View Full Version : *SPOILERS* WWE Friday Night SmackDown 03.12.10

03-10-2010, 08:09 AM
The Mysterio family came out and the fans sang Happy Birthday to his daughter. Punk came out and issued a challenge for a match tonight, as well as one for WrestleMania. Good segment

Miz vs. R-Truth with Bryan and Otunga at ringside. Miz tried to get the pin with his feet on the ropes but Bryan pushed his feet off the ropes. Truth got the pin with the spinning forearm.

Drew McIntyre got another shot to get into Money in the Bank, beating Aaron Bolo in 20 seconds. They billed Bolo as an MMA fighter

Big Show b John Morrison in a slow match. Morrison did a springboard into a punch for the finish

Vickie Guerrero and Tiffany argued. Vickie said Tiffany was the reason ECW died. Well, at least they didn't blame Heyman's business sense. Vickei signed Tiffany vs. Michelle McCool for later

Tiffany b McCool via DQ when Vickie Guerrero did a run-in. Beth Phoenix made the save, including laying out Guerrero with a clothesline

Kane b Luke Gallows via DQ when Punk interfered. Said to be slightly better than you'd think. Punk gave Kane the GTS after. Not the smartest idea as it took two tries, but it'll be fine after editing. Mysterio made the save and beat up Punk all over the arena. Crowd loved that.

Main event segment is Highlight Reel with Jericho and Edge. Jericho said that Edge's career has been about one injury after another he's coming back too early from his injury to be at Mania. He said that he knows Edge is still hurt and vows to reinjure him and put him out for another six months. Jericho hit him with the mic and pounded on him. Edge came back and went for a spear but Jericho hit the belt and nailed Edge with it

03-10-2010, 02:32 PM
Thanx for the spoilers John!

03-11-2010, 11:07 PM
Smackdown didn't end with a Spear? That's like the first time since Edge came back lol.