View Full Version : JR's Blog: 2011 Hall Of Fame, TV Time, Wrestling Schools, Taker's Retirement

05-12-2010, 03:39 AM
Jim Ross has posted his latest blog entry, which you can check out at this link. Some highlights from this entry:

- Just a thought but I've often wondered if getting 'some' TV time is better than not getting any TV time at all? Perhaps this is a more arguable point that one might imagine. Perhaps a cast of thousands can be counterproductive but certainly some will argue that being on TV, no matter how succinct that the appearance might be, is always a good thing.

- We've getting several emails from people wondering if I think that Undertaker should retire. Short answer, hell no. If any one in the business should be able to dictate when they hang it up or not it's the Undertaker. Plus, and more importantly, he will know when it's time as 'Taker is not the kind of wrestler who will stay long after it's time to go as we have seen many others do. The Deadman will never get to the point to where he never leaves his feet and people merely run into his fist. Ugh.

- Nonetheless when the Undertaker does decide when it is time to say adiós that farewell will obviously be at a Wrestlemania and if promoted strategically should deliver huge numbers. Personally, I hope that we aren't getting too close to that milestone date.

- Wrestling schools. Be careful when picking a wrestling school. If one isn't smart enough to ascertain what is a good or not so good wrestling school what makes one think that they are smart enough to be in the wrestling business. Wrestling doesn't need any more dumb people working in it. Do your research on these schools. Ask to speak to successful graduates. Observe the training sessions. Simply be smart and know that making it in pro wrestling is a helluva long shot so don't quit your day job if you don't have to.

- We've received a ton of emails regarding who will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in Atlanta in 2011. You're asking the wrong BBQ lover. Yes, I assume that the inductees will have some sort of Atlanta flavor meaning perhaps WCW and TBS related individuals. It looks as if the Goldberg ship, according to Bill himself on line, may have sailed. Hope that changes but I'm not holding my breath on that one. I also don't know the status of Sting's TNA contract, why would I, so I can't say if Sting will be available to enter the WWE HOF in Atlanta or not. Obviously, I would encourage Sting's induction if he were able to contractually participate. The Freebirds are also on my 'wish list' for Atlanta.


05-12-2010, 07:06 AM
thanks for the post

05-12-2010, 07:11 AM
thanks for the post

05-12-2010, 03:38 PM
thanks for posting Kellie