View Full Version : WWE Star “The Undertaker” Death Hoax Reports

Black Widow
06-05-2010, 07:18 PM
Today, in light of increased social networking and easy ways to publish reports to the audience globally, it is not surprising that wrong news gets circulated widely on the internet. Once, the information catches the eye of few, soon it catches fire with forwarding of the news to friends, tweeting, and so on. As a result, celebrity death hoaxes are not uncommon on internet: One can remember the false news of Michael Jackson’s suicide in 2004 on internet.

The latest in the line of celebrity death hoax was today WWE star “The Undertaker “. This time, it has nothing to do with engineered CNN or Yahoo pages; nor the feeds of Twitter are to be blamed for this big misunderstanding – it was an episode of WWE Smackdown!

The tagline given in the beginning of WWE Smackdown read like this: The Undertaker was spotted in a vegetative state after Memorial Day weekend – but not because of eating too much. He was in a vegetative state due to a vicious attack. This provided the background for his brother, Kane, to conduct a query.

An empty coffin was brought on site, making the story even more dramatic. Kane delivered a “tribute” of types before the massive fight began. Rey Mysterio won – outnumbering Kane. However, there is no need to worry because Undertaker will have a smart recovery. Once recovered from his suffered injury, he will give all his enemies a run for their life.

They say all is good that ends good. The good part in such malicious celebrity death hoax reports is that end is always good. There is all round relief once rumor gives way to truth.


06-05-2010, 07:20 PM
thats tv for you, thanks for the post Ryan

06-05-2010, 08:39 PM
thanks for the update .

06-05-2010, 11:34 PM
I wonder if he will come back as the big evil.

The Major
06-06-2010, 01:18 PM
Kanes promo was probably the best i have seen in WWE for a long time. they should of have him win the Battle Royal. and the WHC. They mock Kane now a days. he used to be so good. sod the PG era. give him back his mask. let him grow his hair once more and let him have one final run at the WHC.

06-06-2010, 06:43 PM
Kane's probably naturally bald now and took the Angle route and just shaved it all off. I thought they'd have let Kane win the battle royal and then the title and Undertaker and Kane would have feuded over it with Kane being revealed as the attacker...

06-07-2010, 12:34 AM
Kanes promo was probably the best i have seen in WWE for a long time. they should of have him win the Battle Royal. and the WHC. They mock Kane now a days. he used to be so good. sod the PG era. give him back his mask. let him grow his hair once more and let him have one final run at the WHC.


Kane should get a run for the WHC before he retires. A Title that he's never held!

Thanx for posting Ryan!

06-07-2010, 12:45 AM
i hope this is a setup for one final fued between the brothers before they both retire for good.