View Full Version : Matt Hardy still wants to be World Champion

05-15-2010, 07:12 PM
SLAM! Wrestling did an interview with Matt Hardy on Friday to promote the shows in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick this weekend. He talks about Rey Mysterio being his travel buddy now, and how the Smackdown brand feels more like home to him than the RAW brand. He also mentions he is in the process of getting his life and career back where he feels it needs to be, adding “We’re getting there, slowly but surely.”

He also says that he would like to win the WWE or World Championship, and that his feud with Drew McIntyre is not over, adding “The one thing I would definitely say is make sure to tune into SmackDown tonight. A lot of questions are going to be answered… there’ll be some developments that will help you understand what the next phase is in the whole Drew McIntyre story. I can promise you this: the Matt Hardy-Drew McIntyre situation and story are far from being over.”

He also mentions that WWE does not monitor what he writes on Twitter or Myspace, saying “A lot of it boils down to common sense – if you have common sense and you know what you’re doing, I think you’ll be okay. Both those ways [Twitter and MySpace] I found were nice ways to interact with my fans and with the people who’ve always supported me… It’s been a cool way for me to let them know a little bit more about who the real Matt Hardy is.” He also talks about the short-lived Monday Night Wars II and that no one from TNA has tried to lure him over and he believes he will be a WWE lifer. He adds that once his active career is over, he would like to start his own promotion, mentioning “I think that might be a possibility, down the road, when my days of being actively on the road touring constantly are gone, I could see having a version of my own independent promotion, helping young guys.”

Meanwhile on his Twitter, he noted “I’m gonna push the WWE to take me places that I’ve never ever been to before-& I’ll hold up my end-Promise. Print that quote dirtsheets!”


05-15-2010, 07:45 PM
Lol, Matt will NEVER be world champ.

05-15-2010, 10:07 PM
Yeah he will. One day.

05-16-2010, 03:05 PM
thanks for the post Konan

05-16-2010, 04:04 PM
Matt Hardy is little more than a glorified jobber without his brother. He's dragged down every singles belt he's ever worn and should be happy he hasn't been released.

05-16-2010, 05:29 PM
maybe TNA champ one day but doubtful in the WWE

05-16-2010, 06:11 PM
sorry to matt and his fans but i dont ever see him being a world champion in wwe.

05-17-2010, 02:55 PM
If they can give the strap to The Great Kahli and let JBL keep it for a year or so I wouldn't rule anything out.

05-17-2010, 04:15 PM
I can see Matt being a transitional World Champ someday.. I can see them giving Matt the title as a plot device to get the strap off one guy and onto another.. I don't think he will ever be a major main eventer or a long term world champ,, but I can totally see Matt getting a small run as a transitional World Champ...