View Full Version : WWE Friday Night SmackDown Report for June 4th 2010

06-05-2010, 05:15 AM
Teddy Long starts off and says that he regrets to tell everyone that over the Memorial Day weekend, the Undertaker was found by his brother in a vegetative state. Teddy says that there is an ongoing investigation into who was responsible for this heinous and brutal attack.

We are live on tape from Dallas, Texas and your announcers are Todd ‘Dr. Pepper’ Grisham and Matt ‘I make Hogewood sound like Solie’ Striker.

We start off with solemn music as a casket is being pushed to the ring by hooded figures. Once the casket gets to the ring, Kane’s pyro goes off and he comes to the ring. He walks past the casket and then he enters the ring that has been adorned with a black carpet. Kane approaches the podium and there is a black wreath in the ring. Kane looks choked up before he talks. Kane says that he wants the coffin opened. Kane looks into the empty coffin and then he summons the strength to make some comments. He says that in all likelihood, the most feared, dreaded, and respected figure in the WWE, his brother the Undertaker will no longer walk amongst us.

He says that gone are the endless nights when the Undertaker would strike fear into those in his presence. Gone is the face of darkness. His brilliance extinguished by an act of cowardice. Gone is the specter that was beloved and admired by millions of creatures around the world. Gone from the WWE is its most iconic figure. Gone forever are the bonds of brotherhood. Kane says that his brother will rise from the dead no more. Gone is the Undertaker. Kane starts to laugh and he says that soon enough, those responsible for this atrocity will too be gone. They will be committed to the depths of hell. To a torturous existence that they cannot fathom. He says that he will personally prosecute and persecute anyone who had anything to do with this tragedy. Kane vows that there will be vengeance never before seen or felt, never before imagined. There will be swift, decisive, and terrible vengeance.

Kane gets on his knee and does his brother’s pose and then he collapses in the ring and cries as he crawls towards the coffin and says that he should have been there.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One: Jack Swagger versus Montel Vontavious Porter

Swagger with a take down into a waist lock but Porter tries to escape and he gets to his feet but Swagger with a take down as he holds on to the waist lock. Porter gets back to his feet and Porter with an elbow. Swagger yells at Porter and Porter slaps Swagger in the face. Swagger leaves the ring and he wants to leave but he returns to the ring. Swagger misses a clothesline and Porter with a flying forearm for a near fall. Porter with a side head lock take down. Swagger backs Porter into the turnbuckles and Swagger with knees on the break. Porter moves when Swagger charges into the corner. Swagger with a take down and Swagger with punches but Porter turns the tables and he punches Swagger. The referee pulls Porter off and then Porter with a running boot to the head and Swagger goes to the floor as we go to commercial.

We are back and Porter gets a near fall. Porter with an elbow to the head. Porter with an arm bar and we see highlights from the commercial break when Porter hit a pescado. Swagger with punches to Porter after he got out of the hold. Porter responds with more punches but the referee pulls Porter off. Swagger with a kick and then he sends Porter into the ring post shoulder first. Swagger sends Porter into the ring post one more time and Porter goes to the floor. Porter gets back in before the ten count. Swagger kicks Porter in the injured shoulder and then he uses his knee to apply extra pressure to the shoulder. Swagger with an arm bar as he pulls Porter off the mat. Porter punches Swagger but Swagger with a big boot to the head and Porter goes down again. Swagger gets a near fall. Swagger punches Porter in the corner followed by crossfaces in the center of the ring before he returns to the arm bar. Swagger with a knee to the midsection but Porter with a kick to Swagger. Swagger misses a charge into the corner and Porter with a clothesline and punch. Porter tries to float over but Swagger catches Porter and hits a power slam for a near fall. Swagger sets for the double jump Vader Bomb and he gets a near fall after hitting it. Swagger goes back to the arm with a key lock. Porter gets back to his feet but Swagger takes Porter back to the mat. Porter returns to his feet and Porter with punches and then he hits the running kick into the corner and Swagger goes down. Porter goes to the mat due to the damage on the arm through the course of the match. Swagger charges into an elbow and then Porter with punches and clotheslines. Porter with the facebuster and it is time for the Ballin’ Elbow but Swagger gets up. Porter with an overhead belly-to-belly throw followed by an elbow but Swagger gets his hand on the rope to stop the count. Porter tries for the 305 but Swagger avoids it. Porter with a fisherman suplex and bridge for a near fall. Swagger with a jawbreaker followed by a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Swagger with a kick to the injured arm and Swagger sets for the double jump Vader Bomb but Porter trips him. Porter misses the running boot into the corner and Swagger gets the three count with a rollup.

Winner: Jack Swagger

After the match, Curt Hawkins and Vance Archer come into the ring. Porter fights off Hawkins but Archer with a big boot. Archer with an inverted DDT to Porter and Hawkins hits an elbow drop from the top turnbuckle.

Vickie tells Teddy Long that he needs to pick someone to take the Undertaker’s place so he needs to take some action. Vickie says that she has the perfect person in mind. Dolph Ziggler. Vickie says that he has the credentials of anyone on the roster. Teddy likes the word roster so he says that every Smackdown superstar will compete in a Battle Royal tonight for the Undertaker’s spot.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Did You Know that WWE receives a lot of awards from the military.

It is time for a look back at the season finale of NXT when Wade Barrett was proclaimed the first winner of the competition.

CM Punk is adjusting his mask when Kane comes in and he grabs Punk and wonders why Punk is so jumpy. Kane says that Punk has the stench of guilt. Punk says that the SES is all about family. Kane wants to know if Punk did it. Punk offers the help of the SES to help Kane. We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Kofi Kingston versus Drew McIntyre for the Intercontinental Title

Kofi with a waist lock but Drew with an elbow and forearm to the back. Drew sends Kofi head first into the mat and then he kicks Kofi in the head. Drew misses a punch and Kofi with forearms and punches. Drew with a kick and head butt to Kofi before sending Kofi into the turnbuckles and Drew with kicks and punches before the referee stops Drew. Drew tries to throw Kofi out of the ring but Kofi hits the ropes and hits a drop kick . Kofi counters a hip toss with a monkey flip and then he flies into the corner and punches Drew. Drew with punches but Kofi with kicks and more punches. Drew with a boot to Kofi and then Drew hits a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Drew with a European uppercut. Drew puts Kofi on the top rope and then Drew sends Kofi to the floor.

We see Matt Hardy come through the crowd and he takes a seat in the front row as we go to commercial.

We are back and Drew hits a tilt-a-whirl gutbuster and gets a near fall. Drew punches Kofi and then Drew yells at Matt in the crowd. Kofi punches Drew but Drew chokes Kofi in the ropes. Drew puts Kofi over the apron and connects with a forearm. Drew connects with another forearm. Drew with a kick to the head. Kofi kicks Drew and they are both on the floor. Drew runs Kofi into the ring steps and then Drew hits a snap suplex on the floor. Drew rolls Kofi back into the ring but Drew can only get a two count. Drew with cross faces and then he stretches Kofi with a surfboard. Kofi gets to his feet and he hits a mule kick. Kofi with forearms but Drew with a knee and he gets another near fall. Drew with a brief abdominal stretch and then he hits a few clotheslines in the corner. Drew hits a short arm clothesline and he turns his attention to Matt Hardy. Kofi with a rana and then he hits a clothesline and both men are down. Kofi with chops to Drew followed by a drop kick but he misses the leaping clothesline. Kofi with a crucifix and he gets a near fall. Drew hits the turnbuckles and Kofi goes up top for a cross body but he can only get a two count. Kofi with a forearm followed by a kick to the midsection. Drew with a neck breaker for a near fall. Kofi escapes a suplex attempt and he hits the leaping clothesline which leads into the Boom drop on Drew’s back. Kofi tunes up the band for Trouble in Paradise but Drew moves out of the way and goes to the floor. Kofi misses a pescado when Drew moves out of the way. McIntyre hits Matt Hardy and then he sends Kofi into the ring. Hardy tries to go over the ringside barrier and Drew is distracted long enough to allow Kofi to hit the SOS for the three count.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

After the match, Matt Hardy avoids security and he hits the Twist of Fate on McIntyre before he escapes into the crowd.

Kane is in the back and he is with Rey Mysterio. Rey says that he wants to help Kane but Kane says that Rey is just covering his tracks because of what Taker did to Rey last week. Rey says that he did not do it. Kane says that maybe Rey didn’t, but maybe he did. He will not blindly accept anyone’s innocence.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Jack Swagger is in the back and he tells everyone that it appears that some people doubt his accolades and doubt the University of Oklahoma. IN this state and city, the University of Oklahoma invented ‘swagger’. Swagger says that he was a two time All American Wrestler and he was a four year member of the football team that beat Texas every year. Swagger says that in honor of his upcoming win at Fatal Four Way, he wants everyone to get on their feet while he sings the Oklahoma fight song.

Kane interrupts the performance and he wants to know if it was Swagger. Jack doesn’t say anything else.

Match Number Three: Rosa Mendes versus Kelly Kelly

They lock up and Rosa with a knee and Irish whip but Kelly with a float over and handspring followed by a neck breaker for a near fall. Rosa pulls Kelly down by the hair and then she gets a near fall. Rosa with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner. Rosa chokes Kelly in the ropes as we see Michelle and Layla mock her. Rosa pulls Kelly down and then she poses. Rosa with a suplex and a float over for a near fall. Rosa with a figure four head scissors. Rosa with a forearm to the back but Kelly with a Thesz Press and she slams Rosa’s head into the mat. Kelly with clotheslines and a forearm. Rosa with an Irish whip but Kelly with a boot and a cross body for a near fall. Rosa with a kick but she misses a neck breaker and Kelly hits the K2 for the three count.

Winner: Kelly Kelly

We go to commercial.

We are back and Big Show tells Hornswoggle that he got lucky last time as they play cards. Kane enters and he gets in Show’s face. Kane says that his brother always had Show’s number and he could never do anything about that. Show tells Kane that he didn’t have anything to do with the Undertaker. He tells Kane that would be a giant mistake.

Todd and Matt talk about Kane’s reaction to what happened to his brother. We run through the card for Fatal Four Way.

We go back to what happened at the start of the night when Kane vowed vengeance against the person or persons who did what they did to his brother.

Match Number Four: The Smackdown Battle Royal to determine the final participant in the Fatal Four Way Match for the World Title

Among the participants are Drew McIntyre, Montel Vontavious Porter, Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, Dolph Ziggler, Fit Finlay, JTG, Curt Hawkins, Vance Archer, Kane, Christian, Trent Barreta, Caylen Croft, Luke Gallows, Chris Masters, Chavo Guerrero

Drew starts things off on the floor so he does not get throw out with all of the confusion going on at the start of the match.

It is pandemonium at the start as people try for the early eliminations. We have a series of punches and kicks as Christian tries to eliminate Trent Barreta. Kane almost has Croft eliminated. Finlay goes after Archer after he tries to work over Kofi. Kane with an Irish whip and clothesline to Kofi. Gallows tries to eliminate Christian but he gets back into the ring after being sent over the top rope. Porter tries to eliminate Archer. Rey goes after CM Punk and he tries to take off the mask but Luke Gallows makes the save. Rey and Luke fight on the floor. Punk and Serena go to the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and the battle royal continues with Finlay sending JTG over the top rope but JTG returns to the ring. Finlay fights to stay in the match and he succeeds. Ziggler and Croft work over Kane in the corner while Chavo punches him. Hawkins and McIntyre kick Kane in the corner and a few more join in. Most of the wrestlers try to eliminate Kane but Luke Gallows pulls people off Kane. Kane eliminates Caylen Croft and then Kane eliminates Chris Masters. Trent Barreta is eliminated as well as JTG. Kane and Gallows meet in the center of the ring and they exchange punches. Kane with an uppercut to the throat and then he punches Luke. Kofi fights to stay in as we see Archer work over Finlay. Kofi and McIntyre are eliminated at the same time. Porter punches Ziggler while Chavo works over Christian. Porter with an Irish whip to Ziggler. Archer and Gallows try to eliminate Rey but Rey rolls back in. Porter works over Gallows. Ziggler with a sleeper on Finlay. Kane with an Irish whip but Chavo with a kick. Christian grabs Ziggler and eliminates him. Christian punches Finlay and Ziggler distracts Christian and Finlay eliminates him. We go to commercial.

We are back and eight men remain. Gallows and Archer work over everyone else in the match. Archer and Hawkins work over Kane and Gallows joins in. Rey sends Chavo into the ropes and then Chavo avoids the 619. Rey is sent to the apron and Rey eliminates Chavo with a head scissors. Finlay tries to eliminate Rey but Rey holds on and then he tries to eliminate Finlay with a front face lock. Gallows punches and kicks Porter but Porter with a punch. Porter has Gallows on the apron while Kane with an uppercut to Archer. Hawkins with punches to Porter. Porter pucnehs back. Porter with a facebuster to Hawkins and then he pucnehs Archer but Archer punches back. Finlay with forearms to Archer and a knee to the head. Finlay and Porter eliminate Archer and then Finlay eliminates Porter. Kane eliminates Finlay with a clothesline and we are down to fur. Rey with a rana that eliminates Hawkins.

We are down three as Kane, Luke Gallows, and Rey Mysterio remain. Kane and Gallows appear to be focusing on Rey. Kane with a boot to Rey. Gallows punches Kane and the masked man kicks Kane in the back of the head and Gallows throws Kane over the top rope but he stays on the apron. Kane sends the masked man to the floor and then Kane eliminates Gallows.

WE are down to the final two men and it is Rey Mysterio and Kane. Rey with kicks to the leg but Kane pushes Rey but Rey with a drop kick that sends Kane into the ropes. Kane with a clothesline when Rey tries for the 619. Kane punches Rey and kicks him in the head. Kane picks up Rey but Rey gets dropped on the top rope and he sends Rey over the top but he stays on the apron. Rey with a springboard seated splash but Rey runs into a big boot. Kane with an Irish whip but Rey with a knee and a tilt-a-whirl DDT. Rey with a drop kick to the back and you know where Kane goes. Rey hits the 619 but Kane grabs Rey by the throat but Rey with a rana to eliminate Kane.

Winner: Rey Mysterio