View Full Version : Latest news on the no-blood policy in WWE

05-30-2010, 06:32 AM
Credit: F4WOnline.com

The Undertaker suffered a busted nose on this week's Smackdown, thanks to Rey Mysterio's 619. Taker bled for a few minutes before the match ended and no trainer was sent out to stop the blood. It's interesting that this happened after two matches were hurt at Over the Limit due to trainers coming out to stop cuts.

Some people in the company figure that the no-blood rule is just a phase and blame it mostly on Linda McMahon running for office. One of the main reasons WWE has stopped wanting blood on TV is because agreements that have been made to attract a higher class of sponsors. The feeling is that if WWE's popularity goes way down then they would probably change the rule but Linda McMahon winning or losing the election won't bring any changes. Dave Meltzer believes that the PG rule will likely be in effect until either the license deal with Mattel runs out, which is years from now, or another company, such as TNA, takes away from WWE's popularity.

05-30-2010, 03:24 PM
Let's go Tna, step your damn game up already.

05-30-2010, 05:01 PM
Let's go Tna, step your damn game up already.

We all know that's not happening anytime soon. I'm pretty sure when the Mattel deal is over, TNA will be long gone. I think that their blood policy should be that they don't try to provoke the breaking of skin to get blood but if it happens accidentally/unplanned then the match should just go on with no-one stopping it. There's no way possible for even the best wrestlers to have a great match going, then have it just STOP and wait like 5 minutes for one of them to get cleaned up then just go on having a great match. WWE is basically hindering their talent from doing something they at least have some control over and that's the match itself.

05-30-2010, 07:59 PM
thanks for the post John

05-30-2010, 10:54 PM
well i dont think blood all the time in matches is nessary like blading an all that but if it happens in a match by accadent i dont see the need to put a halt to the match just finish it up and move on hell it happens in boxing mma all the time its not like its a gory mess.

05-31-2010, 06:20 AM
lets be real here, taker would flip if the trainer tried to fix him up in a match, 20 years of being bad ass wasted like that? i dont think so... i really hope they become more relaxed with it at least if its accidental let it go but dont make it happen...

05-31-2010, 07:36 PM
if TNA actually puts up some serious competition against the WWE , TNA will really have to step up it's game if the WWE gets serious . Vince can crush TNA in a heartbeat if he gets on his A-Game and considers TNA as a threat

05-31-2010, 10:37 PM
I always thought the idea of keeping keyfabe was to keep the intention of Wrestling not being pre-determitted. It's rather interesting then to see that staff stops a match because people starts to bleed when they fight :P

Vick Diesel
06-01-2010, 01:09 AM
if TNA actually puts up some serious competition against the WWE , TNA will really have to step up it's game if the WWE gets serious . Vince can crush TNA in a heartbeat if he gets on his A-Game and considers TNA as a threat

I totally agree with you Konan..all TNA needs to now is one step up their A-game, and two get their money situation under control and get rid of Hogan and Bischoff... TNA will rule the wrestling roost!!

The Mac
06-01-2010, 01:11 AM
i dont think they will rule anything yet
but maybe in a few years if wwe dont change their ways

Vick Diesel
06-01-2010, 01:49 AM
I know TNA doesn't rule now...however, WWE really seams be goin down hill fast now that Linda is in control...I have a feelin the tide is gonna turn in TNA's favor in about 2-3 yrs; they've got the talent, now if they could just use the talent that they have in the right direction they'd be a force to be reckoned with!

The Mac
06-01-2010, 01:51 AM
i hope tna gets better fast so wwe will get back to normal

Vick Diesel
06-01-2010, 02:04 AM
I don't want the WWE to get better..the worse they are the more TNA has a chance!! :P

06-01-2010, 06:15 AM
Well he knows Hogan is an entertainer and not a businessman , He knows Bishoff is still stuck with his outdated theory of 'Controversy Creates Cash' , He knows Vince Russo is a very controversial figure which will hinder TNA's development .

It's just crappy management , As much as i love TNA , I can never see it competing with the WWE under the current management because TNA is becoming more similar to tradition , Usually management did stuff out of the box in the early days now it's like 'Push the Big Guy who cant wrestle' . So it removing the gap between the difference between TNA & WWE's mentality .