View Full Version : Steve Austin Didn't Clear Drinking Beer On Live WWE TV Before He Did It On Monday's R

03-18-2010, 06:34 PM
Vince McMahon did not clear Steve Austin to drink beer in the ring on the opening segment of Monday's Raw from San Diego. Austin just went out and did it. He was, however, told to watch his language to comply with their PG programming.


03-18-2010, 06:36 PM
thanks for the post John

03-18-2010, 07:11 PM
No beer, no bad language, no chairshots, no blood. What's next??

03-18-2010, 07:22 PM
No beer, no bad language, no chairshots, no blood. What's next??

No TNA hopefully. :shifty:

03-18-2010, 07:24 PM
No beer, no bad language, no chairshots, no blood. What's next??

No violence lol I hope one day either Vince or whoever is in charge when he dies or retires will get rid of this PG era and bring back an era kind of like the atiitude era. I am guessing we have to wait for Linda to retire or something as she has caused alot fo this crap. WWE could also be making more money from the PG era with the kids, I am not sure.

03-18-2010, 07:39 PM
I really hope Trips and Stephanie takes over the company in the future

Big Evil
03-19-2010, 02:35 AM
Who gives a shit if he didn't clear drinking beer? Used to be that beer drinking was one of the things he did, saluting the crowd and whatnot. It really sucks that a pro wrestling company is stupid enough to aim their product, featuring men beating the hell out of each other, at children. Damn I hope things change soon.

03-19-2010, 03:42 AM
Who gives a shit if he didn't clear drinking beer? Used to be that beer drinking was one of the things he did, saluting the crowd and whatnot. It really sucks that a pro wrestling company is stupid enough to aim their product, featuring men beating the hell out of each other, at children. Damn I hope things change soon.

WWE is gonna be losing a lot (more than they already have) of viewers and fans with the recent shit they are doing...couldnt agree with Big Evil more here. It doesnt have to go back to the complete over the top days of the attitude era. Bring back the violence, the blood, and a little bit of foul language and everything would be so much better.

That Rob
03-19-2010, 03:47 AM
No beer, no bad language, no chairshots, no blood. What's next??

You're talking like taking away all these things are a bad thing. Chairshots to the head are not that good, don't believe me tell me where you live I'll bring a steel folding chair and I'll hit you in the head a few times. Concussions, we still don't know exactly what they do to a person's brain because it varies from person to person, and so they need to be removed. It's only headshots that are banned shots to the body are still okay.

Blood, we don't need to see a wrestler bleed unless it adds to the story of the match, you want to see a wrestler bleed just for the sake of bleeding go watch TNA, I watched it this past week and I saw at least 3 people bleed in 2 hours, 2 of them for no reason other then to bleed. I support the WWE for removing blood from the WWE, because with all the diseases going around nowadays there is no telling what is in somebodies blood system.

The other two are just too stupid to comment on. And everybody here is acting like the PG era is going to be the death of wrestling, reminder the 80's and early 90's were PG as well. WWE is just adapting to the times, as should all of you.

03-19-2010, 04:09 AM
Nothing is gonna change. The WWE is a publicly traded company and while Vince may be the boss backstage, he still has investors to answer to. As long as they continue to turn a profit, Vinnie ain't gonna screw with it. Those of you pining for the days when blood and profanity were regular staples of WWE tv, need to simply turn your channel over to TNA on Monday nights, pray their ratings improve while the WWE's drop, forcing Vince & Co. to take a good, hard look at the way they do things. Because as long as the WWE is head & shoulders above everyone else, they will remain a dull, safe product.

03-19-2010, 04:09 AM
You're talking like taking away all these things are a bad thing. Chairshots to the head are not that good, don't believe me tell me where you live I'll bring a steel folding chair and I'll hit you in the head a few times. Concussions, we still don't know exactly what they do to a person's brain because it varies from person to person, and so they need to be removed. It's only headshots that are banned shots to the body are still okay.

Blood, we don't need to see a wrestler bleed unless it adds to the story of the match, you want to see a wrestler bleed just for the sake of bleeding go watch TNA, I watched it this past week and I saw at least 3 people bleed in 2 hours, 2 of them for no reason other then to bleed. I support the WWE for removing blood from the WWE, because with all the diseases going around nowadays there is no telling what is in somebodies blood system.

The other two are just too stupid to comment on. And everybody here is acting like the PG era is going to be the death of wrestling, reminder the 80's and early 90's were PG as well. WWE is just adapting to the times, as should all of you.

80s and 90s were not PG exactly. I do not think they are saying it will be the death of wrestling, it is just that WWE are taking away alot of the excitement from wrestling. I mean seriously, Austin didn't even give his backward finger salute and I bet that they asked him not to.

I think it is sad that WWE is changing because the owners wife wants to get into politics and that is the reason behind alot of these crap changes. It is not because it is good for wrestling. Think abuot it, they have now stopped chair shots to the head because some politician was questioning Linda about it, not because Vince does not want his superstars to be safe from brain damage. The same man who asked his wrestlers to take steroids and most likely still takes them himself or did at one time for sure but when the shit hit the fan over Benoit, oh no, Vince is against them in every way possible.

I am sure Vince would be looking forward also to be going to dinners etc with all these politicians. Some nice new contacts for his empire to help him in one way or another.

What do you mean adapting to the times? We have MMA which is much more popular now than it was in the 90s and way more dangerous than WWE. There was no need for WWE to go PG, they are doing it for reasons other the good for the business. Before they went PG, they still had the kids watching as fans, all the PG era is doing is pissing off the older fans.

So there you go Rob, how about you stop carrying on and think about what you are saying before you decide to tell people off for what they are.

03-19-2010, 05:05 AM
^^ this guy got it right all cause of stupid politics, leave them out of my wrestling GD it!

03-19-2010, 06:12 AM
Well SOMEBODY had to know about it since the beer was set up at ringside.

03-19-2010, 06:43 AM
Well SOMEBODY had to know about it since the beer was set up at ringside.

They could not have Stone Cold come on withuot him having a beer.

Black Widow
03-19-2010, 10:00 AM
No beer, no bad language, no chairshots, no blood. What's next??

no wrestling :shifty:

03-19-2010, 03:57 PM
lol no wrestling no entertainment ? is this wwe???

03-19-2010, 04:26 PM
You're talking like taking away all these things are a bad thing. Chairshots to the head are not that good, don't believe me tell me where you live I'll bring a steel folding chair and I'll hit you in the head a few times. Concussions, we still don't know exactly what they do to a person's brain because it varies from person to person, and so they need to be removed. It's only headshots that are banned shots to the body are still okay.

Blood, we don't need to see a wrestler bleed unless it adds to the story of the match, you want to see a wrestler bleed just for the sake of bleeding go watch TNA, I watched it this past week and I saw at least 3 people bleed in 2 hours, 2 of them for no reason other then to bleed. I support the WWE for removing blood from the WWE, because with all the diseases going around nowadays there is no telling what is in somebodies blood system.

The other two are just too stupid to comment on. And everybody here is acting like the PG era is going to be the death of wrestling, reminder the 80's and early 90's were PG as well. WWE is just adapting to the times, as should all of you.

I find it funny that you just quote me, but not Big Evil or LionDen or the others who agree with me.
I never said banning chairshots where the death of Wrestling. I said it would be the death of WWE.
When did WWE become all wrestling in the world??

PG does not fit with wrestling. Wrestling aint for kids!!

03-19-2010, 06:08 PM
This to me sounds like a way for WWE to remove chairs to the head for the PG RATING. Think about it, I really highly doubt guys like Cena or Miz are going to be taking chairs to the head directly. That as we know is usually reserved for your ECW type fellas. The formers being firmly in the "GET YOUR HANDS UP TO PROTECT YOURSELF" portion of the roster. This adding to the wellness policy step, is a way to try to soften the blow to the "WWE universe" What the marks see is... "Remember, we here at WWE truly CARE about our employees, we don't want any concussions...(yeah, we know we put our hands up)This is in NO WAY a reflection of our going to a PG rating" HAHAHA!!

That Rob
03-19-2010, 07:46 PM
80s and 90s were not PG exactly. I do not think they are saying it will be the death of wrestling, it is just that WWE are taking away alot of the excitement from wrestling. I mean seriously, Austin didn't even give his backward finger salute and I bet that they asked him not to.
It's not just this forum but every forum I go on that people are acting like the PG era is going to end the WWE. Also in an interview before he hosted RAW STone Cold said himself he was going to be PG.

I think it is sad that WWE is changing because the owners wife wants to get into politics and that is the reason behind alot of these crap changes. It is not because it is good for wrestling. Think abuot it, they have now stopped chair shots to the head because some politician was questioning Linda about it, not because Vince does not want his superstars to be safe from brain damage. The same man who asked his wrestlers to take steroids and most likely still takes them himself or did at one time for sure but when the shit hit the fan over Benoit, oh no, Vince is against them in every way possible.
You're acting like making unprotected chair shots to the head illegal is a bad thing. You're telling me that you'd rather have a guy suffer a career of concussions that could end up killing him so you'd be entertained for 15 minutes a week? If so, you're pretty fucked in the head, no offense. Yes Vince might have forced his superstars to take steroids in the 80's, when there was little known about them, but as the side effect become clearer and clearer Vince and his company take as many precautions as possible to help his employees. Just look at what he does for his ex-employees and current, 1 strike 30 days, 2 strikes 60 and he pays for your rehab, 3 strikes and you're fire. He pays for their damn rehab and you're telling me he doesn't care about his employees?

I am sure Vince would be looking forward also to be going to dinners etc with all these politicians. Some nice new contacts for his empire to help him in one way or another.
I can agree with you here, he does want to be seen in the public.

What do you mean adapting to the times? We have MMA which is much more popular now than it was in the 90s and way more dangerous than WWE. There was no need for WWE to go PG, they are doing it for reasons other the good for the business. Before they went PG, they still had the kids watching as fans, all the PG era is doing is pissing off the older fans.
MMA is in no way more dangerous then WWE, then aren't on the road 300 days a year, they aren't fighting every night, and they have a very strict drug policy that has been enforced for as long as I can remember. You go back and watch UFC in 1993 and then watch it now and tell me it's more dangerous now. These guys have to be checked by doctors up until a few hours before their fights, if they have an injury after their fight they are suspended until it is healed. There was a need for Vince going PG and it was because of all the bad press he was getting in June and July of 2007 he needed to show he could be kid friendly. Oh and he didn't do it for the kids he did it for the parents. He sees that the parents are talking about how bad violence is and he switched it so his company looks like a saint.

Other then less blood, a good thing, less headshots with chairs, another good thing, and some bad language taken away what has the PG era done to make the WWE so bad?

So there you go Rob, how about you stop carrying on and think about what you are saying before you decide to tell people off for what they are.
I'm allowed to have my own views, am I not? Or am I supposed to conform to whatever everybody else here thinks and be a robot?

Edit@ SmartMark, The PG era will not be the death of the WWE, and you're crazy if you think it will be. They are doing their best business in years, selling as much merchandise as they were in the 90's. Vince has done a great job building his company to where no matter what he does fans keep coming back.

03-19-2010, 07:51 PM
I'm allowed to have my own views, am I not? Or am I supposed to conform to whatever everybody else here thinks and be a robot.

Hey hey not everybody. :hmm: haha

03-19-2010, 08:19 PM
Well, I think it is a death of a company when the only fans they have is kids. Cause as I stated before; Wrestling aint for kids!!

Bloody kids ruin everything! Go back to watch teletubbies for christ sake!!

03-20-2010, 09:23 AM
n the lead up to its biggest show of the year - when its spanking tna's arse in the ratings the wwe pull this - still could be worse we could have an inter franchise dream match - hogan vs cena - now how would that play out - punch kick sell punch lick sell punch kick sell wwe and 12 year olds the dream audience - fuck it im off to watch roh dvds