View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Spoilers for April 9th, 2010

04-07-2010, 04:19 AM
At Extreme Rules: Jack Swagger will take on the Edge/Chris Jericho winner.

Swagger promo. He says he deserves to be champion, and is the best natural athlete since HBK retired. He was interrupted by John Morrison. Lots of jokes, including some about hi lisp. Morrison calls him non champion worthy. Funny back and forth. Morrison gets one up on Swagger and Jack throws temper tantrums. He gets back in ring and match starts.

Match is briefly stopped due to a cut on Swagger. Good match, which Swagger wins with the Doctor Bomb.

Later, CM Punk says that he will convert Young to Straight Edge.

Chris Jericho and Wade Barrett backstage
were interrupted by Swagger. Swagger says he's sure thing. He's a world champion.

Shad Gaspard out to new music, but goes to the back. Then he comes back to the Cryme Tyme theme. Shad has shaved head. Says there is always someone in the way, and you should take what you deserve. He says it's his time. "My tyme" is his new slogan.

JTG comes out but shad kills him with clothesline.

Drew McIntyre vs. Matt Hardy is next. Drew says he isn't going to waste his time talking to the losers in the crowd. Drew wins with his finisher.

Off camera, Hardy is helped out to the back.

Punk came out next. The crowd was into him. Serena then heeled them, as did Punk. Standard mic work by Punk. Gallows talks about how shaving his head saved him. Punk tells Young that Straight Edge will help him on NXT. He said shaving his head will help. Young first agrees then refuses. SES beat him down. Rey Mysterio makes the save and went to shave Punk's head but Punk got away.

They announce Punk vs. Rey Mysterio for Extreme Rules, with Punk's hair on the line.

Teddy Long comes out and announces Rey vs. Punk in a street fight right now.

Rey won in a good match. It may have been a dark match.

Baretta and Croft came out and cut a promo. They are taking on The Hart Dynasty tonight. The Dynasty wins with a Sharpshooter.

Josh Matthews asks Dolph Ziggler backstage how it felt to put Great Khali to sleep. Ziggler answers by putting Josh to sleep.

Swagger and Edge get into it backstage. Edge says he will beat Swagger at Extreme Rules. He says it with a lisp.

Edge and Chris Jericho went to a double countout they brawled around the ring. They kept going for a while until Edge hit Jericho with the spear. Swagger came out but got speared by Edge as well.

Edge then cut a promo for the local crowd, talking about how he wanted to wrestle in Chi Town since he was a kid. That ended the show.


04-07-2010, 08:18 AM
The show opens with a Jack Swagger promo. He said he's a changed man and for the better. He said there is not a WWE superstar that can stop his momentum.

John Morrison came out and said Swagger is still the same. He said Swager still has the same silly haircut, same stupid nickname, and the same speech impediment. This pissed off Swagger, who denied the speech issue. Swagger said Morrison is the same too and that his claim to fame is living in the shadow of The Miz.

1. Jack Swagger defeated John Morrison in a non-title match after the gutwrench powerbomb. Apparently Swagger gets a cut near the start and the ref towels his temple off twice.

A video teased that C.M. Punk would convert Darren Young to the Straight Edge Society.

Backstage Chris Jericho spoke to Wade Barrett and said he should still be World Hvt. Champion. Swagger interrupts. Jericho says just because you have the blond spikey hair, wear a suit, and have a serious demeanor, that doesn't make you Chris Jericho. It doesn't make you champion. Swagger slapped his belt and said this makes me WORLD Champion.

Shad Gaspard came out to new music and tron, but halfway down the ramp he went back and came out to Cryme Tyme's opener. Shad cut a heel promo saying it's time to TAKE what you deserve. JTG ran down but caught a boot from Shad.

2. Drew McIntyre defeated Matt Hardy. McIntyre hit a DDT on the floor and rolled him in for the pin. Much longer than last week's match.

C.M. Punk was about to save Darren Young before Young changed his mind. Young attacked Punk and then the Straight Edge Society beat up on Young until Rey Mysterio came out. Mysterio accepted Punk's previous challenge to a match at Extreme Rules. Teddy Long came out and said he doesn't think Chicago wants to wait. He announced Punk vs Rey in a street fight would start right away.

3. Rey defeated CM Punk in a street fight. A weak street fight where only a chair was used sparingly.

Caylen Croft and Trent Baretta came out and cut a promo dubbing themselves the Dudebusters.

4. The Hart Dynasty defeated Dudebusters. DH Smith won the match for his team when he applied the Sharpshooter.

Backstage Josh Matthews interviewed Dolph Ziggler. Josh asked about a sleeper last week and ended up in the sleeper himself.

Edge was warming up in his locker room when he was greeted by Jack Swagger. Edge explained how he was just like Swagger and when he cashed in MITB, he lost the title three weeks later. Edge said he'll win tonight and take the title in three weeks with the spear. Edge said "let me say it so you'll understand... I'll win it... With a sssthpear!" (mimicking Swagger's lisp).

5. Edge and Chris Jericho fight to a double countout. Both men fight into the crowd during the match. At one point it looked like Edge took a drink to the face. Edge speared Jericho and then Swagger came down and he ate a spear as well. Swagger's bit was probably off-air.

Edge cut a pro-Chicago promo putting over the Wrestling Classic tournament and saying that show made him want to perform in front of this crowd. He said next time he wrestles at the Allstate Arena, he will be the World Heavyweight Champion.

04-07-2010, 04:41 PM
EXtreme Rules is sounding like Wrestlemania XXVI part 2. I can not wait to see when someone gets really badly cut in the ring and they completely stop the match ... I hope its a title match.