View Full Version : *Spoilers* WWE NXT Tapings for March 2nd, 2010

03-03-2010, 03:01 AM
Dark Match:

* Slam Master J b. Tyler Reks

WWE NXT (Airing tonight on SyFy):

* Darren Young b. David Otunga off a distraction from CM Punk.

* A Daniel Bryan profile video is shown followed by highlights of his match last week against Chris Jericho. The Miz is backstage with Bryan where he tells him he must learn to fight with pain. He says he will fight Chris Jericho's rookie tonight.

* Matt Striker interviews David Otunga. He talks about Punk screwing him out of a win. R-Truth and Otunga get into a brawl over Otunga leaving him in the ring.

* Chris Jericho introduces Wade Barrett. A profile video follows. Wade Barrett b. Bryan Daniel. Chris Jericho comes in the ring and puts him in the Lion Tamer.

* They show highlights from last week's tag team match. Justin Gabriel & Matt Hardy vs. Skip Sheffield & William Regal is up next. They show a Skip Sheffield profile video. Justin Gabriel & Matt Hardy b. Skip Sheffield & William Regal when Gabriel hit a 450 splash on Regal.

* Backstage segment with Christian and Heath Slater and Carlito. Carlito spits apple in Slater's face to end the show.