View Full Version : **SPOILERS** WWE SmackDown! Results For Friday

04-14-2010, 06:29 AM
Credit: Chris Kelly

- WWE SmackDown! opens with Jericho and Edge, both say world heavyweight championship needs to stay on Smackdown. Teddy Long comes out and blames Y2J and Edge for Randy Orton facing Swagger at the Extreme Rules PPV.

- Jack Swagger vs. Edge vs. Y2J for the world heavyweight championship is the main event for Smackdown.

- Drew McIntyre cuts a promo saying UK fans hate him, huge Scotland sucks chant. Kane vs. McIntyre next.

- Kane vs. Mcintyre ends in DQ when Drew tries getting counted out, Matt Hardy runs out and throws Mcintyre back to Kane. Kane chokeslams them both then we see Ziggler attacking Josh Mathews from last week.

- Ziggler vs. R-Truth is next. Ziggler cuts a sarcastic promo saying sorry for attacking Josh Mathews. Ziggler wins via sleeper hold then we get Extreme Rules card rundown.

- Mickie James vs. Michelle McCool w/ Layla and Vickie Guerrero. McCool wins via big boot. Said to be good. Beth Phoenix makes the save following a post match beat down.

- Backstage promo with SES.

- CM Punk and Luke Gallows vs. The Hart Dynasty and Rey Mysterio. The Miz joins the announce team. Rey and Dynasty defeated SES via powerslam and 619 then we get a Jericho and Barrett backstage promo.

- JTG beats Caylan Croft and is attacked post match by Shad. JTG fights back and runs Shad off.

- Jack Swagger vs. Chris Jericho vs. Edge is next... Jack Swagger picked up the pin on Chris Jericho after Edge hit Jericho with the spear. After the match, Jericho placed Edge's ankle between the steel ring steps and the ring post and crushed it with a kick. That ends the show.

The Mac
04-14-2010, 06:59 AM
cool thanks for the info

Vince McMahon
04-16-2010, 06:29 AM
Going to watch Smackdown now.