View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report for May 21st 2010

05-22-2010, 07:25 AM
We begin tonight’s show with a look back at last week when Jack Swagger showed us all of his trophies and achievements only to be interrupted by the Big Show who destroyed most of Jack’s cherished possessions. How will Jack get revenge on Big Show before Over the Limit this Sunday?

We are live on tape from Kanata, Ontario, Canada and your announcers are Todd ‘Over the Legal Limit’ Grisham and Matt ‘Unlimited Exposition’ Striker.

CM Punk is in the ring with the Straight Edge Society and three potential recruits. Luke Gallows says that there was a time when he was like the men in the ring with them. He was weak minded, pathetic, and riddled with addiction. He woke up every day thinking it was impossible to find a better life for himself. The person who can save these people and the WWE Universe can make the impossible possible. That man is CM Punk.

Serena says that everyone in the building and at home need to stand up right now and show this perfect man the respect that he deserves.

Luke says that he cannot think of a better place for this man’s selfless act than Canada because they allow teenagers to drink alcoholic beverages. Luke says that the impressionable youth of the nation are physically and morally handicapping themselves as their parents turn a blind eye. That will end for these people because they will take the pledge to extinguish the demons of weakness and addiction, just like Punk will do for Rey Mysterio at Over the Limit.

Serena says that the individuals sitting before everyone represent the decay and worthlessness of this country. She says that we are here to heal them. At Over the Limit, CM Punk will heal Rey Mysterio. Through him, the power of straight edge will be seen from now until eternity.

Punk tells the men in the ring to raise their hands and he suggests that anyone else moved by Luke and Serena do the same to feel the power of straight edge flow through them. The pledge absolves you of all of your weaknesses. It erases every bad decision made in your insignificant lives. The pledge makes you better than everybody. Punk has them pledge allegiance to the Straight Edge Society . . . One Nation under Punk . . . Indivisible . . . with integrity and sobriety for all.

Punk says that this moment begins the rest of their lives. They are no longer weak like the universe before them. Just like Rey Mysterio, he wants them to show their devotion to the SES through actions as well as words.

Luke asks them if they are willing to accept Straight Edge into their lives. Punk tells them that they need to show their devotion to their saviour. Punk says that he has needs and it is time for the healing.

The Straight Edge Society has co-opted the official cage lowering music for the head shaving of the new members of the Straight Edge Society. Punk says that this is the greatest day of their lives. They are part of something greater than them. They are soldiers in an army with a purpose. He says that they are better than every person they have ever met. He wants them to feel the power of CM Punk flow through them.

Rey interrupts the ceremony and shows up on the stage. Rey tells Punk that this whole mass induction ceremony is just too ridiculous. Rey says that those three bald guys in the ring look ridiculous. Rey asks Punk if he thinks this is funny. He says that everyone will be laughing when Punk looks like the photo on the TitanTron. We see Punk with a shaved head.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment where Punk says that Rey thinks he is cute, but they will show Rey what they are going to do at Over the Limit. Punk and Luke attack the three new recruits while Serena watches and eventually joins in.

Match Number One: Michelle McCool and Layla versus Kelly Kelly and Tiffany

Layla and Kelly start things off and Layla with a side head lock but Layla with a rollup for a near fall. Layla with a wrist lock but Kelly with a forearm and then she uses the ropes to escape the hold. Kelly sends Layla to the apron and then kicks her to the floor. Kelly kicks Michelle off the apron and then Kelly goes to the turnbuckles and hits a cross body on Michelle. Layla runs away and Tiffany with a clothesline to Layla from the apron. They return to the ring and Tiffany is tagged in and hits a sunset flip for a near fall. Tiffany with a drop kick and elbow followed by an Irish whip. Tiffany with a monkey flip but Layla with a knee and Michelle tags in. Tiffany tosses Michelle by the hair and then she knocks Layla off the apron. Tiffany tries for another monkey flip but Michelle blocks it and hits the McCool Clash for the three count.

Winners: Layla and Michelle McCool

Big Show is in the back and he reminds us that he is the Number One Contender. He points out that Jack Swagger has told us about his accolades. He says that it is great to be an Eagle Scout or four time State Wrestling Champion. He says that it is great to be prom king, but he doesn’t really know about that. Show gives us a ‘Did You Know’ fact of his own. He tells us that he knocked out Jack Swagger three weeks ago. We see the punch one more time. Show asks if you thought that was impressive. That is only one of his many accomplishments.

We go to commercial.

We are back with comments from Trent Barreta and Caylen Croft. He says that if you want to know what they are all about, watch what happens when Caylen faces JTG. They say that they bust dudes up.

Match Number Two: JTG versus Caylen Croft with Trent Barreta

They lock up and JTG with a hammer lock. Croft with an elbow and JTG stomps on Croft’s back and then he hits a short arm clothesline followed by a leap frog neck breaker for a near fall. Croft with a punch to JTG after getting the ref in the way and then Croft with a neck breaker for a near fall. Croft punches JTG and then knees him in the head. Croft with a cravate followed by an elbow and he gets a near fall. Croft returns to the cravate followed by a kick. JTG with a sliding punch followed by a flip shoulder tackle and clothesline. JTG with a drop kick and then he hits the Mug Shot but Barreta distracts JTG but that does work because JTG hits the wraparound clothesline and gets the three count.

Winner: JTG

Vickie Guerrero is in the office and she is texting someone. Christian enters and Vickie talks about the return of the Peep Show. Vickie wants to know who the first guest is going to be. Vickie reminds Christian that she is the official consultant on Smackdown and she is available. Christian says that he would like to have Vickie on the show, but he would like to have people watch it. Christian says that he has received a number of requests for guests from the peeps and he tells Vickie that she did not even make the top 100. Vickie says that she is very popular. Christian says that the Peeps don’t lie and we see some of the people who finished ahead of Vickie. We see Bret Hart, The Mountie, The Brooklyn Brawler, Jared from Subway, and Lester the guy who loves chicken. Vickie wants to know who was number one on the list. Christian will not tell her who number one was but his guest will be someone he has not seen eye to eye with.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Vance Archer and Curt Hawkins versus Jeremy Barner and Brent Roberts

Barner and Hawkins start things off and Hawkins slaps Barner and punches him. Hawkins with an emphatic slam and then he sends Barner into the corner before tagging in Archer. Hawkins trips Barner and Archer with a kick to the head. Archer with a wraparound face plant and Roberts tags in and connects with forearms. Archer with an overhead belly-to-belly throw and Hawkins tags in. Archer with an inverted DDT followed by an elbow drop from the top turnbuckle for the three count.

Winners: Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer

After the match Hawkins says that they have twenty two days left for them to make an impact. He says that they will do it whether the fans like it or not.

We go back to the Big Show, the Number One Contender for the World Title. He reminds us that Jack Swagger has accomplished a lot of things before becoming World Champion. He mentions that Jack went to Oklahoma on a full scholarship. He was a two time All-American. He was also a Viennese Ballroom Dance Champion. Show reminds us that he choke slammed Jack through an announce table two weeks ago. Show says that was impressive and one of his many accomplishments.

Jack Swagger is walking in the back and he is not in a good mood as we go to commercial.

We are back and Jack Swagger has something to say to Big Show. He says that Show disrespected him last week. He also disrespected his accomplishments, the great state of Oklahoma, and his daddy. Jack says that Show disrespected the World Title itself. Jack says that on Sunday, he is going to disrespect Show and when it is all said and done, after the dust clears, and the fat lady sings; the ring announcer will say the winner and still World Champion is the All American American American American American American Jack Swagger.

We see highlights from last night’s Intercontinental Title victory that ended up being nothing more than a chance for Drew McIntyre to get his title and job back.

Match Number Four: Jack Swagger versus Kofi Kingston

They lock up and Swagger backs Kofi into the corner. Swagger with a face wash but Kofi with kicks to the leg and a drop kick that sends Swagger to the floor. Swagger gets back on the apron but Kofi with a drop kick that sends Swagger back to the floor. Swagger returns to the ring and he kicks and punches Kofi but Kofi punches back. Swagger with an Irish whip but Kofi with a forearm from the turnbuckle and then Kofi with a clothesline that sends Swagger over the top rope to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kofi has Swagger in an arm bar. Swagger with a knee but Kofi drops down when Swagger charges and Swagger goes over the top rope to the floor. Kofi tries for a pescado but Swagger catches Kofi and then puts Kofi on his shoulders and tosses Kofi into the ring post. Swagger slams Kofi’s head into the apron before returning to the ring. Swagger gets a near fall and then he works on the back with forearms. Kofi with a punch but Swagger with kicks in the corner. Kofi with more punches but Swagger stops him with a knee. Swagger with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Swagger tries for the double jump Vader Bomb but he sees Kofi move out of the way so Swagger lands on his feet. Swagger runs into an elbow and then Kofi tries for a springboard twisting cross body but Swagger meets him with a boot and gets a near fall. Swagger with a waist lock as he works on Kofi’s midsection. Swagger with elbows to the ribs and then he puts Kofi in a half nelson before rubbing Kofi’s face into the canvas. Kofi with a sunset flip for a near fall. Swagger with a belly-to-belly suplex. Swagger continues the assault on Kofi’s body with kicks to the midsection. Swagger chokes Kofi in the ropes and then connects with shoulders. Kofi with a punch but it has little effect on Swagger. Swagger puts Kofi on the top turnbuckle and he slaps Kofi. Kofi hits a tornado DDT and both men are down. Kofi with a punch to the midsection followed by a few chops and then he hits a drop kick that sends Swagger into the corner. Kofi leaps into the corner and connects with a series of punches and rolls out of the corner. Kofi hits the SOS but he can only get a near fall. Kofi misses Trouble in Paradise but Kofi escapes a belly-to-back suplex attempt. Kofi with a side Russian leg sweep but he has not incapacitated Swagger enough to hit the Boom drop and Swagger gets up while Kofi runs his laps around Swagger. Swagger with a forearm to the back and then he hits a running big boot.

While Swagger goes for a cover, Big Show comes out and tells Jack that he has one more thing to tell him. Swagger sends Kofi over the top rope but Kofi skins the cat while Show tells Swagger something very very important. Kofi hits a springboard cross body for the three count.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

Show congratulates Kofi and then he says that there is one more Jack Swagger fact. We go to the TitanTron with the official WWE ‘Did You Know’ graphic and it says ‘Kofi just beat you’.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Peep Show and Christian comes to the ring. Christian welcomes everyone to the Peep Show and he says that it is great to be back on Smackdown. He brings out his guest, someone he never saw eye to eye with. Christian brings out Hornswoggle. Christian points out that Hornswoggle is still in his DX gear and he struts around the ring. Hornswoggle gives the crotch chop to the fans. Christian says that they have a few things in common. They are on Smackdown, they are here to make an impression, and they are here to make some trouble. Christian wants to teach Hornswoggle how to speak Canadian and Hornswoggle grunts favorably. Christian teaches him a few phrases and he eventually gets them.

Vickie Guerrero comes out to say a few ‘Excuse Mes’ and she is joined by Hornswoggle’s official laughing stock, Chavo Guerrero. Vickie says that she is shutting down the Peep Show and then she wonders how this could be his number one guest. Vickie says that no one wants to hear from that troll and then says that nobody wants to see Christian teach Hornswoggle about the most useless nation in the world, Canada. Christian says that he had another word for Hornswoggle to learn and that was obesity. Christian says that he has another word for Hornswoggle and that is moose. Hornswoggle has no problem with that word.

Chavo says that you can’t talk to his aunt Vickie that way. Vickie says that if Christian will not leave the ring voluntarily, she has someone to remove him from the ring. Hornswoggle hides in the furniture in the ring while Chavo makes his way to the ring. Chavo is only a decoy because Dolph Ziggler attacks Christian from behind and hits the Zig Zag. Chavo goes up top and hits a frog splash on Christian. Ziggler stands over Christian while Vickie and Chavo leave.

Montel Vontavious Porter and Rey Mysterio are walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and we see highlights from last week’s match between Rey Mysterio and CM Punk when Serena played the part of the masked man to distract Rey and allow the normal masked man to attack Rey.

Match Number Five: Luke Gallows and CM Punk with Serena versus Rey Mysterio and Montel Vontavious Porter

Porter and Luke start off and Porter with a hammer lock and side head lock. Gallows with a shoulder tackle and punches including an uppercut. Porter with a flying forearm and then he tags in Rey and Porter presses Rey onto Luke. Rey continues with a few snap leg drops and gets a near fall. Gallows with a knee and Rey with a kick. Porter is tagged back in and Porter with a big boot for a near fall. Porter with a forearm and back elbow. Porter goes to the turnbuckles and Serena distracts Porter, allowing Gallows to pull Porter off the turnbuckles. Gallows kicks Porter as we go to commercial.

We are back and Punk is working on the legs and gets a near fall. Gallows tags in and he punches Porter and Punk joins in the double team attack until the referee sends Punk to the apron. Porter with elbows and punches to try to get out of the corner but Luke catches Porter and runs Porter into the turnbuckles. Punk tags in and he goes for the running knee into the corner but Porter blocks it and sends Punk to the mat. Porter tries to make the tag to Rey but Punk grabs Porter’s leg to stop him momentum. Gallows tags in and hits an elbow drop and gets a near fall. Gallows with a slam and then he hits a splash for a near fall. Gallows punches Porter and puts him in a front face lock. Punk tags in and he connects with knees followed by a back kick and gets a near fall. Gallows tags back in and connects with a punch to the midsection and Gallows with a waist lock. Porter gets to his feet and connects with elbows followed by a double thrust and a face buster. Rey tags in and hits a springboard seated splash followed by a springboard cross body for a near fall. Rey sends Punk off the apron and then Rey hits a bulldog for a near fall. Rey escapes a slam attempt and sends Luke into ‘the position’. Punk makes the tag and hits the springboard clothesline as Rey is about to hit the 619 and gets a two count. Punk gets Rey up for the Go To Sleep but Rey with a rollup and Luke breaks up the cover. Porter and Luke fight on the other side of the ring and both men go over the top rope to the floor. Rey trips Punk and Punk goes into the ropes. Rey is about to hit the 619 but the mysterious hooded person attacks Rey. Rey sends the person into the ring post. Punk attacks Rey from behind and Punk tries for a tilt-a-whirl back breaker but Rey counters with a rollup for the three count.

Winners: Rey Mysterio and Montel Vontavious Porter

After the match we see the bald CM Punk graphic from earlier in the show.

Josh Mathews is in the interview area with Drew McIntyre. Josh asks Drew if he deserves the title. Drew says that Matt Hardy deserved exactly what Drew gave him a beating that Matt will never forget. Drew says that Teddy got exactly what he got when his authority was completely eviscerated. Drew says that he was chosen by the highest authority in all of Sports Entertainment.

Kofi interrupts Drew and he asks Drew if he deserves to be champion. Kofi says that the title is his. He earned it, he deserves it, and he wants it back. No note from the boss will get him out of Trouble in Paradise.

We are back to run through the card for Over the Limit, which is this Sunday on pay per view.

We have an Earlier Tonight Moment of Big Show interrupting Jack Swagger’s match with Kofi Kingston.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Six: Drew McIntyre versus Big Show

Show backs Drew into the corner and Show with punches to Drew and Drew goes down holding his chest. Both men go to the floor and Drew tries to escape but Show brings him back. Drew attacks Show as Show returns to the ring but Show with a head butt and slam. Show chokes Drew in the ropes and then does the shhh chop. Show goes to the corner and does the shhh chop. Show chokes Drew with his boot as the crowd wants one more chop. Drew stops the chop and Drew with a thumb to the eye and follows it with punches and kicks. Show with a clothesline and head butt and Drew goes to the floor. Show brings Drew back onto the apron. Drew drops Show on the top rope and then he works over Show when he returns to the ring. Drew tries for the double underhook DDT but Show stops him and hits a chop. Show with a few clotheslines followed by an Irish whip and running butt splash in the corner. Show with a running shoulder tackle and then he signals for the choke slam. Show has Drew by the throat and he hits the choke slam but Jack Swagger with a boot to Show and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Big Show by disqualification

After the match, Swagger with the double jump Vader Bomb and he hits a second one. Swagger stomps on Show’s right hand and then he gets a chair but Show punches the chair. Show grabs the chair and Swagger leaves the ring.

We go to credits.