View Full Version : Mozart to help treat sewage

06-03-2010, 10:25 PM
A German sewage plant has unveiled a new scheme to speed up the sewage process - by playing Mozart to their microbes.

Officials believe the composer's music helps to stimulate activity among the tiny organisms that break down waste, the Markische Allgemeine newspaper said.

It is hoped that Mozart's soothing symphonies and operas will drive down energy costs at the waste-treatment facility in Treuenbrietzen, southwest of Berlin.

Classics such as The Magic Flute and The Marriage of Figaro are being piped in around-the-clock, via a series of speakers designed to replicate the acoustics of a concert hall.

The scheme was developed by scientists at German firm Mundus who say microbes are particularly partial to harmonies and rhythms.

When combined with large quantities of oxygen, the sonic patterns stimulate activity and help to breakdown sludge more efficiently.

"If it means we can save ?1,000 ($1200) per month on sludge disposal, then it would definitely be worth it," said plant sewage manager Detlef Dalichow.
