View Full Version : JR Blog: Weighs in on Steve Austin, his WWE future, Dr. Heiney, Jack Swagger and More

04-11-2010, 04:09 AM
Jim Ross has posted his latest blog entry at his www.jrsbarbq.com website. Here are some highlights from the blog.

In something that has to mean a lot to JR personally he wrote: Steve Austin confirmed with me today that he would be in Las Vegas on April 21 to introduce me at the Cauliflower Alley Club's 45th Annual Banquet where I will receive the Art Abrams Lifetime Achievement Award. For Steve to make time for the CAC and for me is extraordinarily special considering that he is working overtime promoting 'Damage' on DVD and preparing to promote his June DVD release entitled 'Stranger.' Steve couldn't be busier but he's excited about CAC and being there on a special night for me. One of the great benefits of being a part of the wrestling business are the relationships one has the opportunity to make and my friendship with Steve and his family is special.

About not being a full time announcer for WWE in the future he said: Got an email from a fan who seemed very angry at me for not being more "pissed off," his words not mine, about my professional status. Sorry to disappoint him or anyone else who feels the same but I'm blessed to have great health and that's mighty important considering the alternative. Challenging times are not new to me nor are they intimidating or infuriating. Life is actually pretty darned good right now and, from where I'm sitting, is only going to get better.

About Jack Swagger he said: Someone emailed us and made a somewhat stiff comparison of Jack Swagger to Kurt Angle based on their wrestling attire saying that Swagger copied Angle's ring wear, etc and how that was LOL funny. The two gifted athletes certainly are similar in many ways but Angle wasn't the first amateur turned pro who wrestled in a singlet. I recall Dr. Death wrestling in a singlet in the early 80's for example. Nonetheless the better point to make is that I hope that Jack Swagger can become as accomplished in the ring as Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle is an amazing in ring warrior and Swagger has a similar, athletic skill set that is still evolving.

About Vince McMahon's infamous (and to this day still really, really bizarre) Dr. Heiney skit he said: Another emailer wanted me to know that he 'finally' got to see the 'Dr. Heiney' skit that aired on Raw a few years ago. That email made my day, I jest, and reminded me to double check on the date of my next colonoscopy. If I do write a book someday, I'll go back and watch the Dr. Heiney business so I can accurately describe it. I have never seen it since the night it aired and even then I was on heavy medication after being released from the hospital earlier in the day.

04-11-2010, 06:11 AM
thanks for the post kellie