View Full Version : Strikeforce Werdum vs Fedor Prelim coverage

The Mac
06-27-2010, 01:37 AM

Round 1 - Referee Kim Winslow in charge of the night's first preliminary bout. Dancing early, and Burnsed misses with a kick Burnsed shoots in, but Stack shrugs it off. Few feignts from both fighters Burnsed lands a nice right hand that pops Stack's head back. Stack returns fire, and a stiff leg kick thuds home. Burnsed shoots in successfully, but Stack scrambles up and pushes the action against the cage. Stack pressing in and delivers a few knees. Burnsed throws a few shots to the ribs as he tries to defend. Stack switches to a body lock. Few knees traded inside, but it's largely a stalemate. Winslow calls for the restart. Nice left from Stack scores. Stacks kicks high but eats a counter. Burnsed fires off a kick, but Stack shoots in and scores a takedown. Burnsed tries to roll for a triangle underneath, but he settles back into guard. Scramble back to the feet. Stack shoots in again successfully. Stack controls the position, but Burnsed rolls for an armbar at the bell. No time as the round ends. Burnsed had nice action late, but MMAjunkie.com sees it for Stack, 10-9.

Round 2 - Stack kicks low, but Burnsed pops him with a right that drops him. Burnsed follows to the floor, but Stack gathers his wits and works to the top. Burnsed again rolling for the armbar. It's not there, and the fighters stand. Burnsed works for a guillotine on the feet and falls back, but he doesn't have it. He releases and scrambles, but Stack uses the opening to drive forward into top position again. Scramble back up again, and it's Stack pushing forward against the cage. Burnsed tries to work free, but Stack trips him to the floor. Burnsed back to his feet, but Stack wants it on the ground. He can't get it there. Burnsed sprawls and moves to the back. As he steps over for the hook, Stack rolls to is side. Burnsed takes half-mount and looks to have a side choke locked in. As he flattens Stack, he lets it go. Full mount, and Burnsed is in control of a winded Stack. Burnsed tries again for the arm-triangle, but the bell saves Stack. MMAjunkie.com sees it for Burnsed, 10-9.

Round 3 - Touch of gloves to open the final frame. Stack takes the center and scores with a hook. Burnsed bouncing, but both guys look tired. Spinning kick from Stack comes up short. Stack misses a high kick but shoots immediately afterward. Burnsed reverses on the way down and takes top position. Half-mount for Burnsed. Stack scrambles underneath as Burnsed tries to pass, and he keeps half-guard. Burnsed passes the guard, and Stack gives up the back. Burnsed tries to work in his hooks, and Stack sweeps to top. Burnsed secures the left arm and tries to finish with an armbar, but Stack defends it. Burnsed lets go and stands. Stack follows, and he eats a jab. Stack shoots in softly, and Burnsed grabs a guillotine choke. Stack scrambles out and Burnsed tries to take back but he's too high and falls over. He's forced to pull guard. Stack on top, and Burnsed's head against the cage. Burnsed kicks off and stands. Stack shoots a single, but he's got nothing in the gas tank. Burnsed tries a guillotine, but he lets it go as he falls to the back. Stack throws a few tired punches from top in the closing seconds. Could be an interesting score depending on what the judges value, but MMAjunkie.com sees Burnsed as the active fighter and awards him the round, 10-9, and the fight, 29-28. Bobby Stack def. Derrick Burnsed via split decision (29-28, 27-30, 29-28).


Round 1 - Referee Jason Herzog calls the action. Joseph open with a nice low kick. Medeiros pushes in, but Joseph tags him with a flurry, Medeiros firm in the pickets, and he lands a Superman punch. Medeiros firing off heavy shots, but Joseph swinging back with his back to the cage. Joseph seems to be getting the best of the early attacks. Into the clinch, and Joseph pushing in. He backs away and scores with a right as he leaves. Medeiros lands a left to the body, and he's stalking. Joseph comfortable countering. Medeiros lands a left that wobbles Joseph. Now Medeiros finding range,Joseph moves forward but misses. Medeiros kicks to the body. Joseph moving laterally, and he lands a low kick. Medeiros just misses a spinning hook kick. Medeiros to the body and just misses up top. Joseph lands a nice low kick and moves away, traded shits, Medeiros with a jab. Medeiros with a front kick in the closing seconds and a knee up the middle as Joseph shoots. Close first round with action by both, but MMAjunkie.com sees it for Medeiros, 10-9.

Round 2 - Joseph again comfortable retreating. He charges forward with a flurry that Medeiros evades. Jab for Medeiros followed by a 1-2. Medeiros with an outside low kick. Medeiros lands a left that wobbles Joseph. Joseph retreats, and Medeiros lands another straight that sends Joseph to the floor. One shot from the standing Medeiros, and Herzog is forced to make the stoppage. Yancey Medeiros def. Gareth Joseph via knockout (punches) - Round 2, 1:19.


Round 1 - Bergmark is also known as "The Angry Hick." Just had to get that out there. "Big" John McCarthy in charge of the action. Bergmark with an early low kick, Rocha lands an overhand right but is staggered by a counter. Bergmark in the center as Rocha circles left. Rocha again throwing overhands, but Bergmark countering with force. Rocha shoots in, but Bergmark sprawls and grabs a front headlock. Rocha drives and drives then elevates Bergmark and puts him on his back. Bergmark works guard as Rocha delivers a few punches from the top. Rocha postures and delivers a few right hands before returning to Bergmark's closed guard. Bergmark works his legs high, and as Rocha scrambles away, the pair return to the feet. Low kick from Bergmark. Another. Traded rights. Left hand from Bergmark scores. Rocha shoots in on a low kick. Bergmark sprawls and tries to secure a guillotine as he falls to his back. It's not there, and Rocha pops out. Rocha lands a few small shots from the top before the round expires. Rocha spent a lot of tie on top, but Bergmark landed the best shots of the round. Nevertheless, Rocha takes the frame, 10-9, on the MMAjunkie.com card.

Round 2 - Rocha pops a jab. Bergmark stalks himand throws heavy leather. Bergmark lands a heavy low kick, but Rocha tags him with a right hand. Brief scramble on the ground, but back to a striking position quickly. Bergmark still throwing heavy hands. Rocha shoots, but Bergmark stands him up. Knee from Bergmark and Rocha drops. He's up again, but Bergmark keeps the clinch. Another knee from Bergmark before he tosses Rocha to the floor. Bergmark postures and throws shots to the body. As he moves in, Rocha threatens with a triangle. Bergmark backs away, and Rocha looks frustrated ashe's forced to return to his feet. Rocha shoots in again, but Bergmark shucks him off and moves to back-side control. Nothing there, and Bergmark backs away. Rocha with a hand on his hip as he moves away. Bergmark stiffly stalks him. Left for Bergmark lands, and right narrowly misses. Big flurry from Bergmark at the end of the frame. Rocha actually turns his back in the closing seconds to escape. MMAjunkie.com sees it for Bergmark, 10-9.

Round 3 - Rocha tries to attack early but misses and winds up on the floor. He pops back up immediately. Bergmark very stiff in his standup but powerful. Left hand for Bergmark. Rocha moves in with a 1-2 that's blocked. Bergmark swings wild hooks, and Rocha scampers away. Inside leg kick for Bergmark. Rocha shoots in, but Bergmark saw it immediately and sprawled to a front headlock. He shifts to the right and locks up a D'arce from north-south. It's not there, and he tries to re-adjust. Rocha works to his knees, then his feet, and Bergmark lets go. Two minutes left, and Bergmark stalking. Shot to the body for Bergmark, then the head. Rocha resets and delivers a right. Bergmark with an outside leg kick. Bergmark with a left and a right that score. Rocha tough, but he's in trouble. Rocha shoots. Bergmark shrugs it off and backs away. He wants to stand. He lands again, and Rocha falls to his back. Bergmark wants none and moves away. Bergmark teeing off and forcing Rocha to stand. Rocha turns his back, and Bergmark tags with a big right anyway. Rocha done as Bergmark moves forward in the closing seconds. Final frame all Bergmark, and MMAjunkie.com gives him the round, 10-9, and the fight, 29-28. Bret Bergmark def. Vagner Rocha via unanimous decision (29-28, 30-27, 30-26).


Round 1 - Referee Kim Winslow returns for the evening's final prelim. Earl jabs from both. Keslar lands a flurry then backs away and shoots for a leg. Keslar on top and very quickly to mount. Cope with his legs on the cage. He flips over and gives up his back. Keslar rolls with him, and both hooks are in. Keslar's feet are crossed n front, but he switches to a figure-four. Cope defends the choke well with his arms, but he's trapped. Cope tries to turn in, but Keslar maintains the back. Keslar switches from the left arm to the right arm and back to the left, but he can't get under the chin. Halfway through the round. Cope throwing a few punches behind him that land. Cope making the most of a very bad situation. Cope scrambles and looks to be escaping, but Keslar falls back to mount and then again to the back. Both hooks in again, though Keslar switches again to the figure-four. Less than a minute remains. Cope valiant in defense. Keslar continues to look for the choke, but it won't come. MMAjunkie.com sees the first for Keslar, 10-9.

Round 2 - Cope with an early kick. Keslar shoots in again on a single leg and moves immediately to the back. We're immediately back into the same position we spent the entire first round. Keslar continues to look for the choke. This time, though, Cope is able to spin free and take top. Scramble, and both fighters return to their feet Halfway in. Cope throws a kick that lands in the groin, and Keslar backs away to rest. Cope lands a jab on the restart, then a 1-2. Keslar shoots in again. This time, Cope is ready and defends well. He lands a kick as he backs away. Cope lands a spinning high kick, and Keslar drops for a shot. Tough to tell if he was trying to change levels or was simply dropped. He hangs on to a single-leg, and Cope fires off shots to the body and head. Keslar seems to be trying to regain his wits as Cope continues the flurry. No answer from Keslar, and Winslow watching close. Looks like the kick was indeed effective. More shots to the body and head, and Winslow is forced to intervene. No complaints from Keslar, even though some of the crowd disagreed with the stoppage. Chris Cope def. Ron Keslar via TKO (strikes) - Round 2, 4:32.

06-27-2010, 01:39 AM
Oh thanks for posting.