View Full Version : WWE House Show Results - Erie, Pennsylvania

A Blissful Ass
06-27-2010, 01:54 AM
John Bosley sent along the following:

This weekend the Raw Superstars were in Erie, PA for a house show. The arena was 3/4 full, but was definately hotter than usual for Erie. Here are the matches and results.

John Morrison vs. Ted Dibiase - John Morrison won with Starship Pain after a really good back and forth match. Maryse was with Ted Dibiase and was looking HOT!

Goldust/Yoshi Tatsu vs. Zack Ryder/William Regal - This was originally advertised as a singles match between Goldust and Zack Ryder but William Regal attacked Goldust during his entrance which brought out Yoshi Tatsu and it became a tag team match. Yoshi Tatsu picked up the win for his team.

Divas Championship - Eve vs. Alicia Fox - A decent Divas match, pretty short compared to the rest of the show. Alicia Fox with a fairly quick win. Santino was the special guest referee in this one and got more attention than the Divas with all the little comedy things he was doing.

Evan Bourne vs. Chris Jericho - Match of the night, I wish this could have been later in the night. A really great match with lots of near falls. Jericho really can make a crowd hate him. Evan Bourne won with Air Bourne.

Vladimir Koslov vs. Mark Henry - Typical big man match. Mark Henry wins in a fairly quick amount of time.

US Championship - The Miz vs. R-Truth - Before the match Miz got on the mic and did what he does best. Another good match, which saw The Miz win with the Skull Crushing Finale.

Main Event - Tag Team Cage Match Orton/Cena vs. Edge/Sheamus - This was actually pretty fun. In talking with one of the WWE crew guys he said that this is the first time in 2 or 3 years that they have had a house show cage match, so it was cool to get to see. The cage is not the same one you see on TV. It is set up manually around the ring on posts, and is only 10 feet high. This was like a regular tag, because the way the cage sits there's enough room on the apron for the partner to stand and tag in. Great back and forth match, Orton showed no signs of pain or anything in his shoulder, definately on top of his game. Cena did his usual thing. Match ended no contest, after everyone hit there finishers NXT ran in and jumped Cena and Orton. Edge and Sheamus got out of the cage and ran to the back. Evan Bourne and Yoshi Tatsu came out and climbed the cage and took out some NXT guys with dives off the cage. Then the rest of the Raw locker room hit the ring. They chased NXT to the back, THEN chased them back to the ring area. Finally they got away, except for Michael Tarver, who ended up inside the cage with Cena and Orton. Orton hit the RKO and the show ended with Cena and Orton posing in the ring and the Raw roster ringside.

Good show, better than I've seen in Erie before. Hot crowd, great mic work by The Miz and Ted Dibiase before their matches.