View Full Version : WWE Lifts Bans on Refs, Pro-Wrestling, Indy Wrestling

04-10-2010, 07:28 AM
The Wrestling Observer Newsletter is reporting that Vince McMahon has lifted a ban on certain terms in WWE. Most recently he has allowed announcers to call referees by their names a ban which never really come into full effect last year, the word "pro wrestling" is allowed to be used and the Indy wrestling scene can be referred to. Announcers are also allowed to refer to Twitter and Facebook particularly concerning NXT Stars. Blood is stll banned and should a WWE Superstar bleed on a WWE broadcast they will be attended to by a WWE official.

Big Evil
04-10-2010, 03:38 PM
I wish Vince could separate his personal life from business. I think because he's a grandpa in real life, a proud one and I'm sure he's great at it, he has let his personal experiences determine how he runs his business. He sees the children in a different light, or rather he sees them again as he did when Shane and Stephanie were young. For some reason he feels he needs to change a business which operates on the money of those wanting to see men fight, beat the crap out of each other, and leave with their thirst for competition and blood satisfied. Pro wrestling is an adult industry, and it should continue to be aimed at adults. I just don't see how he thinks he can aim a product like this at children.

04-10-2010, 05:17 PM
thanks for the post Konan

04-10-2010, 05:21 PM
agreed with BE...pro wrestling SHOULD be geared in the 16-35 range, give or take a few years of course :) this kiddy stuff is just cheesy...but i am glad they are allowed to say PRO WRESTLING again, seeing how this is what WWE is. "sports entertainment"...my bad ;) the fact that "pro wrestling" was banned in the first place is ridiculous.

04-10-2010, 05:22 PM
I'm currently reading Shawn Michaels & Triple H's book about DX. And in the first chapter, they are writing about this.
Trying to keep keyfabe and act like there isn't any other wrestling companies other than WWE.
I really don't understand why they wheren't allowed to call referee's by their names. It's silly!

And the blood thing....Well, I'm not gonna say anything about that know :P