View Full Version : WWE Superstars TV Report for May 27th, 2010

05-28-2010, 07:35 AM
We start things off with the Smackdown brand and your announcers are Todd Grisham and Matt Striker.

Match Number One: JTG versus Cody Rhodes

They circle each other before locking up and Cody with a side head lock. JTG with a reversal and Cody tries to get out of the hold but JTG holds on to the side head lock. Rhodes with a forearm to get out of the hold but JTG with a shoulder tackle. Cody drops down and JTG returns to the side head lock. Rhodes with a knee and a waist lock but JTG with an elbow to Rhodes. Rhodes punches and kicks JTG in the corner but the referee pulls Rhodes out of the corner. Rhodes with an Irish whip and JTG floats over but Rhodes with a kick and punch. Rhodes with a modified gourdbuster and punches JTG in the head. JTG with an inside cradle for a near fall. JTG with a back slide for a near fall and then Rhodes throws JTG out of the ring. JTG returns and he takes Rhodes to the mat and punches him. JTG punches Rhodes but Rhodes with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Rhodes goes to the turnbuckles and hits an elbow drop to the head. Rhodes with a front face lock followed by an elbow to the back of the head before taking JTG to the mat with another front face lock. JTG with punches but Rhodes takes JTG back to the mat and applies a head lock and gets a near fall. JTG with a punch to Rhodes followed by an Irish whip. JTG sends Rhodes to the apron and then JTG with a drop kick that sends Rhodes into the ringside barrier.

We are back and JTG with an arm bar but Rhodes with a knee. JTG blocks a kick and hits a short arm clothesline and then hits a leap frog neck breaker. JTG continues to work on the head with an elbow. JTG sends Rhodes to the apron again and JTG with a shoulder but Rhodes with a knee when JTG tries for another one. Rhodes drops the arm on the top rope and then Rhodes focuses on the arm. Rhodes with a kick and then he applies a key lock on the injured arm. Rhodes gets a near fall and then works on JTG in the ropes. Rhodes with a series of jabs to JTG and then he hits the leaping knee drop to the forehead and gets a near fall. JTG punches Rhodes but Rhodes continues to work on the arm to stop JTG’s offense. Rhodes with a hammer lock but JTG runs Rhodes into the turnbuckles. JTG with punches but Rhodes with a kick. JTG with a back elbow and the flying flip shoulder tackle and a drop kick that sends Rhodes into the corner. JTG into the corner for the X Factor and he gets a near fall. JTG with an Irish whip and Rhodes avoids JTG but JTG pulls Rhodes down. JTG with a leg lariat from the turnbuckles but he can only get a near fall. Rhodes with a rollup for a two count. Rhodes with a kick but JTG responds with a kick of his own. JTG with a neck breaker for a near fall. JTG with a punch but Rhodes sends JTG into the ring post and Rhodes with a kick from the turnbuckles and hits Cross Rhodes for the three count.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

We go to commercial.

It is now time for the Raw half of the show and your announcers are Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole (with permission from his team of lawyers)

Match Number Two: Yoshi Tatsu versus Primo

Primo and Yoshi shake hands at the start of the match and then Primo rolls through but Yoshi with a hammer lock and Primo goes to the ropes for a break. Primo suckers Yoshi into another hand shake and Primo with a short arm clothesline and then he punches Yoshi. Primo sends Yoshi into the turnbuckles and he punches Yoshi. Primo with an Irish whip followed by a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Primo with a snap mare and kick to the head and back. Primo gets a near fall on Yoshi. Primo chokes Yoshi in the ropes and then they exchange punches. Primo with a punch that sends Yoshi to the mat and he gets a near fall. Primo with a camel clutch but Yoshi gets out of the hold and connects with elbows. Yoshi with a sunset flip but Primo rolls through and hits a drop kick and gets a near fall. Primo with a reverse chin lock. Yoshi with elbows but Primo responds with a back elbow and then hits a leg drop for a near fall. Primo with a head butt to Yoshi and then he returns to the camel clutch. Primo with forearms to the back as Yoshi tries to escape the hold. Yoshi with an Irish whip but he runs into the boots from Primo. Primo tries for a fist drop from the turnbuckles but he hits Yoshi’s boots and both men are down. Yoshi with forearms and kicks to Primo and then Yoshi with the double knees to the chest followed by the rolling mare and kick to the chest for a near fall. Yoshi waits for Primo to get up and he hits a Yakuza kick but he can only get a near fall. Yoshi goes up top but Primo stops him and Primo sets for a superplex but Yoshi pushes him off. Yoshi with a heel kick for the three count.

Winner: Yoshi Tatsu

We take a look back at what happened on this week’s NXT.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound.

We go back to commercial.

Match Number Three: Evan Bourne versus Zack Ryder

Ryder has something to say to Bourne at the start of the match and Bourne doesn’t really seem to care. Bourne with a hammer lock into a side head lock take down. Ryder gets a near fall on a rollup. Ryder with forearms to Bourne but Bourne kicks back and Ryder goes to the floor. Ryder trips Bourne from the floor and then he sends Bourne into the turnbuckles. Ryder chokes Bourne in the ropes and then Ryder with a forearm and kicks to Bourne. Bourne with a drop toe hold followed by a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Bourne with a single leg trip and he puts Ryder in a single leg crab but Ryder gets to the ropes. Bourne with a forearm but Ryder with a flapjack and he gets a near fall. Ryder with a cravate on Bourne followed by a knee to the midsection. Bourne with a head scissors and drop kick followed by a leaping back kick. Bourne goes to the turnbuckles but Ryder recovers and brings Bourne back into the ring. Ryder with a running face wash and Bourne goes to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Ryder with a reverse chin lock and we see footage from the commercial break when Ryder hit a clothesline and gave out a woo woo woo. Ryder stretches Bourne but Bourne will not give up. Ryder with a hot shot but he cannot finish off Bourne. Ryder with a neck breaker for a near fall. Ryder returns to the side head lock. Bourne with a sunset flip for a near fall but Ryder with a running double thrust to the throat and Bourne goes down again. Ryder with a snap mare and a drop kick to Bourne for a near fall. Ryder returns to the reverse chin lock. Bourne gets back to his feet and he runs Ryder into the turnbuckles. Bourne with elbows but Ryder pulls Bourne down by the hair. Ryder goes to the turnbuckle but Bourne with a spin kick as Ryder comes off the turnbuckles. Bourne with kicks to Ryder and Bourne sends Ryder into the turnbuckles and Bourne with the running drop kick into the corner. Bourne goes up top but Ryder recovers. Ryder with the Rough Rider leg lariat but Bourne is able to kick out. Ryder tries for the Zack Attack but Bourne with a kick to Ryder and Bourne goes up top for the Shooting Star Press but Ryder moves. Ryder with the Zack Attack for the three count.

Winner: Zack Ryder

We go to credits.