Katie with a hammer lock but Gail with a snap mare and rollup for a near fall. Gail with an arm drag into an arm bar. Katie with a head scissors but Gail escapes and gets a near fall. Katie with an Irish whip but Gail moves when Katie charges. Katie sends Gail into the ring post and gets a near fall. Katie kicks Gail in the arm and applies a key lock. Katie continues to work on the arm and connects with a shoulder breaker and gets a near fall. Katie with kicks to Gail’s back and then she sends Gail shoulder first into the turnbuckles before getting a near fall. Katie returns to the key lock and she sends Gail to the mat again. Gail with forearms but Katie with a forearm of her own. Gail with more forearms after escaping a slam. Gail with a few clotheslines followed by a cross body for a near fall. Gail gets a second wind and she hits the cross body in the corner followed by a missile drop kick for a near fall. Gail tries for the shoulder breaker but Katie hits an enzuigiri and follows it with punches and an Irish whip. Gail floats over and hits the shoulder breaker for the three count.
Winner: Gail Kim

After the match, Maryse comes out and she applauds Gail’s performance before returning to the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Chris Jericho video package.

It is time for the Smackdown half of the show to begin and your announcers are Matt Striker and Todd Grisham.

It is time for the Elimination Chamber video package.

We run through the card for Sunday’s pay per view.

Match Number Three: Rey Mysterio versus Mike Knox

They lock up and Knox backs Rey into the turnbuckles and he gives a clean break but it was a trap and Knox with kicks to Rey. Knox with a punch that sends Rey into the corner and then he hits a splash for a near fall. Rey backs into the corner and he kicks Knox but he runs into a clothesline from the big man. Knox follows that with a leg drop and gets a near fall. Rey with a head scissors but he runs into a big boot from Knox. Knox with a punch followed by a knee drop and he chokes Rey with his leg. Rey with punches from the apron but Knox picks up Rey and hits a back breaker. Knox with a knee in Rey’s back as he stretches him. Rey kicks Knox in the head and that staggers Mike. Knox with a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Knox with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Rey with a head scissors and guess where Knox went but Knox gets to the floor. Rey with a kick that sends Knox to his knees. Rey comes off the apron and Knox catches him and sends Rey into the ring post as we go to commercial.

We are back and Knox works on Rey and stretches him. Rey with kicks to Knox to get out of the hold. Knox with an Irish whip and then he gets Rey up for a torture rack and then he turns it into a standard back breaker for a near fall. Knox with a bear hug on Rey followed by elbows to the back. Knox returns to stretching Rey and using his knee. Rey with a kick to Knox but Knox with a kick. Rey with a kick and then Knox charges at Rey but Rey ducks down and Knox goes over the top rope to the floor. Rey goes up top and hits a seated splash onto Knox. Rey rolls Knox into the ring and hits a springboard leg drop and gets a two count. Knox with a running cross body for a near fall. Knox with a slam but he misses a knee drop. Rey with a drop kick to the knees and Knox goes there and Rey hits the 619 and a springboard dive for the three count.
Winner: Rey Mysterio

We go to credits.