View Full Version : Khali Denis Assault, Future Guest Hosts and Kane on PG.

05-05-2010, 10:18 PM
From the nvonews.
“I did not slap any one at Delhi Airport on Saturday late night while returning from Mumbai´” said WWE superstar The Great Khali in an exclusive interaction with NVO News in Nahan circuit house this evening. Khali said that though there was huge crowd at the Airport and during his exit from the Airport he just pushed the crowd away from him as crowd was creating nuisance. He said that he came to know from his friend in media about the telecast of news in national channel that Khali slap one fan at the Airport and the fan was admitted in the hospital. The wrestler said that he respect his fans and always try to meet maximum number of fans during his tour.
WWE have sent feelers out to Michael Jordan and Pamela Anderson about hosting upcoming Raw episodes. Anderson of course showed up at WrestleMania XI as Diesel’s valet.
Kane discussed the PG rating with Knoxville.com – he said:
“I think it is good. When you watch a lot of TV, you see there is a lot of graphic stuff. You don’t want your kids watching (violence) like ‘The Sopranos.’ Some of the hardcore fans may be disappointed, but I think it’s great we’re getting more families to come out.”