View Full Version : WWE NXT Results for March 16th, 2010

03-17-2010, 04:26 AM
WWE NXT Report - March 16th, 2010
Report by Richard Trionfo, PWInsider

We are live from Los Angeles, California and your announcers are Josh ‘When does the Summerfest hype begin’ Mathews and Michael ‘Ginormous’ Cole. Your host for the evening is Matt ‘Can we go to the Peach Pit after the show’ Striker.

Matt Striker tells us that in two weeks, the first round of votes will be completed and we will get their evaluations.

Match Number One: CM Punk and Darren Young with Serena and Luke Gallows versus Matt Hardy and Justin Gabriel

Young and Gabriel start things off and they lock up with Young applying a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Young with a snap mare for a near fall. Gabriel reverses but Young with a forearm and punches. Young misses a punch and Gabriel with an arm drag. Hardy tags in and they Irish whip Young into the corner and hit Poetry in Motion followed by a clothesline by Hardy for a near fall. Gabriel tags in and hits a slingshot sunset flip for a near fall. Young with a knee and then he sends Gabriel into the turnbuckles. Punk tags in and he connects with a forearm and slams Gabriel for a near fall. Punk with knees in the corner followed by a forearm and more kicks. The referee pulls Punk out of the corner and Young tags in and he kicks Gabriel. Gabriel lands on his feet and hits a spin kick followed by an Irish whip. Gabriel is sent to the apron and Gabriel misses a springboard cross body and Young gets a near fall. Young with an elbow in the corner followed by a series of shoulders. Young with an Irish whip but Gabriel tries for a float over but Young with a kick to the midsection. Young gets between Gabriel and Hardy and then Young goes to the floor after Gabriel and Young sends Gabriel into the ring steps as we go to commercial.

We are back and Gabriel with a hip toss to Punk to get out of an abdominal stretch. Gabriel tries for a splash but Punk gets his knees up and gets a near fall. Punk with elbows to the ribs. Punk with a kick to the back and he gets a near fall. Young tags back in and he connects with a forearm. Young slaps Gabriel but Gabriel with kicks to the leg followed by a jumping back kick and forearm to the head. Gabriel with a back elbow for a near fall. Gabriel with an STO and then he goes up top but he misses the 450 splash. Hardy tries to encourage Gabriel but Young tags in Punk and Punk can only get a two count. Punk with a body scissors on Gabriel and he punches Gabriel in the midsection. Gabriel with elbows to get out of the hold and he gets a near fall with a jackknife cover. Punk knocks Hardy off the apron and then he tags Young back in. Young with a forearm and belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Young runs Gabriel into the turnbuckles and Punk tags back in. Punk with punches to the midsection. Gabriel with punches but Punk with a knee and a knee as Gabriel is sent off the ropes. Punk goes to the apron and he tries for the springboard clothesline but Gabriel with a desperation drop kick and both men are down. Hardy is tagged in and he clotheslines Punk a few times. Hardy with an Irish whip and running clothesline into the corner followed by a bulldog for a near fall. Hardy with a Side Effect for a two count. Hardy goes to the turnbuckles for the screaming elbow but Punk makes the tag to Young. Hardy brings Young in and hits a neck breaker for a near fall. Young with a kick but Hardy with a clothesline that sends both men over the top rope. Gallows punches Gabriel while the referee was not looking. Hardy avoids a punch from Gallows and hits a Side Effect on the floor. Hardy and Young return to the ring and Gallows distracts the referee and Punk hits the Go To Sleep and Young gets the three count.
Winners: CM Punk and Darren Young

After the match, Gallows with a short arm clothesline to Gabriel and a boot to Hardy. Punk and Young celebrate but Gallows with a kick and spinebuster slam on Young.

Time to see what the Miz is going to do with Daniel Bryan and Bryan will be facing the Great Khali.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Daniel Bryan versus Great Khali with Runjin Singh

Bryan stands face to pectorals with Khali and Khali sends Bryan into the turnbuckles. Bryan with kicks to the leg but Khali sends Bryan into the turnbuckles again. Khali with a chop and Khali tries for a choke slam but Bryan with a Guillotine choke on Khali and Khali is on his knees. Khali gets out of the hold and Bryan with a series of kicks to the chest. Bryan with a roundhouse kick and then he goes up top for a missile drop kick and he gets a near fall but Khali kicks out emphatically. Bryan goes up top but he comes off into a chop from Khali and then Khali with the choke slam and a single boot cover for the three count.
Winner: Great Khali

After the match, the Big Show comes out to the ring. Bryan struggles to get back to his feet and Show picks Bryan up and hits a choke slam. Show leaves the ring and goes to the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound.

Time to run through the card for Wrestlemania.

Cole talks about Cena might be doubting himself.

We go to comments from David Otunga. He says that he is going to win. He says that he is a touch above since he is from Hollywood. He mentions that he is the fiancée of Jennifer Hudson and he has been to Hollywood parties and has been to the White House. David says that he has no flaws. He compares himself to The Rock, Triple H, and John Cena. He also mentions that he went to Harvard Law School. He says that he doesn’t care what the people think about him. He says that he is not going to fail. He says that he will be the next WWE Superstar.

Michael Tarver is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back with the Wrestlemania Recall: Pete Rose from Wrestlemania in 1998 since he will be guest host on Monday.

We see footage from Slater’s victory over Carlito last week.

Match Number Three: Heath Slater versus Michael Tarver

They lock up and Slater with a side head lock. Slater with a flying shoulder followed by an arm drag into an arm bar. Tarver with a knee to Slater but Tarver is sent to the floor. Slater with a corkscrew pescado onto Tarver. Slater misses a charge into the corner and Tarver with a running boot to the head for a near fall.

We see Christian and Carlito watching in the back as Tarver gets a near fall. Tarver with a chin lock and then he sends Slater to the mat. Slater with a cross body and both men are down. Slater with a running forearm and then he gets a near fall. Tarver with an Irish whip but Slater floats over and gets a rollup for the three count.
Winner: Heath Slater

After the match, we see Christian celebrate in the back.

Tarver hits Slater from behind and hits an overhead T-Bone suplex.

Christian wants to know what he just saw.

William Regal and Skip Sheffield are in the back and Skip won’t be quiet while trying to tell Regal what he wants to hear. Regal walks away as we go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Skip Sheffield with William Regal versus Wade Barrett with Chris Jericho

Barrett with a kick and punch to Sheffield followed by an Irish whip but Sheffield goes to the apron and hits a double sledge from the turnbuckles followed by a chop that sends Barrett to the floor. Sheffield tries to send Barrett into the ring post and Barrett counters and eventually sends Skip into the post. Barrett gets a near fall once they return to the ring. Barrett stretches Sheffield in the ropes and the referee warns him. Sheffield with a knee to the back while Jericho berates the announcers. Barrett stretches Sheffield and has his boot in Skip’s back. Barrett tries for a suplex but Sheffield blocks it with Skip hitting a suplex of his own. Both men struggle to get to their feet. Barrett misses a charge into the corner and misses a clothesline. Sheffield does not miss with two double sledges followed by a shoulder tackle. Skip with a slam and then he does the stagger strut and splash for a near fall. Barrett with a shoulder to the midsection followed by an Irish whip. Barrett pulls Sheffield off the turnbuckles and then Barrett with a slam from a fireman’s carry position for the three count.
Winner: Wade Barrett

We go to credits