View Full Version : Jim Ross Set to Quit WWE Announcing

04-01-2010, 05:15 AM
The voice of the World Wrestling Entertainment Jim Ross announced in his blog he will probably never announce another match.

In a surprising move Ross was not used to announce at WrestleMania 26 instead the PPV was fronted by Michael Cole, Matt Striker and Jerry Lawler. Ross insisted he was healthy enough to announce despite reports that suggested a recent bout of Bell's Palsy had got worse.

Ross said: "Life is good and I am healthy and happy.

"For those that have erroneously written or assumed the reason I did not announce at WM26 was because of health concerns, that assumption is incorrect, I'm happy to say.

"Broadcasting wrestling in WWE is likely history for me.

"But there are many other areas to which I can contribute in WWE and those options, among others, will be weighed over the next month."

On Monday in his farewell speech Shawn Michaels referred to Ross as "the greatest of all time" Ross respond and said "I sincerely appreciated Shawn's shout out to me on Raw which was, symbolically, a fitting end to my own WrestleMania tenure."

It is unclear if we will see Jim Ross back at the broadcasting table although one yearns for a final call by the man who has been the voice of the WWE for nearly two decades - time will tell but there is no doubt in my mind we will see Ross in a new position with the company.

04-01-2010, 05:32 AM
ever sense ross has been out WWE just hasnt been the same for me wish he would come back

04-01-2010, 06:20 AM
thanks for the post Konan

04-01-2010, 09:27 AM
As much as we love to see him announce, he's got to move on with his life.

Kenpachi Zaraki
04-01-2010, 09:35 AM
^^^ I don't love to see him announce or atleast I was not enjoying it recently. Good Luck JR you were good but yeah you gotta move on. That btw reminds me Michale Cole fronting WM :lmao:

They should sack Cole and have Striker, Lawler and Todd Grisham