View Full Version : Is JR The New GM? - Inside

06-23-2010, 06:07 PM
Jim Ross has posted his latest blog entry, which you can check out at this link. Here are some highlights from this entry:

We have been hammered with emails from fans who think that I am the anonymous, Raw General Manager. Some are adamant and almost childlike in that if I am that I should tell them and tell them NOW because they HAVE to know.

I like the idea of an anonymous GM but it does put some pressure to deliver a viable surprise when the day finally comes to reveal the mystery person or does it? The individual's identity wouldn't necessarily have to be revealed as far as I'm concerned.

Read on line about the Martha Hart lawsuit vs WWE. I am not a lawyer, have never played one on TV, and know zilch about this untimely legal matter. Nonetheless my personal opinion is that the timing of this legal posturing is questionable specifically as it relates to Connecticut politics. Plus, I have never recalled WWE ever doing any thing but honoring Owen's legacy and certainly not 'exploiting' it in a negative light.

Owen Hart is one of the most requested guys who fans want to see inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. We get dozens of emails off and on all year or whenever the HOF topic is discussed. Does this legal mindset mean that if WWE ever decided to induct Owen into the Hall of Fame that he so richly deserves that there would be more litigation? Should the threat of a lawsuit deprive Owen Hart of an honor that many feel that he deserves?

Contrary to any litigation, present or future, Owen's legacy isn't going to be forgotten and nor should it.

06-23-2010, 06:40 PM
Nah I still think it's HHH. As for this Owen Hart business, I think his former wife is just trying to get attention for herself. She should be happy that Owen is still respected, and honored by WWE fans.