View Full Version : EXCLUSIVE: HBK/Sheamus Encounter, Post-Mania HBK Update

Shane McMahon's Ass
03-09-2010, 11:33 PM
I spoke to a source within WWE this morning who relayed to me a very interesting story concerning a recent backstage encounter between Shawn Michaels and former WWE Champion Sheamus. According to the source, Michaels approached Sheamus and said, "in case you haven't heard, I'm not going to be around much after WrestleMania, and it's time for the guys like you to step up and main event with all the current top guys, and then bring up the next tier and make them top guys. Your time is NOW!"

Words to that effect.

We have been reporting for several weeks now that Shawn Michaels plans to take time off after WrestleMania, but this time around it might be different since there is no time table for his return. This doesn't mean that he will lose to The Undertaker at the PPV, but that his time off could be significantly longer this time around that it was last year after WrestleMania 25. I was even told that HBK could be held off until next year's 'Mania when he can do the big sendoff much like WWE did for Ric Flair.

I was also told that Sheamus is being told by guys like HBK to step up in every conceivable way, and that he needs to to be a leader to the young guys, but at the same time he needs to be very careful not to step on Randy Orton's toes. That's as big of a part of this story as anything, because a lot of the locker room really likes Randy because he has stood up when the time's right, and also because they all feel he's truly the best in the ring right now, even though his temper tantrums in and out of the ring have some people pointing fingers.


Big Evil
03-10-2010, 12:53 AM
I gotta agree with that. Orton is definitely the top star right now among the younger talent. These guys need to be focused and ready to perform because we have to face facts that the men who we loved to watch during the attitude era are starting to fall off into retirement. Randy Orton can and probably will be a leader for the next generation, and Sheamus has big potential if used correctly, which I don't think the WWE will screw up. So, if things go the way we want them to the WWE will have a smooth transition over the next few years into using younger talent and pushing them the way they deserve to be. What I like to see is that you have guys like Hunter and Michaels and definitely Undertaker on the top now, but they are looking to support and push the young guys, helping to put them over. That is how a business will thrive.

03-10-2010, 05:19 AM
agreed thanks for the update

03-10-2010, 05:50 PM
well lets hope triple h does the job to seamus at wrestlemania to give the irishman more main event credibilty a win for hhh dont mean much for him as it does for seamus in this match:klawz:

Big Evil
03-10-2010, 07:25 PM
^^^Exactly... and Triple H is a smart guy... he is interested in the success of the company and being a part of the McMahon family so you have to think that he will want to put Sheamus over and give him the credibility of being the next big thing. He has the potential, obviously has the backing of the people in charge, so I think they will do everything they can to get him established.

03-10-2010, 07:50 PM
thanks for the post krist