View Full Version : WWE Bans Useage Of Chairs To The Head!

03-17-2010, 05:06 PM
A report by the Hartford Courtant revealed that World Wrestling Entertainment officially banned chair shots to the head at the onset of 2010.
The article stemmed from the ongoing political warfare in Connecticut stemming from Linda McMahon's campaign to become Senator. One of McMahon's political rivals, Rob Simmons, who has been taking shots at McMahon's campaign being based around her background running World Wrestling Entertainment, questioned whether McMahon would testify at a local education committee about preventing and treating concussions among High School athletes.

In researching the article, writer Daniela Altimari received the following email from WWE spokesperson Robert Zimmerman:

"In January 2010, WWE amended its Talent Wellness Program, specifically regarding the ImPACT™ Concussion Management Program originally instituted in 2008, eliminating the use of folding chairs or props to "strike" an opponent in the head. Prior to this policy change, The Tables, Ladders and Chairs event in question took place on December 13, 2009. "Incidentally, no performer suffered a concussion during the TLC event."

The company's concussion program features annual examinations of talents as well as evaluations of whether they can return to active competition following head trauma.

The verbiage involving chair shots reads as follows:

*The WWE has eliminated using folding metal chairs to "strike" an opponent in the head.

*The WWE penalizes through fine and/or suspension the following:

-The intentional use of a folding metal chair to "strike" an opponent in the head.

-Any blow to the head that is deemed an INTENTIONAL act.

*The fine and/or suspension will be directed by the EVP of Talent Relations.

03-17-2010, 06:31 PM
vince is taking the fun out of wrestling even more now

03-17-2010, 07:28 PM
This is ridiculous. If shit like this keeps up, TNA really may have a shot at competing.

03-17-2010, 08:23 PM
This is ridiculous. If shit like this keeps up, TNA really may have a shot at competing.

The more violence the more ratings . its comman sense.

03-17-2010, 08:41 PM
You gotta be fu**ing kidding me!??!?!

WWE aint wrestling anymore!

03-17-2010, 09:16 PM

03-17-2010, 10:38 PM
yup thats it F*** WWE forever

03-17-2010, 11:47 PM
Wow. There's nothing else to say.

03-18-2010, 12:18 AM
Ok as stupid as this may be, anybody who thinks this is some kind of "last straw" that will put TNA over needs to get their head checked. Also, it makes sense really, concussions are a huge issue in sports right now. Now, even though chair shots to the head aren't the leading cause of concussions, (flying cross bodies are believe it or not) if a case were to be brought upon WWE down the road, one of the first things that will get mentioned is chair shots to the head. WWE is basically saving their asses on this one. To me, I'd rather see a wrestler perform longer then end his career earlier due to an injury or repeated injuries from some of the crazy shit they do. Don't get me wrong, the PG aspect of WWE needs to go, but I have no problem with them toning some of the stuff down for the betterment of the wrestlers and their health.

03-18-2010, 12:39 AM
Ok as stupid as this may be, anybody who thinks this is some kind of "last straw" that will put TNA over needs to get their head checked. Also, it makes sense really, concussions are a huge issue in sports right now. Now, even though chair shots to the head aren't the leading cause of concussions, (flying cross bodies are believe it or not) if a case were to be brought upon WWE down the road, one of the first things that will get mentioned is chair shots to the head. WWE is basically saving their asses on this one. To me, I'd rather see a wrestler perform longer then end his career earlier due to an injury or repeated injuries from some of the crazy shit they do. Don't get me wrong, the PG aspect of WWE needs to go, but I have no problem with them toning some of the stuff down for the betterment of the wrestlers and their health.

I never said it was going to "be the last straw that puts TNA over" I said that situations like this may allow for TNA to gain more viewers and possibly come close to competing with WWE.

Face it, wrestling fans love their chair shots and more than likely if WWE isn't going to give it to them, TNA will and although it may seem like a small issue, that, combined with a few other things could make a difference as far as this "war" is concerned.

Do I think this will lead to TNA surpassing, or even coming very close to WWE in the ratings? No, but it'll probably help nonetheless.

I do agree with your point about concussions though and the betterment of wrestlers' careers... but I really don't think chair shots were that major of a deal when it comes to that anyway, but people who know nothing about wrestling automatically assume that's the entire problem.

03-18-2010, 12:57 AM
I never said it was going to "be the last straw that puts TNA over" I said that situations like this may allow for TNA to gain more viewers and possibly come close to competing with WWE.

And I never said you specifically did, was speaking more in general.

I do agree with your point about concussions though and the betterment of wrestlers' careers... but I really don't think chair shots were that major of a deal when it comes to that anyway, but people who know nothing about wrestling automatically assume that's the entire problem.

Yup, exactly my point. Chairshots to the head mean absolutely dick when it comes to concussions, especially considering 90% of the time the person receiving the headshot puts an arm up to soften the blow. This is just a case of WWE covering their asses.. I can't blame them for that.

03-18-2010, 01:20 AM
I just find it funny that people see "chairshots" as an important part of wrestling, if you wanna see a chairshot watch two drunk idiots fight at some sporting event

Y0UR Messiah
03-18-2010, 04:03 AM
Has everyone noticed that as soon as Linda decided to run for the Senate the WWE has slowly sucked more and more. This has nothing to do with WWE covering their asses and more and more with helping Linda get into office.

03-18-2010, 05:11 AM
sorry...see my other post

03-18-2010, 05:14 AM
Ok as stupid as this may be, anybody who thinks this is some kind of "last straw" that will put TNA over needs to get their head checked. Also, it makes sense really, concussions are a huge issue in sports right now. Now, even though chair shots to the head aren't the leading cause of concussions, (flying cross bodies are believe it or not) if a case were to be brought upon WWE down the road, one of the first things that will get mentioned is chair shots to the head. WWE is basically saving their asses on this one. To me, I'd rather see a wrestler perform longer then end his career earlier due to an injury or repeated injuries from some of the crazy shit they do. Don't get me wrong, the PG aspect of WWE needs to go, but I have no problem with them toning some of the stuff down for the betterment of the wrestlers and their health.

I agree with your assessment completely. How many concussions did they say Chris Benoit had in his life before everything happened? How many wrestlers have ended careers early due to them? Head impacts that result in concussions have proven to cause so many mental issues that it is not even funny. That's the reason Kurt Warner retired this year...he had a nasty concussion and decided that the risks outweighed the benefits of staying in the NFL. I am personally glad that they are gone and am interested in seeing more scientific wrestling, like the stuff Brian Danielson does. As far as TNA goes, their best stuff is in the X-Division (AJ included) and not the heavyweights bringing weapons into the ring (Sting included -- I remember when face or heel, he could take it to them without weapons, convincingly).

03-18-2010, 05:38 AM
and the UFC are banning kicking and punching lol i have been a WWE fan and wrestling fan for over 15 years now and iv come to the conclusion that WWE isn`t for me anymore....(and not because of this chair ban to the head) i just feel that WWE is not targeted for my age group its for the younger generation now... and there is nothing wrong with that,it just means il have to look elsewhere for wrestling....i just hope TNA can improve...in the mean time its UFC for me

03-18-2010, 10:58 AM
Sure, chair shots to the head are dangerous because from time to time something goes wrong...BUT: it has been a huge part of feuds and storylines.

Just "lame Linda" is going for senat, they change their product. Would be interesting if someone who's the president of a weapon company will change the direction of his company too when running for senat??

Can imagine to lough when heel Batista attacks Cena with a chair and doesn't try to strike him in the head..."just" in the back....

03-18-2010, 05:19 PM
how ironic would it be if Linda lost and this PG thing was for nothing. Not just that but he lost he key fan base and millions of dollars only to have his wife lose.

03-19-2010, 04:16 AM
I just find it funny that people see "chairshots" as an important part of wrestling, if you wanna see a chairshot watch two drunk idiots fight at some sporting event

I dont think that chair are so important in wrestling. It jsut takes away from some aspect that I loved so much. Its taking away from my memories, and pushing me out of their market. It is really for kids now that why I am done with WWE

Big Evil
03-19-2010, 04:22 AM
I don't see any issue with chairshots as long as the wrestlers protect themselves. If you ask me, the WWE is taking this damn PG rating issue too damn far, and they are absolutely ruining their product. I didn't think I would say this, but I might stop watching WWE if this continues.

The Major
03-19-2010, 10:00 AM
Seriously, what next? No sunglasses? or water at ringside? No fan signs!?

03-19-2010, 05:15 PM
Same thing I said in the JR blogs thread..

You guys are seriously taking this too hard. WHO CARES IF THEY CAN'T HIT THEM IN THE HEAD WITH A CHAIR!! There's still gonna be CHAIR SHOTS, just not to the head. People act like chair shots to the head are the end all be all of professional wrestling. Seriously, get over it.

03-19-2010, 06:11 PM
TNA RATED R vs WWE RATED PG ... hahahahahahahah fuck wwe now. wrestlers can't even cut a fart, they'll get fined. check out TNA for an awesome fix of mayhem,blood,foul language and more real mature wrestling. wwe is kiddie crap now.

03-19-2010, 06:19 PM
TNA's rated R now? When did they get a new TV deal with Showtime? :o


03-19-2010, 06:19 PM
Word Konan!

Same thing I said in the JR blogs thread..

You guys are seriously taking this too hard. WHO CARES IF THEY CAN'T HIT THEM IN THE HEAD WITH A CHAIR!! There's still gonna be CHAIR SHOTS, just not to the head. People act like chair shots to the head are the end all be all of professional wrestling. Seriously, get over it.

It's not just the chairshots, it's everything WWE has been doing with their product for the last couple of years. And I wonder what will be next, cause something tells me that we haven't reached the iceberg yet.

03-19-2010, 06:22 PM
Word Konan!

It's not just the chairshots, it's everything WWE has been doing with their product for the last couple of years. And I wonder what will be next, cause something tells me that we haven't reached the iceberg yet.

Alright then, I mean if you have your reasons, then you have your reasons and that's fine. Obviously you guys are free to watch whichever promotion you want. I just find it a little asanine to stop watching WWE just because of one little thing like no more chair shots to the head.

EDIT: And you said word to him? Why? There's so many wrong things with his post, calling TNA rated R was just the obvious one I pointed out.

03-19-2010, 06:25 PM
TNA's rated R now? When did they get a new TV deal with Showtime? :o


i was just imagine wwe need to stop being some babys and stop being Pg nobody like the Pg shit and they need to quit. If they keep on then they are going to lose all their fans to TNA. whats wrong with a lil blood here and their brang back the old school kick ass fighting. We need it back fast.

03-19-2010, 06:31 PM
i was just imagine wwe need to stop being some babys and stop being Pg nobody like the Pg shit and they need to quit. If they keep on then they are going to lose all their fans to TNA. whats wrong with a lil blood here and their brang back the old school kick ass fighting. We need it back fast.

Don't get me wrong I agree the PG shit needs to go. I'm hoping the new war with TNA will get that happening but I honestly don't see TNA lasting much longer on Monday Nights, not with the ratings they've pulled in so far. There's nothing wrong with blood, at all, but to choose one company over the other because one has blood and the other doesn't is kinda stupid if you sit down and think about it. This is wrestling, as long as I see good matches and a quality product I'm satisfied. Some of you may not think so, but right now WWE's wrestling product is better then TNA's. TNA can't decide what to do from one day to the next. They have so many heel/face turns that make no sense it's ridiculous. Then you have the number one contender for the world title and he's not even in a program with the world champion, Abyss and his special ring are. (worse storyline this year by far) I dunno it's just it's gonna take alot more from TNA to get me to take them as a serious contender.

03-19-2010, 06:35 PM
Don't get me wrong I agree the PG shit needs to go. I'm hoping the new war with TNA will get that happening but I honestly don't see TNA lasting much longer on Monday Nights, not with the ratings they've pulled in so far. There's nothing wrong with blood, at all, but to choose one company over the other because one has blood and the other doesn't is kinda stupid if you sit down and think about it. This is wrestling, as long as I see good matches and a quality product I'm satisfied. Some of you may not think so, but right now WWE's wrestling product is better then TNA's. TNA can't decide what to do from one day to the next. They have so many heel/face turns that make no sense it's ridiculous. Then you have the number one contender for the world title and he's not even in a program with the world champion, Abyss and his special ring are. (worse storyline this year by far) I dunno it's just it's gonna take alot more from TNA to get me to take them as a serious contender.

wwe totally censored. no more chair shots, no nothing allowed. LMFAO ROFL wrestlers can't even fart in the ring or else they'll get fined and/or suspended. what kind of fucking wrestling is this shit??? LMFAO ROFL... TNA better take advantage of it. TNA RATED R for mayhem,violence,barbed wire bats,thumbtacks,blood,foul language,etc..... WWE RATED PG for kids under 12 yrs of age. LMFAO ROFL LMFAO

03-19-2010, 06:37 PM
^^ Word again!

And to RJ, I really don't care about WWE or TNA anymore. My problem is that many of my favorite wrestlers are in WWE and TNA :(

I mostly watch ROH, PWG and Chikara. I just feel bad for the WWE fans

03-19-2010, 06:44 PM
Who so ever wants the old wwe to come back piss off vince and maybe he will keep the chair shots to the head and bring back the other old ppvs' back.And fuck the new ppvs'.

03-19-2010, 06:47 PM
Ok Konan, no offense man but how old are you? Farts? Come on man, if that's all you can come up with to defend TNA don't even bother man. We're having a discussion, I'm defending WWE while SM is defending TNA. If you want to add to said discussion can you please at least come up with something worth reading? You go back to saying TNA is rated R when ITS CLEARLY NOT. There is NO foul language, only the occasional ass or damn. I don't hear AJ dropping any F bombs, this isn't ECW of the old. Aside from Angle, the only people that have been been bleeding lately are Hogan and Flair with their obnoxious blading. It's one thing to bleed to add a little something to a match, but those two just over do it. And Again, CHAIR SHOTS ARE STILL ALLOWED, what part of that did you misunderstand? They're just not allowed to the head, and honestly, how often do we even see chair shots to the head? Not to mention most wrestlers put their damn arm up to soften the blow anyways. Again, you're blowing this WAY out of proportion.

EDIT: Oh and SM I understand man. I like alot of the guys in TNA too, it's the only reason why I do keep tuning in. It's too bad that roster is as overcrowded as it is, because there's alot of guys there that deserve the shine that just aren't getting it.

03-19-2010, 07:04 PM
actually i m not defending tna .i love this whole business including tna and wwe both. and i just tell the reality. recent the ban of chair shot in wwe then tell me what is the future of Tables Chairs & ladders ppv?why wwe ppv are still titles chairs if they ban the use of it, why not wwe announced to change ppv name.and if they ban why lot of chairs still placed around the ring? and if we talk about PG then TNA is way better then wwe in PG rating. how? In last wwe ppv ELIMINATION CHAMBER we see no blood .and TNA shows blood also in TV SHOWS.lolhow is WWE gonna produce a credible product? It's gonna be one hell of a war. A war where two sides battle over who produces the biggest bag of horseshit.

03-19-2010, 07:09 PM
Ok, take a step back, breathe, and think about what you're saying. For the 3rd time now, chairs....are not banned. They can still use them. TLC, no dq matches, street fights, chair matches, chairs can be littered around the ring, it's ok. What's NOT ok anymore, is if a wrestler uses a chair to strike his opponent IN THE HEAD. Anywhere else, the shoulder, back, feet, is fine. The old wedging an ankle in a chair to "snap it". All of that is good and can still be done. Just not TO THE HEAD. Alright?

As far as part two to what you said. As I stated before, it really doesn't matter what you think of the production, 3.4 million viewers think otherwise. If TNA doesn't start turning around in the ratings quick, it'll be back on Thursday before the end of summer.

Also, about the blood. Like Rob said in another thread, and I said in here. A little blood to add to a match is good. WWE definitely needs to get that back. But blading for the sake of doing it is retarded. Flair punching himself in the head to bleed during a promo is just pointless, and, as I said before, over doing it.

03-19-2010, 07:22 PM
ok ! Thisi si a bit late in the day isn't it? Wasn't this concussion business brought to a head with the Benoit Tragedy? Why wasn't headshots banned back then? And, forgive me, but aren't all head chair shots intentional? Does this apply to ladders too? and what happens in TLC matches? But if the roster approves of the change then I guess they can see ways around their performances! Perhaps bring back true and real mat wrestling? which does stuff up CEna's repertoire!

03-19-2010, 07:30 PM
ok ! Thisi si a bit late in the day isn't it? Wasn't this concussion business brought to a head with the Benoit Tragedy? Why wasn't headshots banned back then? And, forgive me, but aren't all head chair shots intentional? Does this apply to ladders too? and what happens in TLC matches? But if the roster approves of the change then I guess they can see ways around their performances! Perhaps bring back true and real mat wrestling? which does stuff up CEna's repertoire!

The concussion issue was defintely brought up around the time Benoit did what he did, yes. Because part of the reason he did what he did was due to numerous concussions, but those came from his patented flying headbutt, not chair shots to the head. Nothing was done, as far as barring moves goes, until recently. Yes, head shots are intentional, I honestly don't know what WWE is doing as far as other foreign objects, considering this is only in regards to chairs. I would imagine all other forms of shots to the head would not be allowed either. I don't see how this can affect a TLC match, sure there's chairs, but how often are they used to strike an opponent in the head? The focal point of TLC matches have always been the ladders and the tables. All that stuff will still happen. As for the wrestlers approving it, well, they really don't have a choice in the matter. There isn't single wrestler in the WWE that has a chairshot in their moveset, with the minor exception of Christian and Edge (Con-chair-to) so I don't see how wrestlers are going to have to change anything. Most (not just Cena) have their usual 5 moves of doom so to speak. Trademark, Trademark, Signature, Signature, Finisher, Pinfall, match over. :arjay:

03-19-2010, 08:17 PM
Imo chair shot is the most useable shot in wrestling.and its mostly used also in drama"s.but if wwe ban this then defiantly wrestler goes to second option.and i guess 2nd option is more dangerous then the 1st .so thats why i said wwe should re staines their fucking decision.but may be wwe ban nodq matches. No chairs no ladders no bin no tables and if it happen then no wwe.