View Full Version : Ted DiBiase Talks About The Million Dollar Title

05-21-2010, 08:53 PM
Brian Fritz of AOL FanHouse has a new interview online with Ted DiBiase. While DiBiase speaks mostly in-character, below are some of his more legit comments:

When asked if WWE or his father had the Million Dollar Title: My dad actually had it. I don't know where he was keeping it either. I hadn't seen it in an extremely long time. I didn't even know that he still had it. Then one day, I get a knock on my door and it's my father and he was trying to – I don't know – make up for lost time I guess. It was a nice gesture. I think it's kind of helped our relationship a little bit.

Inducting his father with his brother into the WWE Hall of Fame: Honestly, that was really special. That was a very surreal moment and another moment I'll never forget and I'll cherish forever. I was proud of the old man and he definitely deserved what he got. That night with the next day following with WrestleMania was just ... It's hard to put in words because when you have a dream and then it comes true. You dream about becoming a wrestler and then your ultimate dream is wrestling at WrestleMania because that's it, you can't go any bigger than that. Main eventing WrestleMania is next and I definitely plan on doing that too. I've been there now and when your dreams come true, it's just something you can't describe. It's a very good feeling and a huge blessing.

05-21-2010, 11:50 PM
thanks for the post John