View Full Version : .Batman: Arkham Asylum for $27 at Amazon

04-13-2010, 09:17 PM
At this point, it should be pretty clear that God wants you to have Batman: Arkham Asylum. The game has frequently been subject to some killer deals and Amazon is adding another one to the pile today. At this very moment, the online retailer is offloading Xbox 360 and PS3 copies for the sanitarium-sent price of $26.99.

If you still don't have the game and refuse to buy it at that price, well, maybe you belong in Arkham with the Joker. Unless you're holding out for the Game of the Year Edition, in which case maybe you could be forgiven. Maybe.


Big Evil
04-14-2010, 12:40 AM
I played this game at a Wal-Mart recently, and just from the few minutes of fighting I can tell it's something I would enjoy playing. I will definitely check this out, maybe place an order while I'm at it.