View Full Version : WWE.COM Releases Their Top 25 List Of "Big-Men"

05-19-2010, 06:41 AM
WWE.com listed their top 25 “Big-Man” wrestlers of all time:
25. Rikishi
24. Mike Awesome
23. Big Daddy V
22. One Man Gang
21. Mark Henry
20. Haystacks Calhoun
19. Great Khali
18. Kamala
17. King Kong Bundy
16. Bruiser Brody
15. Umaga
14. Big John Studd
13. Earthquake
12. Killer Kowalksi
11. Bam Bam Bigelow
10. Sid
09. Vader
08. Diesel
07. Ernie Ladd
06. Kane
05. Gorilla Monsoon
04. Yokozuna
03. Big Show
02. Andre the Giant
01. Undertaker

05-20-2010, 06:01 PM
I would choose Bam Bam way over Diesel..

05-20-2010, 06:12 PM
Good to see Mike Awesome on the list although he should be way ahead of the likes of "Big Daddy V". Bam Bam arguably should be a bit higher as should Sid.

05-20-2010, 07:06 PM
That list sucks! Most of those guy doesn't even deserve to be there!

Anyway, thanx for posting!

05-20-2010, 08:58 PM
^^Lemme guess, you'd put 25 indy guys that no one has ever heard of on the list instead of those guys?

05-20-2010, 09:09 PM
thanks they mentioned umaga ..

05-20-2010, 10:17 PM
Mike Awesome should be at the 4 spot, thanks for the post Eel

05-21-2010, 04:16 AM
WWE.com listed their top 25 “Big-Man” wrestlers of all time:
25. Rikishi
24. Mike Awesome
23. Big Daddy V
22. One Man Gang
21. Mark Henry
20. Haystacks Calhoun
19. Great Khali
18. Kamala
17. King Kong Bundy
16. Bruiser Brody
15. Umaga
14. Big John Studd
13. Earthquake
12. Killer Kowalksi
11. Bam Bam Bigelow
10. Sid
09. Vader
08. Diesel
07. Ernie Ladd
06. Kane
05. Gorilla Monsoon
04. Yokozuna
03. Big Show
02. Andre the Giant
01. Undertaker

I love 'Taker but if he's considered a "big man", how in the hell don't you have Hulk Hogan on there at number 1? Oh yeah, because Vince is a petty prick and hates the fact that Hogan is over at TNA trying to make a run at him. Silly. Also, Earthquake over Big John Studd? Um, no.

Y0UR Messiah
05-21-2010, 05:05 AM
Sorry, but Andre the Giant should be number one...period.

05-21-2010, 05:58 AM
^^Lemme guess, you'd put 25 indy guys that no one has ever heard of on the list instead of those guys?

No, cause in the Indys I watch they barely have big guys at all. I would have removed many of those men from the list and I would have put in some others, then I also would rearranged some of them.

I agree with thise who say that Mike Awesome and Big John Studd should be higher on the list. So should Umaga and Bruiser Brody.

Mike Awesome should have been in the top 5. He was one of the greatest big guys to ever walk inside a wrestling ring! His matches against Masato Tanaka in ECW are legendary! R.I.P

The Mac
05-21-2010, 06:02 AM
how is hulk considered a big man???
i think the list is decent but seems like it should
be called the top 25 big man as determined by who made vince the most money lol