View Full Version : Triple H's return speculation

06-22-2010, 08:01 PM
There’s a feeling among some that a returning Triple H will be the one to save WWE from the NXT Rookies.

source: LOP

06-22-2010, 08:23 PM
I think Trips are the new GM!

06-22-2010, 08:27 PM
Hooray for one man beating up 7! I wouldn't doubt it tbh.. This is Trips we are talking about.

The Major
06-23-2010, 02:57 AM
pfft. that should be kane doing that. trips will come back. challenge sheamus and win the title again for giving vince a new grandchild.

The Mac
06-23-2010, 03:08 AM
ya trips gets everything it should be kane not him

06-23-2010, 03:10 AM
thats exactly why he will do it lol

cuz its trips

fuck that that would be awesome if it was kane

06-23-2010, 03:46 AM
Yeah! I hope Kane is the one!

06-23-2010, 08:27 AM
Simple. new GM for raw shall be HBK shawnmichaels n wif his help HHH will make his come back to control the NXT rookies but fail. NXT season 2 comes out n pawns season 1 rookies. simple

Y0UR Messiah
06-23-2010, 01:34 PM
Hold on guys, I've stolen the run sheet for Triple H's return. It goes as follows...

9:00 pm: Triple H Returns.
9:05 pm: Triple H Destroys NXT Rookies with help from Little Bastard.
9:06 pm: Triple H Wins WWE title from Sheamus.
9:10 pm: Triple H knocks up Stephanie for the 4th time.
9:15 pm: Triple H tells someone to suck it.
9:16 pm: Triple H tells everyone he's the King of Kings, that Damn Good, blah blah blah.
9:20 pm: Jericho destroys Bourne in about 3 minutes.
9:25 pm: Vince McMahon comes out and fires someone.
9:30 pm: Triple H gets atttacked by King Kong and is taken out of action for the next several months.

Sorry guys...guess I only got the 1st page. I'll look around and see if I find the other ones to tell you how the rest of the show goes...hmm...wonder why they're is no date on this run sheet page?

06-25-2010, 03:48 AM
Hold on guys, I've stolen the run sheet for Triple H's return. It goes as follows...

9:00 pm: Triple H Returns.
9:05 pm: Triple H Destroys NXT Rookies with help from Little Bastard.
9:06 pm: Triple H Wins WWE title from Sheamus.
9:10 pm: Triple H knocks up Stephanie for the 4th time.
9:15 pm: Triple H tells someone to suck it.
9:16 pm: Triple H tells everyone he's the King of Kings, that Damn Good, blah blah blah.
9:20 pm: Jericho destroys Bourne in about 3 minutes.
9:25 pm: Vince McMahon comes out and fires someone.
9:30 pm: Triple H gets atttacked by King Kong and is taken out of action for the next several months.

Sorry guys...guess I only got the 1st page. I'll look around and see if I find the other ones to tell you how the rest of the show goes...hmm...wonder why they're is no date on this run sheet page?


Kenpachi Zaraki
06-25-2010, 08:43 PM
all you Kane marks you make me laugh........ The man has been at jobber level for the past 18-20 months he isn't beating anybody esp after they put the NXT guys over Cena and Bret no way

06-26-2010, 07:29 PM
It would be sick if trips was the one ordering all the attacks, making him heel again because face HHH is getting on my nerves

Kenpachi Zaraki
06-26-2010, 07:55 PM
Jericho might be doing it as well it would make more sense for Jericho tbh