View Full Version : Melina comments on WWE - Details

04-20-2010, 04:41 PM
It’s so funny because I have gotten so many responses on the Eve tweet that I had to write a blog! Many fans understood what I was saying and I thank you for that. A few people took it negatively and bless their hearts I think that they meant well and I think the world of them for that, but I also want to write to them in hopes that things will be cleared up :).

My name is Melina Perez and whether you love me or hate me you can’t help but watch me AND apparently talk about me! :D I don’t mind. This is my life and I accept it. At least you are still talking about me, right? I would prefer it to be in a more positive way but life isn’t perfect and people aren’t always going to be nice. My sunshine through these moments are the wonderful WWE fans that understand and appreciate my efforts. I’d seriously be a wreck because in real life, I am a sensitive soul. I just believe in what I feel so passionately. The intentions of helping those around me. Thank you to my Tweethearts for seeing that!

Now let me tell you my opinions on the state of the Women’s Division!!! It’s time to get down to it!! I think we have incredible women on the roster right now. I am so proud because each of them are strong women who have respect for themselves and each other. These are my girls. Through the years I have met people who thought my kindness was fake, “who can be that happy and nice?” But I think that one day when this is all said and done... even when I pass away, people will realize I was the same person, just as happy, just as kind, day in and day out all the time.

The only time you will ever get a not so cheerful response would be if you disrespect my friends, family or wrestling. If a person is rude or mean, it’s insane to not think that a person wouldn’t react to that.... but I strongly believe that there is always a way to talk things out in a civil manner.... I know some people would love for me to be an angry woman and get crazy like my heel character :P but I’m not.... my heart goes out to people because I believe that their cruelty and negative comments are from issues that they themselves are going through so they take it out on others.... therefore my heart breaks for them.

Back to my girls... I guess this is for them as well... we have such a busy schedule that I never get to say what I feel. I just live in the moment. This is to all of you my sweet sisters who I am proud to have on the WWE Rosters. Sorry if this turns out to sound like a yearbook! BTW Have a nice summer everyone! :D

We all know Jillian is my best friend. I treasure her with all of my heart and she has such great talent. I wish everyone could see. My heart wants to show the world what she is capable of, what a wonderful woman she is and how much she contributes to not only wrestling but the people around her. I want to give her everything she deserves in wrestling and in life. I am blessed to have her in mine.

Mickie is always so bubbly and chipper! She cracks me up. I am so proud of her on so many levels and I am thankful to know her and have her in my life as well. Her work speaks for itself and I can not tell you enough how I loved having our feud together as well as having her as my partner. She’s my Mick’ James!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beth is an incredible woman who’s work also shines. Just like Mickie and Jillian, her beauty is incomparable and stands out. I absolutely loved working with her. There is no one in this company like her and it is so beautiful to see. I am so proud of their work on SD and I am a fan of it!

Gail. I have the Utmost respect for everything she has gone through and accomplished. She is a remarkably talented woman and person. It would be an honor to have a singles match with her. I truly hope that I get the opportunity.

Katie Lea, I love dearly. When I tore my ACL Katie and Maryse stayed by my side the entire time and I will never forget that. They took care of me and I was quietly freaking out in my head :p. Such a great friend. Katie is another woman I wish I could wrestle because she is SO talented as well and her style that’s unparalleled. I am so happy to have her as my friend.

My beautiful Natalya who I wish I could give more to. She is amazing and the world knows it. She has a good heart and a beautiful soul! I love her dearly. My wish is to have an aggressive singles match with a good amount of time with her. I would deeply love that. I love her energy, her work and her intensity! I hope she knows how much she means to me.

Michelle has been great to see through the years. How she has come into her own and how she has progressed. I am extremely proud of her work ethic and her ambition. I miss working with her as well and she, along with Beth, Mickie and Trish, has given me the most memorable matches and I hope we create many more.

Now for my newer Beauties. The up and coming talent who have GREAT potential and ARE the future of wrestling. They are like my children and I want to take care of them, praise them and tell them how proud I am ALL the time... I just am trying to teach them... show them... lead them.... I may not be perfect but no one is. Just know I love you guys and want to show you all the possibilities before I my career is over.

Layla has made me proud with her energy and spirit. She has an incredible personality and a willingness to learn and try anything. I miss working with her. I always want to work with up and coming talent because there is so much to teach by working.... especially in singles matches! The few I have had with Layla has been great, fun and I brought me great pride.

Kelly Kelly is a great face. She just needs to be her and the world will love her. She gets such sympathy when she is in her matches and that is a big part of wrestling.... She gets it. She has her own way, her own style and it’s undeniable. Our little sweetie that we all want to take care of. And we always will. I love you no matter what.

OH Maryse!! OUIE OUIE! Just because you are another version of me in so many ways in and out of the ring :p I love you and am proud of you. Such a strong woman who knows herself, what she wants and what works for her. And it’s great! I love it! I love your character, your bumps and your ambition. You want to create magic and to do your best. I love that and the person that you are.

Alicia, if you could only see yourself through my eyes. the things I want to show you and what you are capable of... all the things I have seen from you, I look forward to what is to come in the future. Not only your look and your body, but your style is unique as well. That is great to see and makes me want to work with you that much more because of the countless things we can do together.

Nicole & Brie, Beautiful women who have beautiful hearts as well. To truly know them is to spend time with them and talk to them. Such characters especially when you see how they interact with each other. It’s the harshest, funniest and sweetest thing! They are eager to learn and work and when people say, “I’m game, let’s do it,” regarding a match, you win me over! :p They are troopers and can work. I am proud of them too. With all these girls, I look forward to see the future with them. I love these girls!!!

As for Eve, like I have said before, This woman has great potential and has so much to give to the WWE. You wait, just like ALL of our up and comers you will see the difference in their work now and in a year from now... it will be a great sight!! And the journey will be amazing! Again congratulations to you in winning the title! It’s going to be fun and incredible and take each moment in ! I can’t wait to work with or alongside you.... and that goes to the other Divas too.

Rosa such a beautiful woman. I wish I could get a copy of that match we had in FCW. I am proud of it and it was fun. This woman always willing to take any move..... to do anything that is asked of her. She tries her best all the time and gives her all. It warms my heart to see that. I love talking to her and working with her. My latin sister. She is a great character and I hope the world can see more of it.

Savannah, I haven’t worked with her much but she is sweet, helpful and always upbeat. I hope to work with her more in the future. Thank you for always being so kind and respectful. I can’t wait to get back on the road to spend more time with you! :D

Tiffany, Look at her! She is such a happy, positive woman! Always! Again when a person says they will take any move, you win me over!! She said the same thing.... I had practice matches with her and she would just let me beat her up :P. Sweetest girl. She is different!!! :p hee hee hee, I say that in a loving way.... I love it when people have little -isms that are SO Them!!! Another lady where you just have to meet her to understand. I love the way she is and there is no one like her!

Serena, I am just so Proud.... tremendously proud of you. OMG. You, like me, wouldn’t take no for an answer. Look at you now. I can not wait to see what you are going to do in wrestling. I CAN’T WAIT to work with you too. You are another person that I look forward to spending time with when I get back. I absolutely love you!

Each of these ladies are beautiful, talented, athletic and GOOD women. I am proud to know them and to work with them.

My Tweets about the creditability of the Divas championship is exactly how I feel. The best in the company should hold it to give the title WORTH! To bring validity and honor. So when it’s time to give it to a up and coming Diva, the WWE universe will have no doubt in their minds that this woman is a True Champion. That she deserved and earned it!

We are trying to break away from being compared to the Lita/Trish era because we want the world to see us for who we are... to respect us and see the talent that we have, because the women in our company ARE and can be Just As Good.... BUT my thing is that I want us to NEVER forget them and keep their wrestling contributions alive, because I want to never stop wanting to be as great as them. I never want to stop giving my all to wrestling and inspiring future divas to carry the torch when we are gone.

I love you all dearly.... as always, thank you for loving wrestling like I do. For wanting to see it flourish and supporting each of us. Without you we are nothing.

The most talked about AND The Most Dominant Diva in the WWE & Twitter,

04-20-2010, 05:16 PM
Great post thanks John.

04-20-2010, 06:16 PM
amazing read thank you for sharing this.

04-20-2010, 06:25 PM
thanks for the post John

04-21-2010, 05:09 AM
thanks for the update john

04-21-2010, 06:08 PM
awesome read she is such a sweetheart hopefully she returns sooner than later.