View Full Version : WWE Referee Taken Off The Road, Chris Masters Update

07-28-2006, 12:19 PM
source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Smackdown referee Jimmy Korderas has been taken off the road due to health issues that showed up in a recent check-up. WWE is currently looking to hire two referees. Scott Armstrong was scheduled to have an interview earlier this week for a spot. Also, former Texas area referee James Beard was contacted in regards to filling in one of the positions.

Chris Masters' current suspension and rehab is due to him using painkillers without a prescription. Also, it appears as though that his health issues are more psychological than any internal organ damage

07-28-2006, 05:23 PM
well at least for Masters it isn't organ stuff like it has been with other wrestlers lately.

But Smackdown has been infected with somethin for real man. First wrestlers and now even a referee.

07-28-2006, 06:29 PM
The Curse of Smackdown, even refs are suffering from it now.