View Full Version : WWE Superstar and a RAW Diva Close to Being Release

03-04-2010, 08:24 PM
WWE Superstar and a RAW Diva Close to Being Release

The belief among many WWE sources is that additional cuts will be made in the coming days, particularly within the Diva ranks.
According to the Pro Wrestling Torch, one name that keeps coming up is Katie Lea Burchill due to the departure of her storyline brother Paul Burchill last week. Vladimir Kozlov’s name has also come up as a possible cut casualty. While nothing is official, it seems unlikely simply because he’s been cast as a character in the Santino Marella sitcom, which is said to be a pet project of Raw head writer Brian Gewirtz

The latest issue of the Wrestling Observer also notes that a few more releases are being discussed and could be taking place as early as this week. There are particular names who people with power are trying to save. Of the five released this past week (Maria, Paul Burchill, Gregory Helms, Charlie Haas and Scott Armstrong), there were people who tried to save Helms.

03-04-2010, 09:40 PM
Stand back, there's a shit storm coming through!!!

Shane McMahon's Ass
03-04-2010, 09:52 PM

03-04-2010, 10:01 PM
Thanx for posting Konan!