View Full Version : RAW Results - 31st Jul 2006

08-01-2006, 11:49 PM
RAW Results - 31st Jul 2006
East Rutherford, New Jersey

Quick Results:
-Intercontinental Title: Johnny Nitro def. Shelton Benjamin and Carlito to retain
-Trish Stratus and Candice Michelle def. Mickie James and Victoria
-John Cena def. Matt Striker
-Rory McAllister def. Johnny Jeter
-Umaga def. Shawn Michaels

The fireworks went off in the arena for the start of the show as Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross welcome us to Monday Night RAW at the sold out Continental Airlines Arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey. Tonight, we will see Shawn Michaels as he goes one on one with the undefeated Umaga. Also, we’ll see the debut of “Orton Knows Best”, live here tonight.

In the arena:
The music of Shane McMahon hit in the arena as he made his way down to the ring. Vince’s music then hit as he joined Shane on his way to the ring. Both Shane and Vince look to be in a very good mood here tonight. Vince got on the mic and said despite recent events on RAW, you can’t get the smile off his face. The reason is that his baby girl Stephanie gave birth to a baby girl. And just for the record, his granddaughter is far wealthier than anyone in this arena combined. Shane added she was far more intelligent as well. Vince said the celebrations will continue through SummerSlam. Vince said that SummerSlam is the biggest party of the summer, and he and Shane dedicate their tag team match to his granddaughter. Vince said he and Shane will team up at SummerSlam against D-Generation X. With that, the music of DX hit in the arena, but then it cut off. Shane said it was mind games, and that they should be focused on tonight because Shawn Michaels will have to survive the undefeated Umaga. DX’s music then hit again but went off. Vince said that SummerSlam will see him and Shane defeat DX because there will be no place to run or hide. DX’s music again hit as Shawn Michaels and Triple H made their way to the stage. Michaels took the mic and said they are not here to rain on the parade, and congratulations are in order, so as they used to say in the old country, Mazel tov. Triple H said they are not Jewish. Michaels said withstanding that they are not Jewish, there a number of things to be celebrated tonight. The fact that they have a match at SummerSlam, and it will be DX celebrating when it’s all over.

Michaels said it is his understanding that Triple H was in the very same hospital room just last week. It is also his understanding that one Triple H has acquired the entire McMahon family scrapbook. Triple H said it’s true, he has in his possession the McMahon family album, and there are some things he’d like to share with us. He has the very first photo of Vince McMahon. You have to bare with him a bit, because they didn’t have color way back then, and Civil war era photos don’t hold up too well. A picture of a baby with Vince’s head photo shopped on is shown on the Tron. Triple H said that was taken just before Vince started his first club, the Vince McMahon Wipe My Ass Club. Michaels then brings up the first picture of Shane, and it’s a baby Shane with a silver spoon in his mouth. Michaels said he danced and swung his umbilical chord when he popped out the womb. Triple H said that the whole world wants to see Vince’s new granddaughter, and Triple H happens to have the first public photo of her. Triple H is then shown as a baby. Triple H that is one hell of a good looking kid. Shawn said she looks familiar but he can’t put his finger on it. Shane cut them off and called them babies. Shane said that it will be them who are changing DX’s diapers at SummerSlam. Triple H said that was a good one. Triple H said he has a bit of advice for their granddaughter. It covers her nutritional needs, because they have two words for ya…SUCK IT! Triple H picked the mic back up and said for production to hit their music. Vince said for them to play his music instead. Triple H told them to hit the button that says DX, and they did. DX did the crotch chop to pyro and then left.

Mike Mizanin is backstage and says one of the Diva Search Contestants will be eliminated tonight. Jen says JT will be eliminated tonight.

Intercontinental Championship Match
Triple Threat Match
Carlito vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Johnny Nitro (c)
Referee: Jack Doan

Carlito’s music hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring for a shot at the Intercontinental Title in this triple threat match with Shelton Benjamin, and the champion Johnny Nitro, who was accompanied by Melina.

The start:
Carlito raked Benjamin’s eyes as Nitro was getting in the ring, and then knocked Nitro off the apron to the floor. Carlito followed out and hammered away at Nitro. Benjamin then exploded over the top with a plancha onto both men, and all three are down with Melina looking on in concern as we go to a commercial break.

Mid-match notes:
Back on RAW and Benjamin is in control of Nitro with a chin lock. Carlito is down on the outside. During the break, Benjamin nailed a superkick on Carlito knocking him off the apron to the floor. Back to live action and Benjamin nailed some right hands on Nitro but then missed a dropkick. Nitro went for a standing shoot star but Benjamin moved. Benjamin went for ma powerbomb but Nitro reversed into a sunset flip for two. Carlito then sprung in with a sunset flip of his own for two. Benjamin and Nitro double teamed Carlito in the corner and then whipped him to the opposite corner. Benjamin missed a splash and then Carlito hit a clothesline on Nitro. Benjamin nailed a nice monkey flip on Nitro and then Carlito hit some left hands on Benjamin.

The Finish:
Carlito hit a running knee lift and then a clothesline on Benjamin. Carlito and Nitro traded shots and then Carlito snapped off a huricanrana. Benjamin then nailed a tornado DDT on Carlito and covers but Melina puts Carlito’s foot on the ropes. Benjamin is pissed and yells at Melina. Nitro knocked Carlito into Benjamin sending him to the outside and then rolled Carlito up with the tights for the win.

Winner: Still Intercontinental Champion, Johnny Nitro

Diva Search:
Layla thinks that Milena should be voted off tonight because she can talk the talk but can’t walk the walk.

In the arena:
The music of Randy Orton is playing in the arena, and he’s in the ring. Orton said at SummerSlam, he is going to take the legend of Hulk Hogan and kill it, and his career, after that happens, will take off. He’s talking movies, maybe a view books…he’s actually got an offer for his own reality show, and it’s his honor to introduce the cast of his new show, Orton Knows Best. The music of Hulk Hogan then hit as some look-alikes made their way to the ring. First out came Nick, then Brooke and Linda, followed by Hulk Hogan, who looked VERY much like the real Hulkster. Orton said he wants to thank them for coming, he appreciates it. He has a question for Nick…what does he want to be when he grows up. Nick says he wants to be a pro wrestler. Orton said for that to happen, he will have to lose some of his hair and go bald, and get used to…Orton low blowed Nick and tossed him outside. Orton told Nick to take his vitamins and say his prayers. When then go to Linda, she must be an animal lover since she married Hogan. Orton said that Hogan and Linda gave birth to a lovely, incredible, baby girl…Brooke. Hogan took the mic and said that Orton stepped over the line, and at SummerSlam, his days of the Legend Killer are over. Hogan said that Orton don’t know best, Hogan knows best. The crowd booed. Orton said he didn’t mean to piss Hogan off. He said that Hogan needs to start thinking about himself. Orton said that his hall of fame legendary career will come to an end. Orton said he will kill the legend at SummerSlam, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Orton said in the meantime, he has a little kiss of his own in mind. Orton put down the mic as the fans chanted for Hogan. Orton laid a kiss on “Brooke” and then laid out Hogan with the RKO. Orton kissed Brooke again and then went to the outside and stood near the announce table for a while, and then turned around and slapped Lawler before leaving.

The McMahon’s are backstage and Armando comes in. He says thank you to them for giving Umaga a match against Shawn Michaels. Armando congratulates the McMahon’s and gives them a cigar each. Vince said he was on the cover of Cigar Aficionado. McMahon asks if he has any more, and Armando said he has three cases in the car and goes to get them.

Back on RAW:
Lawler said that Orton has no respect for anyone. Lawler said that next Monday, RAW is going to be in Memphis, and Jerry Lawler is challenging him to a match next week, and don’t expect a wrestling match, expect him whipping some respect into Orton.

Diva Search:
Erica thinks that Rebecca should be eliminated tonight as she already got a contract with another company this year.

Trish Stratus and Candice Michelle vs. Mickie James and Victoria
Referee: Torrie Wilson

Torrie Wilson made her way to the ring as the special referee for this next match. Torrie Wilson will be appearing on the cover of this months FHM magazine. Trish Stratus and Candice Michelle then hit the ring, and they will be facing Mickie James and Victoria.

The start:
Candice and Victoria kicked things off with a lock up. Victoria pulled down Candice by the hair. They locked up again and Candice got a waist lock and then a fireman carry takeover. Candice worked the arm and hit another fireman carry, and then a knee drop to the arm. Candice worked the arm some more but Victoria broke it up. Victoria came back with a knee to the face and then dragged Candice to her corner. Mickie tagged in and hit a double axe handle off the top.

Mid-match notes:
Mickie hit some forearm shots but Candice fired back until Mickie yanked Candice to the mat by her hair. Mickie pulled Candice up by the hair and then slammed her back down for two. Mickie went for a cheap shot on Trish, but Trish ducked and then chased Mickie into the ring. Somehow, Victoria got crotched on the top rope and Trish got the tag. Trish hit the Stratusphere on Victoria and then went for Stratusfaction on Mickie, but she then hit a double headscissors on both Mickie and Victoria.

The Finish:
Victoria was sent to the outside, and then Trish nailed Mickie with some chops in the corner. Mickie came back with a reverse elbow, and then went for the Mickcanrana but Trish countered into a powerbomb. Mickie raked the eyes and then hit a knee. Torrie then got in Mickie’s face, allowing Trish to come back and hit a botched Stratusfaction and cover for the win. Victoria tried to break it but Candice hit her with a dropkick.

Winners: Trish Stratus and Candice Michelle

Mick Foley is backstage with Nitro and Melina. Foley congratulates Nitro on retaining his title. Foley has a favour to ask. He said he hasn’t been on RAW in six weeks, and asks Melina to introduce him tonight. Melina and Foley leaves, and Nitro says to keep it sexy.

In the arena:
Milena thinks that for this competition that Erica isn’t athletic enough and should be eliminated.

In the arena:
Melina makes her way to the ring with Mick Foley and introduces her good friend, Mick Foley. Foley said it’s wonderful to have Melina out here. He said important people should be on hand for the important moments in life. Foley said he has decided to give the fans what they really want. Foley vs. Flair in this very ring, tonight, right here in New Jersey…as we join forces in our quest for tag team gold. Foley said he and Flair aren’t as different as you might think. Foley said he and Flair both believe in helping the younger stars. Flair took a young Randy Orton under his wing, and Foley took the WWE’s #1 Diva, Melina, under his wing. Foley said they both have famous friends. Flair is a personal friend of the president of the United States, while he is a personal friend of hardcore porn icon, Christy Canyon. Foley said one of their friends made it to the top by screwing an awful lot of people, and the other appeared in adult films. He said that both he and Flair have made national headlines. Foley has been on the cover of USA Today twice. Foley made headlines with his embarrassing road rage incident in Charlotte. Ric Flair’s music then hit in the arena as he made his way down to the ring. Foley said he has been expecting Flair. Flair said that Foley needs to keep his mouth shut. Flair said he’s been waiting for three weeks, and in his life, that is a long time. He said he has overstayed his welcome by many years. Flair asked that if it was really Mick Foley here in the ring tonight. He asked if this was Hardcore Mick Foley. Flair took off his jacket and then told Foley to shove it. Flair said who gives a damn about a book. They are booing A-Rod in New York and they are going to be booing Foley because he’s lazier than A-Rod. He said that for all of us who don’t know, he drank more than one glass of wine while writing his book. Flair said that is warmed up. Flair asked where Bruiser Brody was today. Stan Hansen in Colorado, and Foley is calling him imaginary. Harley Race, Terry Funk, the list goes on…and they would walk over Foley on the way to the bathroom, and he wouldn’t open his mouth for one second. Flair said he has 19 stitches, and Foley put them there.

Flair said he wants to taste Foley’s blood. He wants Foley with thumbtacks, garbage cans, barbwire. He wants Cactus Jack, he wants anything Foley wants to be. He’ll shove Socko up his ass. Flair asks the fans if they want to see the match, and they cheered. Flair said he wants Foley in a Hardcore Match. He said that Foley has tasted Flair’s blood, and he wants to taste Foley’s. He wants whatever Foley has, but most of all, he wants Foley and him to finalise this. Damn it. Flair said that this guy talks about his family, about his ear, his wife and kids…what a bunch of crap. She’s the kind of Diva that the Nature Boy would hang with, not Foley. Fifteen years ago, he was going all night long. Melina will be Space Moutainized. Foley said that is the difference between them. Foley sees a friend, a human being in Melina. Flair looks at her and thinks about his odds. He looks in there and sees compassion. Foley said he will not take family tips from a man who has been married three times, and a man who has been an absentee father twice. Flair got pissed and Foley said he was wrong. Foley said he wants to bring them back to the flight from Manila, where they had to sit together for three hours, and the only thing they could agree on was family. Foley said that Flair called each of his four children and told them that he loved them, just because you never know, and it touched Foley. Foley said he will never know what it’s like to look his kids in the eye and tell them he’s just been arrested. Flair nailed Foley with a right hand, and then Jonathan Coachman made his way out. Coach said after all the verbal jousting; Mr. McMahon has authorized a match that everyone would like to see…Ric Flair vs. Mick Foley at SummerSlam. Foley said that McMahon needs to go back and read over Foley’s contract. Foley called Flair an old bastard, and he wrestles who he wants, when he wants. Foley said he’s got a few good matches left, and he’ll be damned if he’s going to waste one on a washed up piece of crap like Flair. Have a nice day! Foley left with Melina and Flair is pissed.

Diva Search:
Rebecca thinks that all five of them have to go, and only one can stay, and it will be her.

It is announced that Edge will defend the WWE Title against John Cena at SummerSlam, and the title can change hands on a disqualification.

John Cena vs. Matt Striker
Referee: Unknown

The music of Matt Striker hit in the arena as he made his way to the ring. Striker said he opponent tonight fancies himself as a Dr. of Thuganomics. He chooses to use slang when talking about the fans as his homies. The dictionary does not include homies, and it’s not a word. What is a legitimate word is brilliant, aggressive and handsome. These are called adjectives and they are used to describe him, you teacher, Matt Striker. John Cena then hit the ring and we are set to go. Before the match, Edge made his way to the Rated R Announce Table near the stage with Lita.

The match:
Striker went for a cheap shot but Cena took him down. Cena nailed an overhead throw and then the throwback. Cena started down Edge at the announce table. Cena hit a spinning powerbomb and then nailed the five knuckle shuffle. Lita said they will embarrass Cena at SummerSlam as Cena nailed the FU on Striker. Cena then locked in the STFU for the easy win.

Winner: John Cena

The Aftermath:
Cena and Edge stared down after the match and these two will face at SummerSlam for the WWE Title.

Johnny vs. Rory McAllister
Referee: Unknown

The Spirit Squad is in the ring. They do a lame chant about Johnny winning tonight. The Highlanders then hit the ring as Rory will face Johnny.

The start:
Johnny and Rory lock up and Rory grabbed a side headlock. Johnny sent Rory to the ropes but Rory came back with a headbutt to the back of the head of Johnny. Rory was tripped by Nicky on the outside and then Mitch got on the apron and then they tossed the megaphone around between each other. The referee then took the megaphone and used it to eject the Spirit Squad! The Squad got pissed. Rory hit some right hands on Johnny and then a back elbow knockdown. Johnny begged off but then sucked Rory in and sent him to the corner and stomped away at him.

The Finish:
Johnny choked Rory and then gave him some right hands. Johnny nailed a neckbreaker and then a knee drop for a two count. Johnny locked in a rear chin lock but Rory fought out. Rory nailed a running double sledge and then a back elbow. Rory hit a back drop and then a rock bottom into a back breaker for two. Johnny came back with the Johnny Go Round and then taunted Robbie on the outside. Johnny went over to Rory but he got an inside cradle for the win.

Winner: Rory McAllister

Diva Search:
JT thinks that Rebecca should be voted off because she’s too concerned about her looks.

In the arena:
Mike Mizanin is on the stage with the girls. Miz said tonight is the third elimination. Mizanin screwed up again. Rebecca is eliminated, which is quite a surprise I guess. She looked to be a finalist for sure.

DX are shown backstage and some cops come in. They say they have a warrant to check Triple H’s bag tonight. They pull out some Cuban cigars. Triple H said he doesn’t even smoke. Triple H is asked to go downtown and answer some questions. Triple H gets taken away by the cops. He stops at the McMahon’s in their doorway, and they obviously planted the cigars on Triple H. Vince and Shane then pulled out a cigar and looked pleased with their actions.

Shawn Michaels vs. Umaga
Referee: Michael Chioda

The music of DX hit in the arena as Shawn Michaels made his way to the ring set for action here with Umaga, and he will have to do so without Triple H in his corner tonight. Umaga then made his way to the ring with Armando Alejandro Estrada.

The start:
Michaels nailed some right hands and then a boot in the corner. Michaels hit some chops and then Umaga went for a slam but Michaels slid out the back and hit some more chops followed by some mounted punches in the corner. Michaels went for a sunset flip and Umaga went for a butt splash but Michaels moved and hit a low dropkick for two. Michaels slid underneath Umaga to the outside and then the McMahon’s made their way down the aisle as we go to commercial.

Mid-match notes:
Back on RAW and Michaels runs into an uppercut from Umaga. Umaga hit a running headbutt splash on Michaels and then volleyed him over the top rope to the floor. Umaga hit a double axe handle off the apron and then slammed Michaels head first into the announce table. Umaga threw Michaels back into the ring by his hair. Umaga hit a knee to the gut of Michaels and then stomped away at him. Umaga locked in a head vice as the fans got behind Michaels. Michaels fought out but then Umaga nailed a headbutt. Umaga scored with a body slam and then hit a running headbutt. Umaga went for the running neck snap but Michaels moved. Michaels nailed some chops and then the flying forearm. Michaels went to nip up but Armando held his arm, stopping him. Michaels got Armando on the apron and Umaga charged Michaels but he moved, and Umaga knocked Armando off the apron. Umaga nailed an elevated Samoan Drop and Umaga is concerned about Estrada. Umaga is pissed and knocked over the ring steps and tore up the announce table.

The Finish:
Umaga threw a fit at ringside and then got back into the ring. McMahon is on the apron and Umaga went for the Samoan Spike but Michaels hit a low blow. Michaels headed up top and came off with the flying elbow. Michaels started to tune up the band but McMahon grabbed his ankle. Michaels nailed McMahon with a right hand. Shane is in the ring and gets nailed with a flying forearm but then Umaga came from behind and hit the Samoan Spike on Michaels for the win.

Winner: Umaga

The Aftermath:
Shane attacked Michaels after the match and held him for Vince to nail him. Vince took off his belt and whipped at the back of Michaels. McMahon choked Michaels while Shane held him in place. Shane then went to get a chair and Vince held the chair in front of Michaels face in the corner. Shane then tuned up the band and hit a superkick right into the chair and the face of Michaels. The McMahon’s stood over the fallen Michaels and then Vince got in his face to tell his pal Triple H that next week, Triple H takes on Umaga.

Thanx to powerwrestling.com