View Full Version : Daniel Bryan Blogs About Michael Cole & NXT

04-08-2010, 09:14 PM
-- WWE NXT rookie Daniel Bryan has updated his WWE Universe blog .. Here's what Bryan said about:

Michael Cole's Commentary: "I’m fascinated by Michael Cole’s commentary. For all of his talk of me being a computer geek, I suspect I spend less time on the Internet than just about anyone in the WWE, including him," Bryan said. "I am probably some sort of geek/nerd...but more of the classic book reading, record listening, don’t know anything about what’s going on in popular culture type nerd."

This Week's Keg Carry Contest: "I did not do well in the keg carrying competition this week. I’ve never carried a keg in my entire life nor do I expect to carry one ever again. But, if you judge the competition by who held onto the keg the longest, I clearly won," Bryan said. "I don’t have any idea how keg racing has any relation to wrestling...but such is life. Perhaps next week we can have a Scrabble competition inside a steel cage with Diva lumberjills on the outside to make sure nobody interferes.

He also revealed that his signature maroon tights were a gift from William Regal after the two trained together back in the early 2000's. It's a good read from one of NXT's top stars.


04-09-2010, 07:46 AM
thanks for the update