View Full Version : WWE Superstars TV Report for March 25th, 2010

03-26-2010, 07:57 AM
We begin tonight’s show with the Smackdown brand and your hosts are Matt Striker and Todd Grisham.

Match Number One: JTG with Shad versus CM Punk with Luke Gallows and Serena

They lock up and Punk backs JTG into the corner and he connects with a forearm and knees. The referee pulls Punk away from JTG and Punk returns to the attack. JTG with an Irish whip but Punk sends JTG to the apron. JTG with a shoulder but he tries a second one but Punk with a knee that sends JTG to the floor. Gallows and Serena mock JTG while Punk goes to the floor and kicks JTG. Shad comes by to watch while Punk returns JTG to the ring and then kicks him in the head from the floor. They return to the ring and Punk with a chin lock and arm bar. JTG with elbows to escape the hold followed by a knee. JTG with the flip shoulder tackle and a clothesline followed by a drop kick. JTG rolls the dice and leaps into the corner and hits an X Factor for a near fall. JTG with punches to Punk and then JTG with a sliding punch for a near fall. JTG tries for a cross body but Punk ducks down to avoid it. Punk with the running knee into the corner and then he hits the bulldog. Punk with kicks to JTG and then he gets JTG up and hits the Go to Sleep for the three count.
Winner: CM Punk

After the match, Punk points to the Wrestlemania sign while the Straight Edge Society looks at it like a talisman.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Wrestlemania Recall: Shawn Michaels’ boyhood dream coming true.

Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole talk about the Art Expo that took place yesterday and then we get a run down of the events in the Phoenix/Glendale area.

Did you know that Undertaker and Shawn Michaels are wrestling on Sunday? We have a video package to prove it.

We go to commercial.

We are back with Todd and Matt and it is time to see what is going on with Edge and Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania.

We go to commercial.

We are back and did you know that Bret Hart is in a No Holds Barred Match with Vince McMahon. We happen to have a video package.

We go to highlights of last week’s build in the Rey Mysterio/CM Punk feud and the reason why Rey might be in the Straight Edge Society after Wrestlemania.

Match Number Two: Rey Mysterio versus Tyson Kidd with David Hart Smith and Natalya

They lock up and Kidd works on the arm and wrist. Rey rolls through and starts to work on the leg. Kidd with a figure four arm bar on Rey but Rey escapes and tries to work on the legs but Kidd gets to the ropes. Kidd with a kick to the midsection and he returns to the arm. Rey with a kick to the leg but Kidd holds on and gets a near fall on Rey. Rey gets to his feet and hits an arm drag out of a wheelbarrow. Kidd with a shoulder tackle for a near fall and then he kicks and punches Rey. Kidd with a forearm to Rey’s head and then he sends Rey into the turnbuckles. Rey slides through the legs and then he hits a head scissors that sends Kidd into the ropes. Natalya trips Rey and then he chases after Natalya. Kidd sends Rey towards Smith but Rey with a seated splash. Kidd hits Rey from behind and then he sends Rey into the ringside barrier as we go to commercial.

We are back and Kidd has Rey in a modified abdominal stretch. Rey with a kick to the head to get out of the hold. Kidd with a kick to the midsection and then he kicks and chokes Rey some more in the corner before the referee pulls Kidd out of the corner. Kidd with an Irish whip but Rey with a drop kick to the knee and Kidd goes into the turnbuckles. Rey is on the apron and he sets for a springboard move but Kidd counters with a drop kick for a near fall. Kidd returns to the seated abdominal stretch. Rey with an elbow but Kidd tosses Mysterio into the air and he goes down to the mat. Rey goes to the floor and Kidd with a forearm to the back of the head as he comes off the apron. Kidd and Rey return to the ring and Kidd with a pump handle gutbuster for a near fall. Kidd chokes Rey in the ropes and then he chokes him with his boot. Kidd with a forearm to the back of the head but Rey with a kick. Kidd with more forearms but Rey with more kicks. Rey with a bulldog out of a wheelbarrow and both men are down. Kidd throws Rey to the floor and Rey pops up but Natalya kicks Rey while Kidd is held back by the referee. Kidd with a baseball slide to the back of Rey’s head and Rey goes into the ringside barrier. Kidd hits the springboard blockbuster but can only get a two count. Kidd cannot believe that he has not finished off Rey so he goes to the apron again. Kidd tries for a double jump Arabian Press but he misses. Rey with a springboard seated splash followed by a clothesline and springboard cross body for a near fall. Rey with a knee to the midsection but Kidd with an Irish whip. Kidd misses a charge into the corner and Rey with a rana followed by a kick to the head for a near fall. Kidd with a back kick and then he tries to slam Rey but Rey escapes. Kidd with a hot shot and a clothesline. Kidd returns to the apron and hits the springboard elbow drop but he can only get a two count. Kidd with knees to Rey and then he hits a shoulder to the midsection as Rey comes off the ropes. Rey with a kick when Kidd tries again. Rey with an elbow followed by a rana that sends Kidd into the ropes and Rey with the 619 and springboard dive for the three count.
Winner: Rey Mysterio

We go to credits.