View Full Version : *Spoilers* WWE NXT Tapings for February 23rd, 2010

02-24-2010, 03:10 AM
Dark Match:

Jimmy Wang Yang & Slam Master J d. Vance Archer & Tyler Reks. Yang pinned Reks after a moonsault...assume that was a dark match.


Michael Cole & Josh Matthews are NXT announcers.

Miz is backstage and told Daniel Bryan to come and cut a promo in front of the crowd to introduce himself. Dragon out now!

Bryan apologized for Miz being his pro. He said he wanted Regal. He came out and introduced himself. Miz interrupted and they had a great exchange ending with Miz slapping Bryan. Dragon more than held his own.

Matt Striker was backstage for an interview with Bryan, who said some day he will slap Miz back and he slaps harder. Striker tells him he'll have to listen to Miz.

Christian & Heath Slater d. Michael Tarver & Carlito. Christian hit The Unprettier on Tarver for win.

They showed promotional videos on the rookies befor their matches.

David Otunga d. Darren Young in about a minute. I missed the finisher. CM Punk walked out on Young after match.

Main Event: Chris Jericho d. Daniel Bryan with a codebreaker & a Lion Tamer. Really good match.

Miz beat the hell out of Bryan after the match.