View Full Version : Mystery Email Claims That Linda McMahon Is The Reason For Daniel Bryan's Release

06-15-2010, 08:42 PM
The following is an anonymous email sent to various wrestling news sites, claiming that Linda McMahon's Campaign is the reason for Daniel Bryan's release. You be the judge as this is unconfirmed information:

"To whom it may concern;

I am a campaign worker for the Linda McMahon Senate campaign in Stamford, CT and I wanted to pass this information along to you. I am not a "fan" of Mrs. McMahon's family business by any means but I also do not like to see people's livelihoods taken away because of someone's political ambitions.

In regards to the released performer Daniel Brian this decision was made by Mr. David Cappiello the new campaign manager for Mrs. McMahon. After viewing the video of an incident of someone being choked and spat on Mr. Cappiello advised the campaign this could have very negative repurcussions to the campaign as a whole.

It was his decision that many in the media would use this against Mrs. McMahon in her campaign because of it's violent nature and it would bring up memories of the Chris Benoit tragedy which the campaign has tried very hard to distance itself from. He also felt it would significantly hurt her stance on family values to be associated with a product marketed towards children that allowed it's performers to openly spit in the faces of one another. It was this decision that led to the performer being released to show the media that Mrs. McMahon does not tolerate or approve of such behavior.

I am sending this to you from a temporary e-mail address. I will not answer further questions I just thought the truth should be put out there and not this rampant speculation. You can chose to print this or not, I leave that entirely to you."

Source: WZ

06-15-2010, 09:20 PM
Mhm he didint even spell bryan right.. dunno how much truth is in that mail but i think its possible

06-16-2010, 12:28 AM
Thanx for posting Eel!

Y0UR Messiah
06-16-2010, 01:58 AM
Well him not showing how to spell, does go on the idea that he doesn't follow wrestling...and of course he is working on a government campaign...those guys are morons.

06-16-2010, 09:35 AM
thanks fore the update

06-16-2010, 07:34 PM
thanks for the post Eel