The Mac
06-13-2010, 01:29 AM
unaired fights so coverage provided by
Round 1 - Referee Kevin Dornan gets the undercard action started. Pyle paws with jabs and gets tagged with a body shot. Lennox lands a leg kick. Pyle closes, the two collide, then break off. Pyle with a jab, then a follow-up leg kick. Lennox stalking in. Lennox with another lunging body punch. Lennox with inside leg kick. Pyle is pawing with jabs, but not doing much else. Lennox with another lunging jab and a leg kick. Pyle gives a leg kick. Audience boos. Pyle tries to take the action down, but Lennox gets and underhook and keeps them up. They go back to a loose sparring match on the feet. Nothing big landing except for a few inside leg kicks and body punches. Lennox misses with a big hook. Lennox hints at a takedown, but doesn't follow through. Lennox with a nice body kick. Not much doing. They trade body kicks. Lennox with a nice body shot, then another. Audience is restless. Lennox misses with a bolo. The two clash and Pyle lands a knee in the clinch before they break off. Lennox lands a big left hook and looks to be on shaky legs, but as Lennox charges in, Pyle catches him with a straight right that staggers Lennox. Pyle immediately jumps on him and applies a guillotine, but Lennox squirms out and the round ends. scores the round 10-9 for Pyle.
Round 2 - Lenox closing with punches, but Pyle lands nice straight right to open the fight. As Lennox leg kicks, Pyle clowns a little. Pyle is backing away with his body turned, almost daring Lennox to throw the bolo. Instead, he takes a big body shot. Lennox closes and the two spill to the canvas. Pyle snags an arm hinting at a kimura, and the two scramble for position. They turn over and over until Pyle ends up on top in half-guard. Pyle postures up briefly, but he puts his head into Lennox's chest and hints at a pass. Instead, Lennox re-gains guard. Pyle stands over him and wings a few shots down. Lennox pitches forward and Pyle chases him across the cage as they right themselves. But as they hit the cage, it's Lennox who drives Pyle down and ends up in Pyle's guard. Action has slowed markedly. Lennox with elbows to the body. Lennox posts up looking for something big, but he's tied up in Pyle's legs. Pyle rolls for an armbar and in the ensuing scramble Lennox is at his back as Pyle covers up on his hands and knees. scores the round 10-9 for Pyle.
Round 3 - Knee lands early from Pyle. Lennox returns with a hook and a leg kick. Pyle meets a punch with a front kick. Pyle going hard with inside leg kicks. Lennox's face wears far more damage. But he's swinging for the fences with that hook, and Pyle is blocking them. Pyle with a nice straight right. Lennox with another blocked bolo. Pyle isn't giving him much--his strategy is to take the steam out of Lennox's predictable approach. As Lennox closes, he takes jabs and inside leg kicks broken up by the occasional straight right. Pyle taking control of the stand-up game. Pyle goes with a spinning hook kick, to which Lennox throws a spinning backlist. Both get air. Lennox's nose is bleeding badly. Pyle catches a punch as Lennox charges in, but he lands a knee at the cage edge before they break off. Lennox literally launches himself into Pyle and gets nothing. Pyle goes flatfooted and dares Lennox to throw. Lennox obliges, and plasters Pyle with a couple of big punches that have him in big trouble. Pyle gets the takedown and threatens with an armbar before catching his favorite submission, a triangle. Pyle alerts the ref that Lennox is out after throwing a few elbows to Lennox's dome. Official time is 4:44. Good win for Pyle. Mike Pyle def. Jesse Lennox via technical submission (triangle choke) - Round 3, 4:44.
Round 1 - Referee Tony Williamson is the third man in the cage for the second bout of the night. Southpaw Funch lands an inside leg kick to start. Patrick closes, then ruses in to clinch at the cage. He wants this one down, apparently. He lands a knee against the cage, and a foot stomp. Patrick knees the legs. Funch reverses against the cage and grabs for a single leg. They reverse, and Patrick gets a body lock and takes the fight down. Patrick passes to half-guard while Funch squirms to re-take guard. He does, and Patrick postures up. Funch hints at an armbar, but Patrick isn't having it. Referee Williamson stops the action and stands the two up. He's having a chat with Funch. Might have been an illegal upkick from Funch. After a short break, the ref re-starts them with Patrick in Funch's guard. Patrick posts up again, and Funch almost kicks him off. Patrick with a couple of big left hands before he goes back to guard. Patrick posts up and throws another left, then another. Funch trying to kick him off. Patrick passes to half guard and lands a few shots in transition. Funch's left eye is a bit swollen. Patrick grabs a guillotine with a pass and goes for the choke from mount as the ten second mark is sounded. Patrick can't close it, though, before round ends. scores the round 10-9 for the Canadian Patrick.
Round 2 - Funch leads with a leg kick. Patrick closes distance again and attempts to wrestle it down. Funch reverses against the cage and drives for a leg. Patrick looks for a guillotine and the audience chants for a knee. Funch keeps driving for that takedown and the action stalls. Funch with a knee to the leg. Funch gives up takedown attempt and Patrick jumps for a guillotine at the cage wall. Funch is caught. With nowhere to go, he taps quickly. The official time is 1:48 of the second frame. Claude Patrick def. Ricardo Funch via submission (guillotine choke) - Round 2, 1:48.
Round 1 - Referee Kevin Dornan oversees the third bout of the evening. Southpaw Sobotta takes a jab. Wilks closes with a jab and a hard leg kick. Sobotta returns with a one-two. Wilks closing distance and weathering Sobotta's strikes. Wilks misses with a cross and the two lock up against the cage. Sobotta peels off with a hard left hand. Sobotta and Wilks trade front kicks and the two spill to the canvas. Wilks hints at a guillotine, but he quickly lets it go. Sobotta in Wilks' guard working body-body-head. Wilks angles for a triangle. Wilks quickly whips into an armbar and rolls the German over. He's got it, but Sobotta won't give up and manages to escape when he stands and pulls out. Sobotta attempts to return the favor with some strikes standing over Wilks, but no dice. Wilks lands a nice body shots as he corners Sobotta and Sobotta ties the action up at the cage edge. Wilks attempts a few takedowns, but he then drops to his back and locks up an oma plata. Sobotta escapes it and the two returns to their feet, where Sobotta immediately pressures against the cage. Wilks reverses and the two end the round in the clinch. scores the round 10-9 for Wilks.
Round 2 - Sobotta lands a couple of nice punches in the first exchange of the round and bullies Wilks to the cage edge. They wrestle for position against the cage and Sobotta drops levels for a takedown. Wilks throws a knee and gets the German to back off. Sobotta peels off with a punch. Wilks immediately purses and lands a couple of nice punches as Sobotta retreats. Sobotta again ties the action up on the other side of the cage and the action stalls again. Sobotta wants that takedown, but jiu-jitsu specialist Wilks won't let him have it. Wilks lands a nice knee to the head from the clinch. Wilks reverses and gets a quick trip takedown at the cage edge, and he's immediately in mount. He hints at an arm triangle, but Sobotta scrambles and grabs his leg. Wilks escapes and grabs a guillotine. Sobotta's quickly out of it and the two briefly take north-south before Wilks stands out of it. He misses a high kick when Sobotta gets up. Wilks chases forward with punches and the two end the round up against the cage once again. scores the round 10-9 for Wilks.
Round 3 - Wilks pushes his way in with punches and tags Sobotta a few times as the round gets underway. Sobotta defends as best he can on his bicycle and again, the two are locked up at the cage. Wilks scoops Sobotta up and looks like he's got the takedown, but Sobotta escapes. Wilks with a nice straight right. Sobotta goes for a takedown off a leg kick and Wilks grabs his leg as the two spill to the mat. But Sobotta is ready and takes Wilks' back in the subsequent scramble. Sobotta locks in a body triangle. Wilks fighting to control Sobotta's arms. Sobotta working to distract the native Brit. Sobotta stays on Wilks' back as the Brit tries to roll. Sobotta tries to use his right leg to snag Wilks' arm, but Wilks manages to spin out and take Sobotta's guard. Wilks works short elbows while Sobotta paws at his head. Wilks attempting ground and pound, but he's tied up in Sobotta's legs. Round ends, and scores the final frame for Sobotta, 10-9. But on the card, the fight goes to Wilks by a score of 29-28. James Wilks def. Peter Sobotta via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-28, 30-27)
Round 1 - Referee Tony Williamson oversees the action. Mirfagnda comes right at Loiseau, scoops him up, and dumps him to the canvas. Loiseau covers up while Miranda chops at his head. Miranda gets his hooks in and almost steals an arm as Loiseau scrambles. Miranda ends up with half-guard as he fires his left elbow down on "The Crow." Miranda working to trap Loiseau's arm and pass, but Loiseau retakes guard. Miranda posts up and drops a left elbow. He does it again and stands over Loiseau against the cage. He briefly gets a headlock as Loiseau covers up on his knees. Miranda with hard knees to the body. Loiseau doesn't like that much and stands up. His left eye is already puffy. Miranda knees the legs. Miranda with over-under grip keeps Loiseau from escaping and gets another quick takedown. Miranda lands punches overhead and Loiseau scrambles to his feet. They're tied up again at the edge of the cage. Miranada knees the legs with his back against the cage. Referee separates them. MIranda misses with a punch and they walk across the cage as they're locked up. Miranda misses with an elbow as he peels off and Loiseau misses with a high kick. scores the round 10-9 for Miranda.
Round 2 - Loiseau's left eye is puffed up badly. He throws a big couple of high kicks that electrify crowd, but they do little else. Miranda meets one kick with a punch. Loiseau lands his first big punch of the night. But Miranda quickly closes and once again forces the action down. He's at Loiseau's back firing away with his right hand as Loiseau turtles. One of his hammerfists has cut Loiseau's head badly. Miranda nearly stands up, but settles for Loiseau's back when the Canadian tries to escape. Loiseau goes to his back and pulls guard, but Miranda passes quickly to side mount and has back control on the turtled Loiseau. Miranda gets his hooks in and snakes his arms in for the choke. Loiseau resists as Miranda changes strategy and fires down punches and elbows. The Canadian is floundering to the dismay of the audience. They boo as Miranda pounds away with punches. Loiseau is doing nothing, and neither is the referee. Finally, after several moments of unrestrained punishment, the referee stops the fight.Upon replay, it looks like a clash of heads that caused the cut on Loiseau's head. The official time of stoppage is 4:07. Mario Miranda def. David Loiseau via TKO (Strikes) - Round 2, 4:07.
Round 1 - Yves Lavigne is the third man in the cage. Wiman leads with a leg kick. Danzig catches a punch as he returns with his own. Danzig catches a kick and takes the action down as Wiman tries to snag a leg. Danzig escapes easily and takes guard. He attempts to pass as Wiman sits up against the cage. Danzig postures up and drives forward but gets caught in a nasty guillotine. Wiman is squeezing the life out of him from the top in half-guard. Lavignes jumps in and stops the bout, but Danzig immediately jumps up and protests the decision. Lavigne appears to consult officials as Wiman attempts to console Danzig. The audience goes nuts with boos. The replay shows Lavigne testing Danzig's arm with a shake as Wiman applies the choke and stopping the bout after the shake. The official time is 1:45. Matt Wiman def. Mac Danzig via Submission (guillotine choke) - Round 1, 1:45.
Round 1 - Herb Dean, the Ol' Faithful of MMA referees, calls the second Spike bout of the night. Southpaw Dunham meets a Griffin punch with a kick. Griffin pursues with punches and Dunham backs off. Griffin leads into exchange with an inside leg kick and then follows with punches, but none of them connect. Dunham picks off Griffin's leg and marches him across the cage with it as Griffin fires back with punches. Dunham looks like he caught a low kick as Griffin shoots in, but the two break off and they're back to punching it out. Dunham catches another punch. He lands a punch of his own. Another inside low kick from Griffin. Dunham misses counter punch off a kick. Dunham with a combo that's mostly blocked. The two are punishing each others legs. Dunham almost connects with a high kick as Griffin punches. Dunham catches a hook. Dunham ducks under a punch and tries to wrestle Griffin to the ground. He's at Griffin's back and gets a hook in. Griffin drops to the canvas on his own and Dunham has his back. Dunham flattens him out at the cage's edge. Now, it's a wrestling match between the two fighter's arms. Griffin is punching backward. Griffin nearly turns out of the choke position but Dunham applies a body triangle. Round ends the two trading leather from the choke position. scores the round narrowly for Tyson Griffin, 10-9.
Round 2 - Dunham leads with high kick, and Griffin misses his own. The two exchange but nothing doing. Griffin goes with a straight right and gets taken down, but he catches Dunham's neck in the process. Dunham's head is nearly out as Griffin uses heel strikes on his leg. Dunham takes half-guard and struggles to keep Griffin on his back. He threatens with a D'Arce choke but Griffin scrambles out of it and they're back to their feet. Griffin purses with punches, but he's again taken down. He tries to snag a guillotine but Dunham's already free. Then, he grabs an arm and hints at a kimura. Dunham again gets Griffin's back in a scramble as Griffin tries to spin into guard. Griffin elbowing Dunham's thigh as the Oregonian tries to secures the choke. Griffin rolls to his stomach and stands up. Dunham's still attached to him, and Griffin is now at the edge of the cage. Dunham refuses to give up the choke position. Griffin pitches forward and puts Dunham on his head with a thwack. Griffin again stands and motions to the referee incredulously as the round ends. scores the round 10-9 for Dunham, evening the round score.
Round 3 - Griffin charges in with a high kick and the two trade heavy leather as Dunham tries to shoot. Dunham eats a punch on his way in and backs off. Griffin with an overhand right. Griffin misses with low kicks. Dunham flurries but only gets Griffin's gloves. Griffin meets Dunham with a knee to the body. Griffin shoots in and Dunham stuffs it against the cage. Dunham scores a knee to Griffin's head as Griffin breaks off. Griffin catches a Dunham kick and the two spill to the mat, but again, it's Dunham with back control. Griffin is trying again to spin out of the choke and Dunham is wrestling to complete it with his arms. The two fire off punches at each other. As hard as Griffin tries, he can't seem to get Dunham off his back. Griffin almost has a leg free, but Dunham gets both hooks back. Again, Griffin stands up and carries Dunham to the cage edge as Dunham locks in a body triangle. Dunham works for the choke. Audience is booing. Dunham looks up at the clock. He's squeezing Griffin's head with all his might, but he can't finish the choke. Griffin dumps him to the mat again, but the fall isn't as bad. Dunham wrestles to take mount as the round ends. It's a very close round, but scores the round 10-9 for Dunham based on his ground control.Judges score the bout 30-27 Dunham, 29-28 Griffin and 29-28 Dunham to give the Oregonian the decision win. Evan Dunham def. Tyson Griffin via split decision (30-27, 28-29, 29-28).
Round 1 - Referee Kevin Dornan gets the undercard action started. Pyle paws with jabs and gets tagged with a body shot. Lennox lands a leg kick. Pyle closes, the two collide, then break off. Pyle with a jab, then a follow-up leg kick. Lennox stalking in. Lennox with another lunging body punch. Lennox with inside leg kick. Pyle is pawing with jabs, but not doing much else. Lennox with another lunging jab and a leg kick. Pyle gives a leg kick. Audience boos. Pyle tries to take the action down, but Lennox gets and underhook and keeps them up. They go back to a loose sparring match on the feet. Nothing big landing except for a few inside leg kicks and body punches. Lennox misses with a big hook. Lennox hints at a takedown, but doesn't follow through. Lennox with a nice body kick. Not much doing. They trade body kicks. Lennox with a nice body shot, then another. Audience is restless. Lennox misses with a bolo. The two clash and Pyle lands a knee in the clinch before they break off. Lennox lands a big left hook and looks to be on shaky legs, but as Lennox charges in, Pyle catches him with a straight right that staggers Lennox. Pyle immediately jumps on him and applies a guillotine, but Lennox squirms out and the round ends. scores the round 10-9 for Pyle.
Round 2 - Lenox closing with punches, but Pyle lands nice straight right to open the fight. As Lennox leg kicks, Pyle clowns a little. Pyle is backing away with his body turned, almost daring Lennox to throw the bolo. Instead, he takes a big body shot. Lennox closes and the two spill to the canvas. Pyle snags an arm hinting at a kimura, and the two scramble for position. They turn over and over until Pyle ends up on top in half-guard. Pyle postures up briefly, but he puts his head into Lennox's chest and hints at a pass. Instead, Lennox re-gains guard. Pyle stands over him and wings a few shots down. Lennox pitches forward and Pyle chases him across the cage as they right themselves. But as they hit the cage, it's Lennox who drives Pyle down and ends up in Pyle's guard. Action has slowed markedly. Lennox with elbows to the body. Lennox posts up looking for something big, but he's tied up in Pyle's legs. Pyle rolls for an armbar and in the ensuing scramble Lennox is at his back as Pyle covers up on his hands and knees. scores the round 10-9 for Pyle.
Round 3 - Knee lands early from Pyle. Lennox returns with a hook and a leg kick. Pyle meets a punch with a front kick. Pyle going hard with inside leg kicks. Lennox's face wears far more damage. But he's swinging for the fences with that hook, and Pyle is blocking them. Pyle with a nice straight right. Lennox with another blocked bolo. Pyle isn't giving him much--his strategy is to take the steam out of Lennox's predictable approach. As Lennox closes, he takes jabs and inside leg kicks broken up by the occasional straight right. Pyle taking control of the stand-up game. Pyle goes with a spinning hook kick, to which Lennox throws a spinning backlist. Both get air. Lennox's nose is bleeding badly. Pyle catches a punch as Lennox charges in, but he lands a knee at the cage edge before they break off. Lennox literally launches himself into Pyle and gets nothing. Pyle goes flatfooted and dares Lennox to throw. Lennox obliges, and plasters Pyle with a couple of big punches that have him in big trouble. Pyle gets the takedown and threatens with an armbar before catching his favorite submission, a triangle. Pyle alerts the ref that Lennox is out after throwing a few elbows to Lennox's dome. Official time is 4:44. Good win for Pyle. Mike Pyle def. Jesse Lennox via technical submission (triangle choke) - Round 3, 4:44.
Round 1 - Referee Tony Williamson is the third man in the cage for the second bout of the night. Southpaw Funch lands an inside leg kick to start. Patrick closes, then ruses in to clinch at the cage. He wants this one down, apparently. He lands a knee against the cage, and a foot stomp. Patrick knees the legs. Funch reverses against the cage and grabs for a single leg. They reverse, and Patrick gets a body lock and takes the fight down. Patrick passes to half-guard while Funch squirms to re-take guard. He does, and Patrick postures up. Funch hints at an armbar, but Patrick isn't having it. Referee Williamson stops the action and stands the two up. He's having a chat with Funch. Might have been an illegal upkick from Funch. After a short break, the ref re-starts them with Patrick in Funch's guard. Patrick posts up again, and Funch almost kicks him off. Patrick with a couple of big left hands before he goes back to guard. Patrick posts up and throws another left, then another. Funch trying to kick him off. Patrick passes to half guard and lands a few shots in transition. Funch's left eye is a bit swollen. Patrick grabs a guillotine with a pass and goes for the choke from mount as the ten second mark is sounded. Patrick can't close it, though, before round ends. scores the round 10-9 for the Canadian Patrick.
Round 2 - Funch leads with a leg kick. Patrick closes distance again and attempts to wrestle it down. Funch reverses against the cage and drives for a leg. Patrick looks for a guillotine and the audience chants for a knee. Funch keeps driving for that takedown and the action stalls. Funch with a knee to the leg. Funch gives up takedown attempt and Patrick jumps for a guillotine at the cage wall. Funch is caught. With nowhere to go, he taps quickly. The official time is 1:48 of the second frame. Claude Patrick def. Ricardo Funch via submission (guillotine choke) - Round 2, 1:48.
Round 1 - Referee Kevin Dornan oversees the third bout of the evening. Southpaw Sobotta takes a jab. Wilks closes with a jab and a hard leg kick. Sobotta returns with a one-two. Wilks closing distance and weathering Sobotta's strikes. Wilks misses with a cross and the two lock up against the cage. Sobotta peels off with a hard left hand. Sobotta and Wilks trade front kicks and the two spill to the canvas. Wilks hints at a guillotine, but he quickly lets it go. Sobotta in Wilks' guard working body-body-head. Wilks angles for a triangle. Wilks quickly whips into an armbar and rolls the German over. He's got it, but Sobotta won't give up and manages to escape when he stands and pulls out. Sobotta attempts to return the favor with some strikes standing over Wilks, but no dice. Wilks lands a nice body shots as he corners Sobotta and Sobotta ties the action up at the cage edge. Wilks attempts a few takedowns, but he then drops to his back and locks up an oma plata. Sobotta escapes it and the two returns to their feet, where Sobotta immediately pressures against the cage. Wilks reverses and the two end the round in the clinch. scores the round 10-9 for Wilks.
Round 2 - Sobotta lands a couple of nice punches in the first exchange of the round and bullies Wilks to the cage edge. They wrestle for position against the cage and Sobotta drops levels for a takedown. Wilks throws a knee and gets the German to back off. Sobotta peels off with a punch. Wilks immediately purses and lands a couple of nice punches as Sobotta retreats. Sobotta again ties the action up on the other side of the cage and the action stalls again. Sobotta wants that takedown, but jiu-jitsu specialist Wilks won't let him have it. Wilks lands a nice knee to the head from the clinch. Wilks reverses and gets a quick trip takedown at the cage edge, and he's immediately in mount. He hints at an arm triangle, but Sobotta scrambles and grabs his leg. Wilks escapes and grabs a guillotine. Sobotta's quickly out of it and the two briefly take north-south before Wilks stands out of it. He misses a high kick when Sobotta gets up. Wilks chases forward with punches and the two end the round up against the cage once again. scores the round 10-9 for Wilks.
Round 3 - Wilks pushes his way in with punches and tags Sobotta a few times as the round gets underway. Sobotta defends as best he can on his bicycle and again, the two are locked up at the cage. Wilks scoops Sobotta up and looks like he's got the takedown, but Sobotta escapes. Wilks with a nice straight right. Sobotta goes for a takedown off a leg kick and Wilks grabs his leg as the two spill to the mat. But Sobotta is ready and takes Wilks' back in the subsequent scramble. Sobotta locks in a body triangle. Wilks fighting to control Sobotta's arms. Sobotta working to distract the native Brit. Sobotta stays on Wilks' back as the Brit tries to roll. Sobotta tries to use his right leg to snag Wilks' arm, but Wilks manages to spin out and take Sobotta's guard. Wilks works short elbows while Sobotta paws at his head. Wilks attempting ground and pound, but he's tied up in Sobotta's legs. Round ends, and scores the final frame for Sobotta, 10-9. But on the card, the fight goes to Wilks by a score of 29-28. James Wilks def. Peter Sobotta via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-28, 30-27)
Round 1 - Referee Tony Williamson oversees the action. Mirfagnda comes right at Loiseau, scoops him up, and dumps him to the canvas. Loiseau covers up while Miranda chops at his head. Miranda gets his hooks in and almost steals an arm as Loiseau scrambles. Miranda ends up with half-guard as he fires his left elbow down on "The Crow." Miranda working to trap Loiseau's arm and pass, but Loiseau retakes guard. Miranda posts up and drops a left elbow. He does it again and stands over Loiseau against the cage. He briefly gets a headlock as Loiseau covers up on his knees. Miranda with hard knees to the body. Loiseau doesn't like that much and stands up. His left eye is already puffy. Miranda knees the legs. Miranda with over-under grip keeps Loiseau from escaping and gets another quick takedown. Miranda lands punches overhead and Loiseau scrambles to his feet. They're tied up again at the edge of the cage. Miranada knees the legs with his back against the cage. Referee separates them. MIranda misses with a punch and they walk across the cage as they're locked up. Miranda misses with an elbow as he peels off and Loiseau misses with a high kick. scores the round 10-9 for Miranda.
Round 2 - Loiseau's left eye is puffed up badly. He throws a big couple of high kicks that electrify crowd, but they do little else. Miranda meets one kick with a punch. Loiseau lands his first big punch of the night. But Miranda quickly closes and once again forces the action down. He's at Loiseau's back firing away with his right hand as Loiseau turtles. One of his hammerfists has cut Loiseau's head badly. Miranda nearly stands up, but settles for Loiseau's back when the Canadian tries to escape. Loiseau goes to his back and pulls guard, but Miranda passes quickly to side mount and has back control on the turtled Loiseau. Miranda gets his hooks in and snakes his arms in for the choke. Loiseau resists as Miranda changes strategy and fires down punches and elbows. The Canadian is floundering to the dismay of the audience. They boo as Miranda pounds away with punches. Loiseau is doing nothing, and neither is the referee. Finally, after several moments of unrestrained punishment, the referee stops the fight.Upon replay, it looks like a clash of heads that caused the cut on Loiseau's head. The official time of stoppage is 4:07. Mario Miranda def. David Loiseau via TKO (Strikes) - Round 2, 4:07.
Round 1 - Yves Lavigne is the third man in the cage. Wiman leads with a leg kick. Danzig catches a punch as he returns with his own. Danzig catches a kick and takes the action down as Wiman tries to snag a leg. Danzig escapes easily and takes guard. He attempts to pass as Wiman sits up against the cage. Danzig postures up and drives forward but gets caught in a nasty guillotine. Wiman is squeezing the life out of him from the top in half-guard. Lavignes jumps in and stops the bout, but Danzig immediately jumps up and protests the decision. Lavigne appears to consult officials as Wiman attempts to console Danzig. The audience goes nuts with boos. The replay shows Lavigne testing Danzig's arm with a shake as Wiman applies the choke and stopping the bout after the shake. The official time is 1:45. Matt Wiman def. Mac Danzig via Submission (guillotine choke) - Round 1, 1:45.
Round 1 - Herb Dean, the Ol' Faithful of MMA referees, calls the second Spike bout of the night. Southpaw Dunham meets a Griffin punch with a kick. Griffin pursues with punches and Dunham backs off. Griffin leads into exchange with an inside leg kick and then follows with punches, but none of them connect. Dunham picks off Griffin's leg and marches him across the cage with it as Griffin fires back with punches. Dunham looks like he caught a low kick as Griffin shoots in, but the two break off and they're back to punching it out. Dunham catches another punch. He lands a punch of his own. Another inside low kick from Griffin. Dunham misses counter punch off a kick. Dunham with a combo that's mostly blocked. The two are punishing each others legs. Dunham almost connects with a high kick as Griffin punches. Dunham catches a hook. Dunham ducks under a punch and tries to wrestle Griffin to the ground. He's at Griffin's back and gets a hook in. Griffin drops to the canvas on his own and Dunham has his back. Dunham flattens him out at the cage's edge. Now, it's a wrestling match between the two fighter's arms. Griffin is punching backward. Griffin nearly turns out of the choke position but Dunham applies a body triangle. Round ends the two trading leather from the choke position. scores the round narrowly for Tyson Griffin, 10-9.
Round 2 - Dunham leads with high kick, and Griffin misses his own. The two exchange but nothing doing. Griffin goes with a straight right and gets taken down, but he catches Dunham's neck in the process. Dunham's head is nearly out as Griffin uses heel strikes on his leg. Dunham takes half-guard and struggles to keep Griffin on his back. He threatens with a D'Arce choke but Griffin scrambles out of it and they're back to their feet. Griffin purses with punches, but he's again taken down. He tries to snag a guillotine but Dunham's already free. Then, he grabs an arm and hints at a kimura. Dunham again gets Griffin's back in a scramble as Griffin tries to spin into guard. Griffin elbowing Dunham's thigh as the Oregonian tries to secures the choke. Griffin rolls to his stomach and stands up. Dunham's still attached to him, and Griffin is now at the edge of the cage. Dunham refuses to give up the choke position. Griffin pitches forward and puts Dunham on his head with a thwack. Griffin again stands and motions to the referee incredulously as the round ends. scores the round 10-9 for Dunham, evening the round score.
Round 3 - Griffin charges in with a high kick and the two trade heavy leather as Dunham tries to shoot. Dunham eats a punch on his way in and backs off. Griffin with an overhand right. Griffin misses with low kicks. Dunham flurries but only gets Griffin's gloves. Griffin meets Dunham with a knee to the body. Griffin shoots in and Dunham stuffs it against the cage. Dunham scores a knee to Griffin's head as Griffin breaks off. Griffin catches a Dunham kick and the two spill to the mat, but again, it's Dunham with back control. Griffin is trying again to spin out of the choke and Dunham is wrestling to complete it with his arms. The two fire off punches at each other. As hard as Griffin tries, he can't seem to get Dunham off his back. Griffin almost has a leg free, but Dunham gets both hooks back. Again, Griffin stands up and carries Dunham to the cage edge as Dunham locks in a body triangle. Dunham works for the choke. Audience is booing. Dunham looks up at the clock. He's squeezing Griffin's head with all his might, but he can't finish the choke. Griffin dumps him to the mat again, but the fall isn't as bad. Dunham wrestles to take mount as the round ends. It's a very close round, but scores the round 10-9 for Dunham based on his ground control.Judges score the bout 30-27 Dunham, 29-28 Griffin and 29-28 Dunham to give the Oregonian the decision win. Evan Dunham def. Tyson Griffin via split decision (30-27, 28-29, 29-28).